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Kiwifarms Gossip & Yarring KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
I trust him better than I do you regarding Ashley.
Ashley had been posting his employers info for a day prior. I went and found the photo of the home on the realtor site after running the dude's name through a data broker search. Then I sent the pic to Ashley because lol, which she posted the next day, which caused Kengle to shit himself (big lol)
This makes a lot more sense than Ashley actually having the self agency to drive that far away from her house for a weak prank. It makes sense because it's what happened
Ashley had been posting his employers info for a day prior. I went and found the photo of the home on the realtor site after running the dude's name through a data broker search. Then I sent the pic to Ashley because lol, which she posted the next day, which caused Kengle to shit himself (big lol)
This makes a lot more sense than Ashley actually having the self agency to drive that far away from her house for a weak prank. It makes sense because it's what happened
I actually have no clue what Kengle's bosss's house looks like but the reason the old KF thread was deleted is funnier than that. I posed as his boss on here propositioning him for sex and he freaked out about it.

I'm glad you and this clearly disturbed individual are hitting it off, I feel like you guys have a lot in common and he seems like he needs an older mentor.
Ackshually I was in the thread when it happened and Ashley's post was his employers name, name of business, home address and a photo of his home.
That's a hilarious fanfic but this is the Ashley skinwalker trying to get her thread reopened lol.
Or maybe it's her? Who knows this is the wild world of Ashley we're talking about.
Not just ID, a report from an OGGYN that you have a natural puss. or boobs.View attachment 64733
There's no HIPPA law for internet sites so you are literally self doxing your health status so if it leaks (and it will) you cannot recover damages from anyone.

If anyone falls for this shit then she deserves what she gets. This is the sneaky shit tranny niggers do.

That story has everything lmao
i like how she fixates on the bed flop as the WORST. THING. EVAR but this guy also poisoned her pets. just nonchalantly throws that little detail out there as if it's not as important as a bed flop being stolen.
Are these women even real? Is this a tranny seeking headpats? Is it a troll? Lmao

You think people would do that? Just go on the internet and lie?
Bro, you should know better than to take Kengle's word about anything, he's retarded
yes, we should all trust the mouth that said he will leave this site and fuck off back to kiwifarms only to return a few weeks later. we should all trust the guy that frequently skinwalks as anyone he doesn't like because he had petty bullshit with them
Ken's still not going to make you a mod. Neither is @Gargamel.
ironic how this asswipe wants to get his mod position back but at the same time, actively despises this site and actively derail threads. it's like this guy can't decide between hating or enjoying this site
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Well hey Arkomia, glad to see you're still butthurt about our time together. Have you taped any cameras to the inside of toilets recently, pervert?
yes, we should all trust the mouth that said he will leave this site and fuck off back to kiwifarms only to return a few weeks later.
Kengle shouldn't have tried to ban me and grave dance after I was gone for two weeks
we should all trust the guy that frequently skinwalks as anyone he doesn't like because he had petty bullshit with them
I've never done that but it sounds like a hilarious bit to pull judging by how totally not upset everyone gets about it, eh peeping tom?
ironic how this asswipe wants to get his mod position back but at the same time, actively despises this site and actively derail threads. it's like this guy can't decide between hating or enjoying this site
I initially made him a local jannie because he said he had a good story on Null. So he wrote me a very arrogant letter telling me what direction I should guide Onionfarms in. I told him no. The position didn't work out and ever since....
As a footnote, I banned him after he stormed out of here telling me he was going back to Kiwifarms and that Onionfarms sucks and was never coming back.
it's unsurprising to see him lying out of his ass about this one yet again. he always lie about everything
From talking about a kickstarter scam to now breast inflation surgery. Man, they have no more juice to fuel ever since Zoe Quinn basically became a hermit now for her EVS cousin huh?
I initially made him a local jannie because he said he had a good story on Null
Incorrect. I asked for my edit timer to be extended and you gave me a broom instead since that was too hard for you to figure out. You did want me to write a thread about Null's connection to Sanctioned Suicide but I told you to pay me as much as you were planning to pay "Adanna" (not a real person, just you poorly writing while wearing a kentai cloth)
So he wrote me a very arrogant letter telling me what direction I should guide Onionfarms in
Yeah, I said locking away Ashley's thread was the more expedient way to solve her trying to fuck with you IRL than trying to make Onion Farms censorship resistant by taping yer dingus between your legs and sticking a pride flag up your ass, you great big closeted fag.
A year later, Ashley's thread is locked because it turns out the simple answer solved a simple problem.
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