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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Morbidly obese, neko shota fapping broom there.
Around 2 weeks ago Josh was moralfagging about a lolcow getting reported to the IRS by people who had a forum unrelated to KF. He accuses the O&A forum of swatting the lolcow (Fatrick) and seethed at users on his site celebrating Fatrick getting reported.

Now that it's lolcow Ethan Ralph getting reported to the IRS he brushes it off lightly. It's pretty clear his website has devolved into his personal army (if it wasn't always) and isn't about gawking at lolcows. He also brings up his own financials, which are in ruin, to score points against Ralph in some weird way.
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Gay-bashing is pretty much a prerequisite amongst trad-LARPers online. During his 10th anniversary MATI livestream, Null made sure to throw a once beloved music artist under the bus for being a bisexual woman and having dated another woman for 5 years. Because "separating the artist from their art" does not exist when you're a trad-LARPer fighting the "globohomos". Null stated on his 10th Anniversary MATI podcast that he has stopped being a fan of the female indie rapper K.Flay because "she moved to LA and became a lesbian".

3:02:05 Because, I'm a big fan of a musician called K.Flay - or, I was before she became, um, moved to LA and became a lesbian and started making political music, and just, like, shitty pop music. However, I liked pretty much all of her old songs. Except for this one song called Hail Mary, featuring Danny Brown. And his part sucks. (plays part of Hail Mary).

the "Bad Vibes" singer opened up about her coming out this past June. She posted a photo of her and her girlfriend, songwriter Miya Folick, cuddled up on Instagram with a sweet message.

"I love you @miyafolick," the caption reads. "Everything is bigger and better and brighter now. Thank you for taking good care of my heart. I’ll keep taking good care of yours too. Happy 1 year. And happy pride everyone."

Here's an excerpt from a 2019 MATI where Null talked about meeting K.Flay and how he enjoyed her music for years.

Kiwi Farms Null shares with chat his deep love of the musician k.flay
Clipped from: Art Stream - Mad at the Internet April 24th, 2019

Null: Oh, the $500 date. At the start of the stream I played a K.Flay song and somebody asked me for the K.Flay story. I'll, I'll tell that one. K.Flay is somebody, anybody who used the site in 2014-2015 would know, because I got turned onto one song by her. And I ended up listening to her entire discography. And I just love, I love pretty much all of her music, up and until her latest album. And I liked her music so fucking much, and it was unique. Usually, I like one or two songs from an artist, and, like, that's it. But I like all of her fucking music. So I contributed a lot, back when I was still working. I wasn't getting donations for the KiwiFarms then. But I contributed a lot to her album (Life as a Dog). And I ate sushi with her in Georgia. And it was a pretty fulfilling experience. She was actually really engaging. And it was a good experience. I don't have many of those. I "don't like Blood In The Cut"? I do like Blood In The Cut*. I just don't like most of the songs. I like every single song she ever put out except for Hail Mary, because Danny Brown fucking murders that song. He fucking ruins it with his hot fucking garbage. I don't know what appeal Danny Brown has. If you like Danny Brown you should fucking kill yourself because you're trash. And he ruined a K.Flay song. And in my country, if I ran a country, ruining a K.Flay song with your awful fucking feature should get you killed by hanging. So, fuck Danny Brown. But, up until her latest album, Any Where is Some Where, I liked every single one of her songs, and there are a lot of songs on Every Where is Some Where that I didn't like. There's one song on Every Where is Some Where called The President Has A Sextape. And she literally says, something like, the president has a sex tape and is a sex predator and because I have a daughter, I can't feel safe for my daughter anymore, cos the president has normalized rape. Like, that's, like, the moral of the song. Like, K, please, I really like you, please don't do this. I think you're smart, I respect your opinions. I'm sure you're very informed. But please, don't. (laughs) Please don't.

(Quoting from chat). "To murder a song is usually a way to say" something positive? Danny Brown did not fucking murder the song in a positive way. He murdered it as an... his fucking feature is just... here, you know? I'll play it! I'll fucking play his fucking feature, hold up. (typing) "Hail Mary, KFlay". Listen to this shit. (plays song). I'll play the 10 seconds leading up to it and then listen to his fucking part. No, you will listen! (plays song)... That nigger did that shit to my fucking K.Flay song! And I can't forgive him for it. That's the hard line. You do that shit to my fucking K.Flay and I fucking kill you! Motherfucker.

* Blood in the Cut is a song about BDSM... which trad-LARPer Null apparently likes. ("I need the buzz of a sub/Need the crack of a whip/Need some blood in the cut")

This is the album Null donated $500 to so he could have sushi with K.Flay:

6 left
have dinner with me and the crew before a show. we’ll get you 2 tix to the show of your choice & free dinner. includes album download + updates.

The "$500 date" he went on wasn't actually a romantic date, it was just a personal meet-and-greet with the artist. K.Flay was fundraising on an online platform for her next album "Life as a Dog", and in exchange for donating $500 dollars to the making of the album, Null got to hang out with her in Georgia. K.Flay was 29 at the time and Null was 22. It was while he was still living in the US

Rather than moving to LA to become a lesbian, it's much more likely that K.Flay lives there because she needed access to healthcare. K.Flay became half-deaf after suffering a viral infection in her ear following a earlier Covid-19 infection. She underwent treatment to try and salvage her hearing ability but it was too late:

Personal life
Flaherty resides in Los Angeles.[52] She has hinted at being bisexual in her lyrics and interviews, and was in a relationship with fellow musician Miya Folick from 2018 to 2021.[53][54]

In September 2022, Flaherty revealed that she had recently experienced sudden sensorineural hearing loss and labyrinthitis, causing her to undergo multiple forms of hearing therapy.[55] In October, she revealed that the treatment had been unsuccessful and that she had gone completely deaf in her right ear.[56] After she began releasing music again later that year, she admitted that she was initially concerned about her ability to keep making music while being totally deaf in one ear, but was adapting to the condition.[46]


Here are her Instagram posts about going half-deaf due to SSNHL (Sudden SensoriNeural Hearing Loss) and labyrinthitis after contacting Covid-19:

The idea that someone might move to a State where they're able to access medical care for impending deafness is not something Null is willing to consider.

This is the political song by K.Flay that angered Null, The President Has a Sex Tape (2018). He misremembered the lyrics though:

The president has a sex tape
Your daughters aren't safe at night
I got a feeling that my body is owned
A feeling that my body ain't mine
Look at who's having the fun
Easy to smile when you're pointing the gun
The president has a sex tape
The immigrant died at sea
First they come for you
And then they come for me

As you can see, K.Flay doesn't say anything about having a daughter in this song. She's rather addressing members of her audience that might have daughters (why Null himself would use the possessive, "because I have a daughter", in this regard is anyone's guess). K.Flay is now 38, and since she's never had any children she's likely just an "empty egg carton" to Null and his audience. Another reason to diss a once beloved artist since she doesn't conform to Null's ideas about how all women should be mothers.

This woman hasn't done anything to Joshua Moon personally, and he enjoyed her music for years. He said that meeting her was one of the few good experiences he's ever had. But now he has dissed her just because she was in a 5 year long relationship with another woman.
Gay-bashing is pretty much a prerequisite amongst trad-LARPers online. During his 10th anniversary MATI livestream, Null made sure to throw a once beloved music artist under the bus for being a bisexual woman and having dated another woman for 5 years. Because "separating the artist from their art" does not exist when you're a trad-LARPer fighting the "globohomos". Null stated on his 10th Anniversary MATI podcast that he has stopped being a fan of the female indie rapper K.Flay because "she moved to LA and became a lesbian".

Here's an excerpt from a 2019 MATI where Null talked about meeting K.Flay and how he enjoyed her music for years.

This is the album Null donated $500 to so he could have sushi with K.Flay:

The "$500 date" he went on wasn't actually a romantic date, it was just a personal meet-and-greet with the artist. K.Flay was fundraising on an online platform for her next album "Life as a Dog", and in exchange for donating $500 dollars to the making of the album, Null got to hang out with her in Georgia. K.Flay was 29 at the time and Null was 22. It was while he was still living in the US

Rather than moving to LA to become a lesbian, it's much more likely that K.Flay lives there because she needed access to healthcare. K.Flay became half-deaf after suffering a viral infection in her ear following a earlier Covid-19 infection. She underwent treatment to try and salvage her hearing ability but it was too late:

Here are her Instagram posts about going half-deaf due to SSNHL (Sudden SensoriNeural Hearing Loss) and labyrinthitis after contacting Covid-19:

The idea that someone might move to a State where they're able to access medical care for impending deafness is not something Null is willing to consider.

This is the political song by K.Flay that angered Null, The President Has a Sex Tape (2018). He misremembered the lyrics though:

As you can see, K.Flay doesn't say anything about having a daughter in this song. She's rather addressing members of her audience that might have daughters (why Null himself would use the possessive, "because I have a daughter", in this regard is anyone's guess). K.Flay is now 38, and since she's never had any children she's likely just an "empty egg carton" to Null and his audience. Another reason to diss a once beloved artist since she doesn't conform to Null's ideas about how all women should be mothers.

This woman hasn't done anything to Joshua Moon personally, and he enjoyed her music for years. He said that meeting her was one of the few good experiences he's ever had. But now he has dissed her just because she was in a 5 year long relationship with another woman.
Null is bitter over her having a relationship with a significant other while he can only stuff his face with pizza.
Null is bitter over her having a relationship with a significant other while he can only stuff his face with pizza.

Since I am new to your forum, let me elaborate so that we can get this out of the way, and everyone here knows where I personally stand on this issue:

I have seen various levels of belief and disbelief expressed online regarding the claims that Joshua Moon has made about himself over the years. I have personally been subjected to Null's (failed) attempts at gaslighting (which is why he got mad at me and threatened to ban me, because he realized I wasn't gonna go along with his claims) so I understand the tendency to distrust all of his claims.

For example, on your forum there are people who believe that Null is still a virgin, that he's a life-long incel and that any claim he's ever made of having been with a woman is just a part of his online LARP as an "internet tough guy". Others will claim the very opposite, that Null has been using his forum as a dating pool, that he was regularly hitting on female Kiwis and that he has had sex with some of them.

Same with Null's alleged whereabouts, over which there is a lot of speculation and theorizing, not just here but all over the net. I've seen speculation that Null has never actually left the US and that the "Null in Ukraine and Serbia" plotlines are just elaborate deflections he has put out and perpetrated, so that no one goes looking for him in the US. I've also seen speculation that he's a Chinese intel asset. Null as an online troll and LARPer is actively encouraging such wild speculation. For example, when "Odysseus" aka @Isaac Lee Flores began speculating about Null's Chinese connection right here on your forum, Null quietly logged into his Stack Overflow account and changed his public location tag to Dalian, a large city in China:

Archived: https://archive.ph/Cfuzu

Does that mean that Null has now left Serbia and is living in Dalian all of a sudden... or is this just more deliberate LARPing and trolling on his part to confuse people like "Odysseus"? I assume it's the latter, but who knows. All joking aside, I am just using this as an illustration of what happens when, in the absence of actual evidence, one rumour leads to another and how Null is exploiting this human tendency so he can continue to troll and LARP.

The fact is that there's a sorry lack of receipts for any of these claims and positions. If we put the receipts that we do have on the table (like the picture of the nest of pigeons on his balcony from MATI), we only notice the sorry lack thereof. It's up to people themselves whether they choose to go along with whatever claims Null has made about himself, or whether they insist on receipts and hence dispute all of it.

I personally do believe that Null has a long-term Serbian girlfriend since 2019 and that she's the one enabling him to stay in Serbia legally and above board. I have no receipts whatsoever to back up this belief on my part. My belief in this plotline is entirely based on MATI episodes and my own reading-between-the lines on some of the things that Null said during these episodes*. I admit this is flimsy but it's all I have. I don't know if I believe Null when he claims to have a daughter in response to the K.Flay song, I'll assume that was just an innocent Freudian slip on his part that I shouldn't read more into. But for all I know he really did have a Serbian anchor baby with this alleged girlfriend.

The onus is on Null to provide receipts for his many claims about himself. If he's been actively misleading his listeners with false claims, it's not their fault for believing. They gave him the benefit of the doubt and he abused their given benefit.

* Here's the flimsy evidence I have gathered from listening to MATI: Null was playing a lot of love songs on MATI in early 2019 to mid 2019 when he was presumably falling in love with this woman. Later he did a MATI episode where he generally and non-specifically spoke about moving in with someone after 6 months of dating and having to adjust to living with another person again. This was presumably around the time he left Ukraine and moved to Serbia to be with this woman. Then there is this IRL "friend" that he keeps referring to, a friend who is not Vincent Zhen/"Vinnie" from Steam, that Null deliberately makes sure not to use any gender-specific pronouns for, referring to this genderless IRL friend only as "they/them". For example, when he mentions a "friend" who "wants me to watch Breaking Bad with them", or a "friend" with whom he was going to do a keto diet. I have chosen to interpret these dropped bits and pieces of innuendo as references to his Serbian girlfriend, who supposedly likes Breaking Bad and is chubby and in need of dieting like Null himself. Past Null seemed to be primarily into skinny, sporty white "andro girls" with flat stomachs, perky small breasts and short haircuts that look suspiciously like adolescent boys, but perhaps he's done a 180 on his taste in women since he's gotten into Youtube deathfats like Chantal and Amberlynn, and now instead of pizza rather prefers a Lasagna del Ray with whom he can romantically go on a diet. Feel free to say that I'm reading too much into it. On another MATI he said something to effect that Slavic women "will yell at you if you don't clean up after yourself", and that they are used to asserting themselves because "their fathers were all alcoholics", so they had to learn to be assertive at a young age due to growing up in abusive households. That comment, again, to me seems like a vague reference to his girlfriend. If Null has hooked up with a woman who had an alcoholic father and is long used to asserting herself before assholes putting her patience to the test, that says a lot about their relationship... allegedly.
Since I am new to your forum, let me elaborate so that we can get this out of the way, and everyone here knows where I personally stand on this issue:

I have seen various levels of belief and disbelief expressed online regarding the claims that Joshua Moon has made about himself over the years. I have personally been subjected to Null's (failed) attempts at gaslighting (which is why he got mad at me and threatened to ban me, because he realized I wasn't gonna go along with his claims) so I understand the tendency to distrust all of his claims.

For example, on your forum there are people who believe that Null is still a virgin, that he's a life-long incel and that any claim he's ever made of having been with a woman is just a part of his online LARP as an "internet tough guy". Others will claim the very opposite, that Null has been using his forum as a dating pool, that he was regularly hitting on female Kiwis and that he has had sex with some of them.

Same with Null's alleged whereabouts, over which there is a lot of speculation and theorizing, not just here but all over the net. I've seen speculation that Null has never actually left the US and that the "Null in Ukraine and Serbia" plotlines are just elaborate deflections he has put out and perpetrated, so that no one goes looking for him in the US. I've also seen speculation that he's a Chinese intel asset. Null as an online troll and LARPer is actively encouraging such wild speculation. For example, when "Odysseus" aka @Isaac Lee Flores began speculating about Null's Chinese connection right here on your forum, Null quietly logged into his Stack Overflow account and changed his public location tag to Dalian, a large city in China:

Archived: https://archive.ph/Cfuzu

Does that mean that Null has now left Serbia and is living in Dalian all of a sudden... or is this just more deliberate LARPing and trolling on his part to confuse people like "Odysseus"? I assume it's the latter, but who knows. All joking aside, I am just using this as an illustration of what happens when, in the absence of actual evidence, one rumour leads to another and how Null is exploiting this human tendency so he can continue to troll and LARP.

The fact is that there's a sorry lack of receipts for any of these claims and positions. If we put the receipts that we do have on the table (like the picture of the nest of pigeons on his balcony from MATI), we only notice the sorry lack thereof. It's up to people themselves whether they choose to go along with whatever claims Null has made about himself, or whether they insist on receipts and hence dispute all of it.

I personally do believe that Null has a long-term Serbian girlfriend since 2019 and that she's the one enabling him to stay in Serbia legally and above board. I have no receipts whatsoever to back up this belief on my part. My belief in this plotline is entirely based on MATI episodes and my own reading-between-the lines on some of the things that Null said during these episodes*. I admit this is flimsy but it's all I have. I don't know if I believe Null when he claims to have a daughter in response to the K.Flay song, I'll assume that was just an innocent Freudian slip on his part that I shouldn't read more into. But for all I know he really did have a Serbian anchor baby with this alleged girlfriend.

The onus is on Null to provide receipts for his many claims about himself. If he's been actively misleading his listeners with false claims, it's not their fault for believing. They gave him the benefit of the doubt and he abused their given benefit.

* Here's the flimsy evidence I have gathered from listening to MATI: Null was playing a lot of love songs on MATI in early 2019 to mid 2019 when he was presumably falling in love with this woman. Later he did a MATI episode where he generally and non-specifically spoke about moving in with someone after 6 months of dating and having to adjust to living with another person again. This was presumably around the time he left Ukraine and moved to Serbia to be with this woman. Then there is this IRL "friend" that he keeps referring to, a friend who is not Vincent Zhen/"Vinnie" from Steam, that Null deliberately makes sure not to use any gender-specific pronouns for, referring to this genderless IRL friend only as "they/them". For example, when he mentions a "friend" who "wants me to watch Breaking Bad with them", or a "friend" with whom he was going to do a keto diet. I have chosen to interpret these dropped bits and pieces of innuendo as references to his Serbian girlfriend, who supposedly likes Breaking Bad and is chubby and in need of dieting like Null himself. Past Null seemed to be primarily into skinny, sporty white "andro girls" with flat stomachs, perky small breasts and short haircuts that look suspiciously like adolescent boys, but perhaps he's done a 180 on his taste in women since he's gotten into Youtube deathfats like Chantal and Amberlynn, and now instead of pizza rather prefers a Lasagna del Ray with whom he can romantically go on a diet. Feel free to say that I'm reading too much into it. On another MATI he said something to effect that Slavic women "will yell at you if you don't clean up after yourself", and that they are used to asserting themselves because "their fathers were all alcoholics", so they had to learn to be assertive at a young age due to growing up in abusive households. That comment, again, to me seems like a vague reference to his girlfriend. If Null has hooked up with a woman who had an alcoholic father and is long used to asserting herself before assholes putting her patience to the test, that says a lot about their relationship... allegedly.
I like your theory. If null is in the country with the girlfriend, I’m sure he’s not gonna really say that in public, and only for a few few people he can trust. in the end, it’s really no one’s business. And before anyone says anything shut it. I understand that there are many people especially users on this forum have something against Joshua moon. and I understand that and I agree with you. However, clearly, this woman has reason to be with moon. Why I don’t know I’m sure there’s a reason. If moon does have a girlfriend it’s clear she doesn’t want to be part of this Internet thing that’s going on. she doesn’t wanna be part of moons online shenanigans.
Since I am new to your forum, let me elaborate so that we can get this out of the way, and everyone here knows where I personally stand on this issue:

I have seen various levels of belief and disbelief expressed online regarding the claims that Joshua Moon has made about himself over the years. I have personally been subjected to Null's (failed) attempts at gaslighting (which is why he got mad at me and threatened to ban me, because he realized I wasn't gonna go along with his claims) so I understand the tendency to distrust all of his claims.

For example, on your forum there are people who believe that Null is still a virgin, that he's a life-long incel and that any claim he's ever made of having been with a woman is just a part of his online LARP as an "internet tough guy". Others will claim the very opposite, that Null has been using his forum as a dating pool, that he was regularly hitting on female Kiwis and that he has had sex with some of them.

Same with Null's alleged whereabouts, over which there is a lot of speculation and theorizing, not just here but all over the net. I've seen speculation that Null has never actually left the US and that the "Null in Ukraine and Serbia" plotlines are just elaborate deflections he has put out and perpetrated, so that no one goes looking for him in the US. I've also seen speculation that he's a Chinese intel asset. Null as an online troll and LARPer is actively encouraging such wild speculation. For example, when "Odysseus" aka @Isaac Lee Flores began speculating about Null's Chinese connection right here on your forum, Null quietly logged into his Stack Overflow account and changed his public location tag to Dalian, a large city in China:

Archived: https://archive.ph/Cfuzu

Does that mean that Null has now left Serbia and is living in Dalian all of a sudden... or is this just more deliberate LARPing and trolling on his part to confuse people like "Odysseus"? I assume it's the latter, but who knows. All joking aside, I am just using this as an illustration of what happens when, in the absence of actual evidence, one rumour leads to another and how Null is exploiting this human tendency so he can continue to troll and LARP.

The fact is that there's a sorry lack of receipts for any of these claims and positions. If we put the receipts that we do have on the table (like the picture of the nest of pigeons on his balcony from MATI), we only notice the sorry lack thereof. It's up to people themselves whether they choose to go along with whatever claims Null has made about himself, or whether they insist on receipts and hence dispute all of it.

I personally do believe that Null has a long-term Serbian girlfriend since 2019 and that she's the one enabling him to stay in Serbia legally and above board. I have no receipts whatsoever to back up this belief on my part. My belief in this plotline is entirely based on MATI episodes and my own reading-between-the lines on some of the things that Null said during these episodes*. I admit this is flimsy but it's all I have. I don't know if I believe Null when he claims to have a daughter in response to the K.Flay song, I'll assume that was just an innocent Freudian slip on his part that I shouldn't read more into. But for all I know he really did have a Serbian anchor baby with this alleged girlfriend.

The onus is on Null to provide receipts for his many claims about himself. If he's been actively misleading his listeners with false claims, it's not their fault for believing. They gave him the benefit of the doubt and he abused their given benefit.

* Here's the flimsy evidence I have gathered from listening to MATI: Null was playing a lot of love songs on MATI in early 2019 to mid 2019 when he was presumably falling in love with this woman. Later he did a MATI episode where he generally and non-specifically spoke about moving in with someone after 6 months of dating and having to adjust to living with another person again. This was presumably around the time he left Ukraine and moved to Serbia to be with this woman. Then there is this IRL "friend" that he keeps referring to, a friend who is not Vincent Zhen/"Vinnie" from Steam, that Null deliberately makes sure not to use any gender-specific pronouns for, referring to this genderless IRL friend only as "they/them". For example, when he mentions a "friend" who "wants me to watch Breaking Bad with them", or a "friend" with whom he was going to do a keto diet. I have chosen to interpret these dropped bits and pieces of innuendo as references to his Serbian girlfriend, who supposedly likes Breaking Bad and is chubby and in need of dieting like Null himself. Past Null seemed to be primarily into skinny, sporty white "andro girls" with flat stomachs, perky small breasts and short haircuts that look suspiciously like adolescent boys, but perhaps he's done a 180 on his taste in women since he's gotten into Youtube deathfats like Chantal and Amberlynn, and now instead of pizza rather prefers a Lasagna del Ray with whom he can romantically go on a diet. Feel free to say that I'm reading too much into it. On another MATI he said something to effect that Slavic women "will yell at you if you don't clean up after yourself", and that they are used to asserting themselves because "their fathers were all alcoholics", so they had to learn to be assertive at a young age due to growing up in abusive households. That comment, again, to me seems like a vague reference to his girlfriend. If Null has hooked up with a woman who had an alcoholic father and is long used to asserting herself before assholes putting her patience to the test, that says a lot about their relationship... allegedly.
You will join the blood feud?
Null about to rage-ban 20 more KF users in the Foodie Beauty thread in 3...2...1...

If I wanted to bring out the book and drop it for community infighting I could probably ban 20 people at this point. You all need to calm down.

Just do it Null, go ahead and send 20 more ex-Kiwis over to Onion Farms! Always room for moar!

Just because you and your Discord faggots are insufferable losers who should be shot, doesn't mean people have to like wings to say that.

And the Discord faggots too Null, ban them too and send them over to OF for reincarnation.
The Gays From LA ♥️ Discord faggots.

People really shouldn't be afraid of disagreeing though. if you don't agree with someone and don't feel like you can change their mind, why even respond?
Posters in this thread should probably pay more attention to how they react.

Bitch pleeeeaaaaseee.