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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?

Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
coming from a kf'er.PNG

Wonder where this person's art is
They got called out for it, thankfully. However, there seems to be a distinct lack of concern from Josh and the moderators over somebody gleefully gloating about children being raped and murdered. It's times like these that I'm reminded that the culture on Kiwi Farms has shifted in directions that I find incompatible with my conscience.
Poltards make fun of kiwis. You know you've really gone round the fucking bend when poltards think you're fucked up.
Probably should have replied to her post not mine then.
Ashley, I don't even know who you are. There's no reason for us to be enemies as far as I'm concerned. Also you never got back to me about my sex life with my wife so I must ass-ume you would like to know more. We lather each other sensually in bacon drippings . . .
morbid fact: teenage/underage prostitution is now a common thing.

I wish I can make this up but no, this is an actual thing that's happening for years ever since services like onlyfans existed.

lay it one us
it's probably been happening since god or nature (however you choose to describe it) dumped humanity on the planet; not saying it's right though.
It started in the early twenties with feminist and sexual revolutionist within Weimar Germany and amongst other socialist groups. although it hasn't been on an industrial scale like this. I do believe it's the first time in history were prostitution has been seen as a legitimized business and socially accepted.
depends on your social circle.
Ken will dox me but when his grouphome gangsters start talking about how they relish the mutilation of children born into the palestinian concentration camp he's silent.

You remind me of that plagued moth freak that got his life ruined a few months back. This isn't a compliment. Same white trashy edginess dumb anti-social opinions and stink lines too. Same too old to be doing this. Is it really any mystery why I guessed you were Mike? You're his greasy spitting image if you aren't him.
Dammit I'm tired of playing these silly games. Do you wanna see my cock? Because playing these games is how my cock ends up posted in a thread. Just ask every nigger stupid enough to let me on his website. They all say the same thing "this creep he, he freaks out and starts posting pictures of his cock for no reason." You're pushing me to the edge. Edging me into posting my cock.

gotcha bitch.png