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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Wcostream has cartoons and anime but paywall some things, you can usually find them free other places though.
Reason: They paywalled not suitable for children but it's free on 123 movies clones
Lolcow forum.
What's interesting about this is that they still find ways to be whiny and unhappy. Funimation being absorbed into Crunchyroll and lots of the Right People being fired is good right? But they're still here crying and shitting because ????

No reason at all. They don't have any reasons to be unhappy but they're still whining about how they've been wronged and they're hard done by, because a pedophile voice actor got duped by a bunch of conservative grifters.

Remember that the money payments Vic had to make to the Funi VAs came out of the pockets of the kwiffar. They donated the war chest and then watched it get handed over to a bunch of twitter fags.

People making out Vic is the Harvey Weinstein of anime, and then the other side fundraising and sending gifts to give it to some incompetent hack just makes me realize everyone involved is a mentally ill loser.