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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Someone in the thread quoted Null going on a pointless rant on a MATI episode:

It's just ludicrous that Josh (and others too) can even believe this. Even if you don't give a shit about science and solving the mysteries of the universe and all of that 'gay shit' and just look at it from a pure "what is my legacy?" point of view, people will be talking about Tesla and his contributions to the world for hundreds of years, if not more. And it's the same with a lot of people who dedicate their lives to something. Euclid was born almost 2 and a half millennia ago and we're still talking about his work. Did he ever have kids? We literally don't even know, and sure as fuck nobody cares as much about any offspring that he had compared to his mathematical achievements and finding truths. Sure, "someone else would have found those truths probably", but Euclid (and Tesla) was first, so he gets the credit. That's how it works.

And finding truths expeditiously is absolutely something for humanity as a whole to be proud of. You can say "eh, I'll just have kids and surely at some point someone will discover fire/gravity/electricity/mathematics/science/how to filter water so I don't shit myself to death drinking it/etc". But that's exactly it: at some point someone down the chain will have to put the work in. And the people that make discoveries like that are pretty much always the people who see knowledge/science/invention as their passion and calling in life (and maybe they have kids too, but there's quite a few of them that don't). Regardless, they'd all disagree vehemently with Josh's assertion that "it's better to have kids and not be a success".
you're wrong. cooming into a woman is way more praiseworthy than discovering electricity.
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If having kids is important to you, you should try to have kids. If it's not, you shouldn't. Worst thing you can do is saddle yourself with kids you don't really want because of some autistic "biological imperative" theory.
Studies across the board show having kids actually decreases the happiness of parents, especially mothers but that's probably just in America because this place is a shithole. One of the only developed countries that don't offer child care assistance so people are left to beg relatives to babysit or pay ridiculous fees to neighborhood people you might not entirely trust with your kid.
If having kids is important to you, you should try to have kids. If it's not, you shouldn't. Worst thing you can do is saddle yourself with kids you don't really want because of some autistic "biological imperative" theory.

The worst thing that could possibly happen is Josh actually getting to follow through with this, not only because his spawn would be unleashed upon the world, but mostly because he would absolutely lose all interest in taking care of it once he had one. Assuming he could even find a woman who was willing to put up with his general shit and running a cyberbullying forum, his total neglect of the child would obviously cause any sort of relationship to fall apart within a couple of years max.
I'm a 23 year old incel. That is the truth. I've never had sex, never kissed a girl and never held hands with a girl. I've been trying to get laid by swiping right on every girl on Tinder, but I only match with the most repulsive fat chicks.

I even tried hiring an escort to lose my virginity, but the only escort in my area hasn't texted me back. I could have never imagined how hard it would be just to deposit my dick inside of some girl's coochie. The thing is that I'm not even ugly, I'm like an average guy.

6/10ths of the male population must be incel at this point. Women evolved to only want the best looking men and before social media, the amount of men the average female were exposed to were all the men in her general area, but now she's exposed to thousands of men and due to the evolved predisposition to go for the best looking men, only the top 20% of men get any success on dating apps and social media. That leaves the bottom 80% with almost nothing except for fat chicks and the deformed (I've literally only matched with fat chicks and chicks with facial deformities). I guarantee most of you guys are also incels too, but won't admit it. I bet you don't even try and say you're not an incel. Even if you did try, you wouldn't get no poon.

Life just fucking sucks. I wish I was having sex with the hottest women, I wish I was impregnating women, but instead I'm bored as shit trolling on the internet. Nothing is fun anymore. All I lust for is to be with a beautiful woman. Touch them, cuddle with them, kiss them, taste their bodies, taste their pussies, taste their armpits, and just smell them.

It's like only being able to look at images of the most delicious and satisfying food like steak, chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, turkey, etc, but never getting the chance to ever eat it. You crave it, you constantly think about it, it makes your mouth water, and every fiber of your being craves it, but you will never have it and instead you're stuck eating bland unappetizing white rice. That's what it's like.

It's torture. It isn't fair.
Men who are cucks (including stepfathers) and permanent bachelors have failed their biological imperatives in identical ways.

P.S. The only time being a stepfather is not being a cuck is basically a brady bunch situation. Two parents, both have kids, both separated due to reasons outside of relationship failure, get together and have kids together.

Imagine how miserable having this outlook on humanity has to make anyone, just a total lack of empathy where you can't even understand the basic emotional reasons people do anything. Maybe step fathers usually actually like their adopted kids? Maybe people who adopt kids like their children because we're thinking, feeling philosophizing beings who are capable of more complicated things than insects?
Imagine how miserable having this outlook on humanity has to make anyone, just a total lack of empathy where you can't even understand the basic emotional reasons people do anything.
Exactly. I think he's been on Kiwi (and /pol/, and just the Internet in general to be honest) for way too long and way too frequently, and it's literally atrophied his empathy.
the christ comparison is just astounding
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this whole thread is going to be amazing, lol
I'm surprised he hasn't used his standard rebuttal of 'kill yourself' in that thread yet.