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The Broom Has Spoken
Of course he's gonna downplay it.
I am just gonna plug @EsoShaggy on Twitter because he's the one digging up the most telling parts from the leaked chatlogs. If you read the parts he's currently screengrabbing and cross-posting to Twitter, you will see why Null is very eagerly downplaying this while denying it had anything to do with his website: PVS and his co-conspirator were actually planning to use Null's forum to post all their future leaks involving public figures on the right, and of course once they did Null himself would have a nice primer for MATI which he could use to disavow the claim that his forum is a far-right forum, because look at all these embarrassing leaks involving all these notorious rightwing people!
The Feaser Files: @RedPillGangTV / Teddy Feaser was actively coordinating with Christorian X to DOX Ethan Ralph's donors!
RPG wanted to use the illegal KS TV leak, planning ahead with CX/PVS to promote the reformatting of illegally obtained info.
RPG avows hacking and doxing!
PVS and RPG even speculated about an alleged tape of Baked Alaska with Milo Yiannopoulos together making The Gays In LA proud. #gaypride
The Feaser Files: RPGTV doxed @bakedalaska's family coordinating with CX/PVS with his upcoming KF posts. All to harass Baked & his family!
Feaser & CX unironically believes a "Milo X Baked sextape" exists, to the point they manipulated Baked's step sister after reaching out.
PVS not only researched out to Right Wing Watch but also wanted to get the attention of Fox News, once again shown playing both sides:
The Feaser Files: Christorian X plotted to get Teddy Feaser on Fox News by faking RPG's credentials to just to attack Nick Fuentes. Wanted to claim Teddy was a "political analyst".
The masterminds at Chudbuds were planning on destroying AF with the combined force of RPG+Tucker
PVS also wanted to falsely pin SWATtings on a couple of famous people on the right:
The Feaser Files: Teddy Feaser actively talked with Christorian X while CX/PVS discussed falsely reporting @TheRalphRetort and Nick Fuentes to the FBI for swatting.
So far CX has claimed Zoom, CowPoly, AF and now Ethan Ralph are the swatters, with 0 evidence. Fed Feaser!
So PVS & Co were planning to use Null's forum to get a series of leaks out that would scandalize various public figures on the right, while also figuring out a way to bring the leaks on KF to the attention of mainstream media like Fox News and even celebrity gossip website TMZ... but Null himself is still very casual and nonchalant about the instrumentalization of his forum. All Null has to say about it is
"oh, just use a password manager and don't download shit from Mediafire."
No, that's not the issue. The issue is that someone who was manipulating a bunch of people, including one of the KF mods (
so as to ensure favourable treatment of himself and his intended future leaks on KF, hence why PVS was asking Haru if Null trusted her), was also planning to use KiwiFarms to post leaks to scandalize a number of political people on the right, while planning to then bring the KF leaks to the attention of the likes of TMZ and Fox News, as well as anti-right media like RWW.
This clearly wasn't just about PVS stanning and alogging Ethan Ralph, it was about targeting several other political people on the right with scandalizing leaks while using KF as the platform of choice to get those leaks out... thus implicitly encouraging the right to eventually crack down on KF for embarrassing them. PVS wanted to orchestrate a dog-eat-dog situation on the right.
Not everyone on KF is going along with Null's "yeah SFW nothing to see here":
Altistic was not the one perpetrating gay ops, he just let the biggest fucking lunatic Chris X pull them on this board. I don't think he should be demodded but to sit there and suck his cock about he din du nuffin is also retarded.
Whoa, be careful there "Disheveled-Human", if you don't just blindly go along with Null's downplaying of PVS and the fact that PVS was actively woeing AltisticRight to ensure his future leaks would enjoy a safer landing on KF, I fear you might be joining us here on OF very soon.