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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
God chose Trump to win.
Perfection 👌
View attachment 74280
Kenny write this down, this how you make a site homepage you can't navigate .
What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he deliberately breaking his site because he has a broken dick so everyone else has to suffer too?

Most people mature with age, this fat faggot is ass backward and gets more retarded with age. His BP hags will stuff him into a nursing home with a couple of years at this rate.
She could at least bat her eyelashes coquettishly over a paper fan.

Applying lipstick then puckering her lips, looking in the direction of her crush... An Asian male with his eyes on her wallet


The swinging doors creak as patrons mosey in and out of the establishment. The air is thick with smoke and the sound of clinking glasses. JOSHELYN, a sassy saloon girl with curly blonde locks and a flirtatious grin, sits in front of a vanity, primping in the mirror. She applies a fresh coat of lipstick, puckering her lips as she admires her reflection.

(to herself)
Ah, perfect.

She bats her eyelashes coquettishly, practicing her best "come hither" look. Her eyes land on a handsome young Asian man, LI WEI, sitting across the room, sipping a whiskey. He's dressed in worn leather and denim, with a wide-brimmed hat slung low over his eyes.

(whispering to herself)
And there's my target.

Li Wei glances up, catching Joshelyn's eye. For a moment, they lock gazes, and Joshelyn's cheeks flush. She quickly looks away, fanning herself with a delicate paper fan.

(batting her eyelashes again)
Oh my, it's getting mighty hot in here.

Li Wei raises an eyebrow, his eyes drifting to Joshelyn's wallet, which lies open on the table beside her. A wad of cash peeks out, and Li Wei's gaze lingers.

(noticing his interest)
Oh, you're lookin' at my purse, huh? Thinkin' I'm a high roller, I reckon?

Li Wei shrugs, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

(in a smooth, low tone)
Just admiring the...adornments, ma'am.

Joshelyn's eyes sparkle with amusement. She snaps her fan shut, tucking it into her corset.

Well, I reckon you're a mighty bold one, Li Wei. Most men wouldn't dare eye a lady's wallet so brazenly.

Li Wei leans back in his chair, his eyes never leaving Joshelyn's face.

I'm not most men, ma'am.

Joshelyn's grin widens, and she winks at Li Wei.

I reckon that's true.

The two engage in a flirtatious stare-down, the tension between them palpable. The saloon patrons fade into the background as they size each other up, the air thick with anticipation.

kiwi farms is becoming reddit lmao

View attachment 74353

The song quoted seems to be from a goth band during the Bush years. They really are all just Obama drones.
What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he deliberately breaking his site because he has a broken dick so everyone else has to suffer too?
I'm going to disagree here. It's like the birthday hats or old snow layers sites had on Christmas: random buffoonery to make things funny. It only fucked the site completely for phone posters and those are undesirables anyways.