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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Posting this here because his original (now deleted, probably by a moderator) reply to Norbert the Tiger was far harsher and brought up Norbert's comments on the age of consent, and I want to see if his second reply gets banned too.
What was the gayop he was accusing us of?
What lolcow.org gay op is he talking about?
He was responding to Odd Opossum's first post to him about posting the nudes, claiming that it was all a lie created to ruin his reputation.
its lolcow.org fault he found and posted an image of someone who may have been underage
the great kiwi accountability™ strikes again! this time, projecting harder than any movie cinema on this planet.

Posting this here because his original (now deleted, probably by a moderator) reply to Norbert the Tiger was far harsher and brought up Norbert's comments on the age of consent, and I want to see if his second reply gets banned too.
typical commiefarms fagmins behavior.

He was responding to Odd Opossum's first post to him about posting the nudes, claiming that it was all a lie created to ruin his reputation.
>when you care more about your reputation instead of the vile and horrible thing you did on a gossip site.

What's interesting about this is that they still find ways to be whiny and unhappy. Funimation being absorbed into Crunchyroll and lots of the Right People being fired is good right? But they're still here crying and shitting because ????

No reason at all. They don't have any reasons to be unhappy but they're still whining about how they've been wronged and they're hard done by, because a pedophile voice actor got duped by a bunch of conservative grifters.

Remember that the money payments Vic had to make to the Funi VAs came out of the pockets of the kwiffar. They donated the war chest and then watched it get handed over to a bunch of twitter fags.
What's interesting about this is that they still find ways to be whiny and unhappy. Funimation being absorbed into Crunchyroll and lots of the Right People being fired is good right? But they're still here crying and shitting because ????

No reason at all. They don't have any reasons to be unhappy but they're still whining about how they've been wronged and they're hard done by, because a pedophile voice actor got duped by a bunch of conservative grifters.

Remember that the money payments Vic had to make to the Funi VAs came out of the pockets of the kwiffar. They donated the war chest and then watched it get handed over to a bunch of twitter fags.
But MuH FuNiMaTiOn
this is what you will see when you visit your reaction received page.
View attachment 52757
remind me again why Josh is still in charge? like wtf is this bullshit?
Someone created a script that would allow you to still see your reaction score using the updoots on that page, so Josh set it so the count is randomized everytime you refresh.
Lol he's so dumb and stupid, amirite?
(Yes, but this time it was intentional)
What's interesting about this is that they still find ways to be whiny and unhappy. Funimation being absorbed into Crunchyroll and lots of the Right People being fired is good right? But they're still here crying and shitting because ????

No reason at all. They don't have any reasons to be unhappy but they're still whining about how they've been wronged and they're hard done by, because a pedophile voice actor got duped by a bunch of conservative grifters.

Remember that the money payments Vic had to make to the Funi VAs came out of the pockets of the kwiffar. They donated the war chest and then watched it get handed over to a bunch of twitter fags.
They are missable fucks by that point. No pilot to control the plane