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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The cope and seethe for Nick has now begun
Hello! Big fan of your work. Would you kindly sign my balloon?
View attachment 56143
Lmao you missed out. That boomer went on a 9 11 fake plane and anti vax rant then had a monologue about stealing all the mylar balloons from the USA. Just so he can fuck them all dry without lube untill he tears the hardened smegma cap off the tip of his penis degloving it and circumcising himself in the process.
Reason: At least he is somehow pro Israel and anti Palestine.
Lmao you missed out. That boomer went on a 9 11 fake plane and anti vax rant then had a monologue about stealing all the mylar balloons from the USA. Just so he can fuck them all dry without lube untill he tears the hardened smegma cap off the tip of his penis degloving it and circumcising himself in the process.
europeans are going to fuck our balloons we can not let this happen bros