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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Vivian was a boy in the original Japanese version. Ttyd is a really good game regardless because I don't want to fuck the Mario characters so don't care what gender they are. I assume his favorite game is the first one because his PFP is lady bow. Idk which one I like better but the first two paper Mario games are the best ones because the partners are fun to use. I think the baby yoshi was my favorite because his color would change based on how long you leave the game sitting before completing a certain part.
I'm guessing he loves Kid Yoshi because he is a baby Shotacon. 🤡💀☇☃︎
Ask Anominous about the legality of fapping to neko shotas and ladyboy arts.

I remember someone saying AnOminious was never actually a practicing lawyer but a file clerk, and most of his info just comes from google-able sources. Although through his experience he probably knows the right search links.

So like most of KF, another LARPer. Like Null LARPing as a network/internet expert. If he was an expert he wouldn't need to whine for help to the Tech forum every few months.
I remember someone saying AnOminious was never actually a practicing lawyer but a file clerk, and most of his info just comes from google-able sources. Although through his experience he probably knows the right search links.
Like a paralegal? Or a secretary?
right winger yes but Alt Right is a modern 2010s thing and I don't support isolationism and protectionism.
Is that because you don't want the price of mylar to go up? It's like a furry who's libertarian because of the price of dog dildos.