This off-topic politisperging (look at all the stickers, that was the regulars of the thread telling him and the other guy to STFU) exchange between Null and the other pro-Russia users in that thread is such a great illustration of how obsessed they all are with their Globohomo Agenda conspiracy theory, that they can even twist the War in Ukraine to be about (((The Gays))) recruiting and killing poor, hapless, peaceful, straight, white people.
I actually went and read that exchange and it was basically a typical alt-right KF user trying to convince Null to back Russia over Ukraine because
1) the Ukraine army is being Pinkwashed in the Western Press because they happen to have a couple of out-of-the-closet queer service members. The Western press did this with the IDF too. In Syria it was the fact that they have cute girlsoldiers. Ihis is what these poor-bored-for-political analysis horny Western journalists always do when they want to cast a certain side in a certain conflict in a positive light: they thirst-post about their team having cute girls and fags.
and 2) (((Zelensky))).
In other words, the pro-Russia user's argument was that any war started by a world power that kills Dzooz and LGBTs is a good war, actually (aka, Average KiwiFarms User's Brainrotten Takes).
Null's reply to this nonsense is to one-up the user with an even more outlandish Globohomo Agenda conspiracy theory of his own.
Null thus argues that:
1) it's mostly
"white-ish" people dying in this war - this is correct, the war is an example of white-on-white violence, but Null is such a racist that he doesn't see Ukrainians or Russians as being truly white but rather
"white-ish" due to racial mixing, and he has to make sure to highlight that they are not not-really-fully-white.)
and 2) Ukraine is backed by the US military industrial complex, and since the top brass in the US are apparently all LGBT who have
"no immortal souls" and are OK with drone killing hapless defenseless civilians, it's actually (((The Gays))) in the US military who are using this war to kill innocent superstraight white-ish people.
3) If you support Russia you are
"just like a troon tankie". Null lives in a country that is overwhelmingly pro-Russia in this war, so I dare him to call the next Serb he sees spewing pro-Russia propaganda a "Stalinist transvestite" to their face. (They'll probably just laugh at Null for being such an American, but maybe they'll punch him if they're drunk.)
Here is a video (BBC, so take it with a HUGE grain of salt) about pro-Russia Serbs harassing a Russian draft dodger who fled to their country to avoid conscription:
50k Russian draft-dodgers have fled to Serbia since the War started, and if Russia demanded that Serbia round them up as illegal aliens and ship them back home to be conscripted, these proudly pro-Russian Serbs would.
4) Null then claims to have some kind of special expertise or knowledge about Eastern Europe, because he once took a picture of a nest of pigeons on a balcony with a blurry urban environment in the background, and that totally proves what an expert he is. (He also totally visited Dalian with his girlfriend and daughter, allegedly, so you'd better believe all his Sinophilic orientalist takes as well.)
Imagine suffering such a brainrot from your fucking homophobia and conspiracy theory consumption, that the only way you can argue about the War in Ukraine is in terms of which side has the most LGBT and Dzooz amongst its ranks or which side is killing the most white-ish superstraights.
Understanding geostrategic positioning is just not as sexy as perpetrating this nonsense about (((The Gays in the US milgov))) and (((Zelensky))) manipulating
"white-ish" people into killing one another, because (((they))) are so evil and soulless. As if white-ish people needed Dzooz and homosexuals to motivate them to start a war.
This posts implies Josh is very knowledgeable how eastern European culture and society works when all he's done is bum it across there and read /pol/ threads. This nigga doesn't speak any of those languages. When he wants something at a store he gestures like a spaz and flashes money.
Or he sends his alleged Serbian girlfriend out to buy stuff for him, and she's actually the one who does the talking for him whenever that's necessary. Allegedly, because despite him being in Serbia for 3 years, there is still no hard evidence that this supposed woman even exists. Imagine living somewhere for 3 years and not bothering to learn the local language, and forcing your girlfriend to be your 24/7 unpaid translator.
That would require him going outside. He orders everything online and never makes eye contact with the postman.
Also: lol "European culture and society works", it's the region were the work Slave comes from, and it's culture and society was communist for decades. If you've ever met people from Ex Combloc countries... They are like joshy in many ways.
Perhaps his alleged girlfriend has introduced him to her family. Can you imagine being a trad Serbian family, and your daughter bringing Null to your house one day to and introduce him as her new American boyfriend? I can totally imagine how that must've gone

. If there's ever a "Null the Movie" in the making, then this has to be a comedic scene. If my anti-fan fiction is correct, then I'd assume Null now thinks he knows what
"Eastern European culture and society" is like from having met her family once or twice. As if one family is representative for everyone else.
Josh pretends he had some principled, SUPER BASED /ourguy/ reason for leaving Ukraine.
View attachment 29857View attachment 29858
The truth? His VISA expired. He wanted to leave Ukraine so terribly because "Zelennsky is Jewish" that he begged Coach Redpill for help and tried to make a deal. Stupid people lie and say Josh offered to delete his thread. This is untrue and Josh hyperfocuses on this lie to make light of his own Jewish tricks. He offered to help "delist" Coach's thread from Google search results. Imagine if Keffals or lolcow Ethan Ralph asked Josh to do this.
His post about leaving the Ukraine because (((Zelensky))) got elected is almost certainly bullshit. Let me show you how that's an act of blatant historical revisionism, when you hold this claim up against his timeline:
Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy is a Ukrainian politician and former comedian and actor who has served as the sixth and current president of Ukraine since 2019. Born to a Ukrainian Jewish family, Zelenskyy grew up as a native Russian speaker in Kryvyi Rih, a major city of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast in central Ukraine.
Zelenskyy clearly won the first round of elections on 31 March 2019. In the second round, on 21 April 2019, he received 73 per cent of the vote to Poroshenko's 25 per cent, and was elected President of Ukraine.
Zelenskyy was inaugurated on 20 May 2019.
Null is rewriting his narrative as part of his trad-LARP to make it seem like he was always an antisemitic crank who hated the idea of Ukraine being run by a Dzoo.
When did Null announce he was going to move to Serbia? Allegedly, since there are no public receipts for this move whatsoever, and all we have is a picture of pigeons on a balcony with a blurry background, a supposed letter that someone else could've mailed for him, and Null's "trust me bro" word for it, which is worth next to nothing because Null is a gaslighter and a LARPer. Since there are no public receipts, we'll examine the narrative Null himself put out at the time about his move to Belgrade.
AFAIK, Null announced his future move to Serbia on the MATI episode "Illegal in the Philippines" (2020 02 28).
151 - Illegal in the Philippines - Mad at the Internet (February 28th, 2020)
KFA Upload: Feb 28, 2020
Committing cyberslaunder, the DOW plummets as Coronavirus spooks boomers, October Evans the deaf musician, Shanny for Christ makes history.
At the beginning of the podcast he mentions how he's gonna wear his gas mask on the plane flight to Serbia (as the world had just become aware of Covid-19):
6:45 It looks like something a crazy person would wear but you bet your fucking ass I'll be trying to wear that, on the plane to Serbia. There's no fucking way I'm not gonna wear a mask. I don't care how scary it looks. I don't care if it incites panic and anxiety in fellow passengers. They can just fuck off. They should've bought their fucking mask when it was in stock. Motherfuckers.
Later on this show he mentions wanting to sample a national dish in Serbia:
28:39 Dude, I have been told... maybe I'm distracted because I have been told that, in Serbia, there's, like, a street food there that's like their national dish that's apparently just like a hamburger mixed with, like, a kebab, that's, like a Halfway point. And that just sounds fantastic. I'm probably gonna get fat eating this shit.
So Null moved to Serbia sometime in the first week of March 2020.
AFAIK he never said a damn thing about (((Zelensky))) being the reason he wanted to move to Serbia. Everything at the time suggested that someone had asked him to come to Serbia, presumably his supposed girlfriend with his supposed daughter, Allegedly.
Again, everything or nothing in this narrative could be made up, I'm just posting his public statements at the time to highlight how he's now changing his narrative.
On the next MATI podcast, Swissophrenia (2020 03 06), he was supposedly
"live from Serbia":
152 - Swissophrenia - Mad at the Internet (March 6th, 2020)
KFA Upload: Mar 6, 2020
A lot of mail, government-sponsored genital mutilating microwave attacks, and some cooking – live from Serbia.
He began the podcast with an uplifting Serbian folksong (
Uzicko kolo – Milijana), and when he immediately got struck with a copyright claim at the very beginning of the stream, he remarked:
1:10 Copyright?! That doesn't exist in Serbia! There's no such thing as copyright, well, technically the song is copyrighted or whatever. I copyright-infringe on literally every single one of my videos at this point. (... 1:48) That was a request from the guy who hooked me up with this apartment. It's very strange cos, I am now in Serbia and this is the first time I have been in a house that, like, someone has lived in. Like, usually, when I go to place, I just get an apartment that's, like, a studio or a one-bedroom. And there's nothing, like there's nothing. It's, like, completely barren and I don't bother decorating cos there's no reason to. If I buy anything, it's a desk and an office chair, and that's it, that's my furniture. Usually there's, like, a bed and a sofa and that's it. But this is, like, a really nice place. And it's got all this antique furniture that somehow didn't get destroyed in any of the times that Serbia has been destroyed over the years. So I'm quite cozy here. My battle-station that I'm at right now is probably the fanciest that it's ever been, so. Everything is going well. There might be an echo cos it's, like, a roomy place. That's all there is, there's nothing I can do about that. (3:10) This city - and I fucked up pronouncing it last time, it's Beograd? Or Belgrade or whatever the fuck. I can't pronounce the name of the city. But it means "the white city". And it's pretty white. I mean, it's a little, like everyone has, like, a Mediterranean complexion because that's just what you get in the Balkans, but, it's also very clean. It's cleaner than, like, any American city I've ever been to. There's no trash anywhere. And it's so stark coming from big cities in Europe, like, Odessa was clean. It was very run-down but uh - because people there are poor - but it was clean. And um, but here it's clean and the buildings are more taken, like, newer, and more renovated.
4:13 People always get curious about me cos, it's like, what is this fat American doing in a Slavic country? What are you doing here?
4:55 I have to admit that Serbian food isn't as good as Ukrainian, like, proper Slavic food but it's very tasty.
So the claim that Null left Odessa because he feared the Ukraine having a Dzoo for president is almost certainly bullshit. Null stayed in the Ukraine for almost a whole year after Zelensky was elected.