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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

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He was kinda busy running his other ghost town forum https://kennetherwinengelhardt.net/index.php
TLDR: Long time KF moderator ADHD gets outed for running years-long porn sharing DM chains and flees the forum.


ADHD's general presence on the main lolcow boards is either banning users or providing mundane commentary or observations. The rare instances where she provides information, it is always secondhand, primarily reposts from the Ovarit website.

I know its april 1st but people make out like this happening is impossible lol such a huge joke this would never happen on KF. kek

What should clue you in they made a featured thread on a Woman from KF. They'd just make everything disappear if it were real.
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