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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
For sure that'd be a problem. Seems to me though that a lot of those incel types seem to think being happy being just a stepdad makes you a cuck or that not wanting kids is an aberration despite the fact that there are biological and social advantages that stem from some people not having kids.
To be fair, for a lot of young people there are far more instances of "irresponsible thot has a kid with a random man who left her and now wants someone to to raise it for her" than there are where the father dies or something. So from their perspective becoming a stepdad is essentially taking on the consequences of someone else's actions in a situation where they gain very little.
Also true, but IMO being a stepdad in that situation isn't a bad thing. I don't like the idea of a child suffering for his parents' foolishness. Obviously no one is obligated to be a stepdad, but I don't think a guy stepping in to be a good dad to a kid who needs it, even if he doesn't end up having kids of his own, is worthy of derision.

Ideally the woman in that situation would be smarter about her choices, but the world is far from ideal.
Why is Josh trying to argue that "all women want kids" when he:
1) isn't a woman (yet :opeed: )
2) doesn't have any in his life
3) lacks the mental stability/empathy to even prax it?
He's a full-of-himself smartass who didn't get enough swirlies and wedgies in junior high
the christ comparison is just astounding
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this whole thread is going to be amazing, lol
It's cool he suddenly became neurotic about people having kids when we're in the middle of an uncontrolled pandemic and people are using credit cards to keep themselves from being evicted. Has Josh ever been formally diagnosed with anything besides ODD?
Josh doesn't really seem to have many positive traits that are worth being passed on, anyway.

Josh "Eugenics For Thee But Not For Me" Moon
Absolutly his genetic is pretty bad
He's lazy,short,fat and his eyes are too far appart

Yet my man wants to protect his genetics from those daaam niggers.

At least I am not black Am I right?
Being a slave to your "biological imperative" sounds an awful lot like what people like him accuse blacks of doing, and look down on them for it.
or drug addicts/alcoholics
Also true, but IMO being a stepdad in that situation isn't a bad thing. I don't like the idea of a child suffering for his parents' foolishness. Obviously no one is obligated to be a stepdad, but I don't think a guy stepping in to be a good dad to a kid who needs it, even if he doesn't end up having kids of his own, is worthy of derision.

Ideally the woman in that situation would be smarter about her choices, but the world is far from ideal.
a man who is willing to be a good father figure to kids who need one is 100 times more valuable than a man who can't even take care of a basil plant.
Someone in the thread quoted Null going on a pointless rant on a MATI episode:
Here, I'll tell you guys my personal philosophy, because I've been... I've always been a weirdo, I've usually been alone... in my life, I've had a couple flings, you know, I've had some interaction, with the fairer sex. But, I've come to the realization, as I've gotten older, that I figured out the meaning of life, and if you guys would entertain me, here's my meaning of life. The whole reason that you exist is extremely simple. I've thought about this for years and years. I believe, that in this point of time, the only reason you exist is to have babies, and a childless life, is a totally meaningless life.

Like, even with Nikola Tesla, he was a famous Serbian engineer, but he was childless, he never dated, he never married, everyone thought he was gay, and he fell in love with a pigeon, that's the story of Nikola Tesla. And even someone as famous and as influential as him- he's dead, and he didn't further his genetics in his time on Earth. And I guess maybe, you could theoretically posit that his intelligence, his contributions to science are his offspring, his legacy- but, you know, I don't hold that, because the thing about science is that it's true, and it's always true. If something isn't discovered by a certain person, if you killed Nikola Tesla before he discovered what he did for instance, it would be discovered later by someone else, because what he found is a truth. It's a natural law, it's a thing that always will exist, and if it's discovered later, then at worst, it just sets back humanity a little bit. I think nobody could argue, even following that logic, that Tesla having children would be better than him not having kids(?).

I would say it's better to have kids and not be a success, than to not have kids at all, at least in terms of the selfish concept of why you're here. If you don't have kids and you die, you will be forgotten and you're a dead end. You're not the product of good people, or of the smartest people, you're just the product of people who could make it, you know what I mean? You're the product of the good enough. And I think people who get so caught up in their own imagination and their own work and their sciences and studies, who put everything including family and relationships and children behind those things, they're not fit enough- they couldn't balance the things in their life that they need. That's why the most intelligent people often also seem to be the most depressed, because they don't have a balance of things in their life. It's such a primal thing, it's such an instinct that everyone has, if you can't do that, you really weren't good enough to be carried on, you deserve to be extinguished from the tree of life. If you want to know what I think the meaning of life is, it's children, and that's it, literally nothing else.

It's just ludicrous that Josh (and others too) can even believe this. Even if you don't give a shit about science and solving the mysteries of the universe and all of that 'gay shit' and just look at it from a pure "what is my legacy?" point of view, people will be talking about Tesla and his contributions to the world for hundreds of years, if not more. And it's the same with a lot of people who dedicate their lives to something. Euclid was born almost 2 and a half millennia ago and we're still talking about his work. Did he ever have kids? We literally don't even know, and sure as fuck nobody cares as much about any offspring that he had compared to his mathematical achievements and finding truths. Sure, "someone else would have found those truths probably", but Euclid (and Tesla) was first, so he gets the credit. That's how it works.

And finding truths expeditiously is absolutely something for humanity as a whole to be proud of. You can say "eh, I'll just have kids and surely at some point someone will discover fire/gravity/electricity/mathematics/science/how to filter water so I don't shit myself to death drinking it/etc". But that's exactly it: at some point someone down the chain will have to put the work in. And the people that make discoveries like that are pretty much always the people who see knowledge/science/invention as their passion and calling in life (and maybe they have kids too, but there's quite a few of them that don't). Regardless, they'd all disagree vehemently with Josh's assertion that "it's better to have kids and not be a success".
Kiwifarms is practically the new r/incels. I literally remember incels saying shit like this, like if you don't have kids you are a loser who doesn't matter.

To which I replied that they're right and no one cared about Isaac Newton because he died a virgin.

Like sure, we can't all be Isaac Newton, and for most people their legacy will be their kids. They're still gonna be forgotten within three generations. I know almost nothing about my great grandparents and literally nothing about their parents, and most people I know are in the same boat.

I probably sound like a doomer, but I don't view this as a bad thing or a good thing, simply a fact. Just do the best you can with the time you have. If having kids will make you fulfilled, and you can care for them properly, go ahead. If you don't want to have kids, that's fine too.
Someone in the thread quoted Null going on a pointless rant on a MATI episode
This fat faggot is so useless he can't think of literally anything to leave to the world but his crotch spawn.
And it's not like those kids (fat chance they ever actually materialize, but let's play pretend) could achieve anything either. In addition to inheriting his second rate genetic material, they'd also be saddled with his terrible parenting and insane ideas of the world.

I don't view this as a bad thing or a good thing, simply a fact. Just do the best you can with the time you have. If having kids will make you fulfilled, and you can care for them properly, go ahead.
That's true but the problem is, J. C Moon is a massive narcissist. He can't just "do the best he can with his time". He has to believe he's doing something big. He has to believe he's going against (((the system))). He's a special little boy after all. He would rather rot in some second world shithole then live like a normal person.
Maybe Josh is just thinking like those people from Chad/Niger/Algeria and wants tons of kids in a hope that at least one of them will go on to be the next polymath of our times, inventing the AGI, genetically engineering humans to eliminate cancer, creating a neuron-resolution BMI that'll let people live in whatever anime world they want forever (Stopping cell oxidation and mutations from the cancer shit in addition to unbounded regeneration will cause humans to live indefinitely) and become the globalist president.

God knows he certainly wouldn't be able to pull any of it off (Or anyone really for a long, long time if we're being realistic here)
Basically the Euphoric version of:

Kiwifarms is practically the new r/incels.
There have been a fucking lot of them cropping up lately, which leads me to think that a watering hole for teenage incels got shut down somewhere and the lol so edgy humor pipeline tunneled them in. I've only been around since late May of last year, but within that period the last month or so has seen a huge uptick in incels whining about how unfair the world is and how they deserve PUUUUSSSSSSYYYYYYY for being such nice guys.

They are a great source of sodium now that my usual intake has dried up with politics becoming boring business as usual
He's talked about having dog when he was still living with mommy. I'm guessing she took care of it for the most part