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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
One thing people forget is that Jewsh really doesn't know how to cook for himself that well and more importantly, he hates it. I remember in Serbia he was getting fast food like twice a day, he really liked the pizza and hamburgers. He was a particular fan of Serbian mustard which is a lot more like a horse radish.
He wasn't trying to make them out of actual silver was he?
>I could very easily just plate chink rounds with silver but I insist on it being 0.999 and 1oz. I want real, collectible coins to the same standard as any other mint.
the christ comparison is just astounding

this whole thread is going to be amazing, lol
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the christ comparison is just astounding
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this whole thread is going to be amazing, lol
Unpopular opinion: Nothing wrong with being a stepdad. I wouldn't want to be one, but I find "Sucks your dad died of cancer, Tommy. I know kids who grow up without strong male figures in their lives end up being fucked up weirdos, but retards on the internet will call me a cuck, so I can't date or marry your mom" to be somewhat hypocritical from people who keep screaming about how important the family unit is.
Unpopular opinion: Nothing wrong with being a stepdad. I wouldn't want to be one, but I find "Sucks your dad died of cancer, Tommy. I know kids who grow up without strong male figures in their lives end up being fucked up weirdos, but retards on the internet will call me a cuck, so I can't date or marry your mom" to be somewhat hypocritical from people who keep screaming about how important the family unit is.
Its really only an issue if you have never had kids of your own, want to, but your wife doesn't because she just wants your step kids. Then I would say you should look elsewhere.
Its really only an issue if you have never had kids of your own, want to, but your wife doesn't because she just wants your step kids. Then I would say you should look elsewhere.
For sure that'd be a problem. Seems to me though that a lot of those incel types seem to think being happy being just a stepdad makes you a cuck or that not wanting kids is an aberration despite the fact that there are biological and social advantages that stem from some people not having kids.