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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh sure is giving a lot of attention to Chantal lately, huh? Wonder what that could mean...

I am honestly baffled trolls have not tried this yet well it was done back in 2014/15 with people from /cow/ PMing Josh as female users but I haven't seen anything since. There's so much potential with this... and the other thirsty users I've talked about...

Thing is about Josh he has been around women, but because they've all been mentally ill and he's mentally ill he thinks they need to be controlled. That's the entire premise of traditional lifestyles. Ownership. That is, the husband owns the woman who stays home all day and takes care of household chores.
Notice its only politisperg incels on the internet who call for "traditional" lifestyles, usually because they have severe trust issues and/or got buttblasted by a female at some point. Trust is the most important aspect of any relationship 100%. Being on these sites isn't good for trust in the slightest.
Traditionalism is just compensating narcissism for puny nerds who can't prove themselves any other way. Traditionalism says Josh is superior because he was born male and White so that's very convenient for someone who doesn't have social skills or accomplishments.
Has Josh even had a relationship since he started the forum? I mean beyond messages from mentally ill "mean girls" who hang around.
Traditionalism is just compensating narcissism for puny nerds who can't prove themselves any other way. Traditionalism says Josh is superior because he was born male and White so that's very convenient for someone who doesn't have social skills or accomplishments.
Has Josh even had a relationship since he started the forum? I mean beyond messages from mentally ill "mean girls" who hang around.

Point of fact, something that makes the traditionalism more pathetic. Josh is by FAR and away not considered superior under traditionalism. You are thinking a little too simplictic, which fair enough not something you care about. But it's far more effective to point out that when compared with traditionalist values Josh is just as bad as a nigger and would be shunned by the white community just as hard. He's a social outcast, he's a sexual deviant, and he has no hopes of getting a wife who loves him and wants to make babies.
No matter what kind of society you try to put him in Josh will always be a loser.

Also, no he hasn't. He claims the blockland girl is the only woman he will ever love. Which if you read the blockland thread is extremely pathetic and sad.
Everyone who isn't a chair-ridden deathfat is more functional as a human being than Jewsh.
And considering he never leaves his house, only to buy some supplies like soda or go eat pizza, he may as well be chair-ridden.

honestly I think this may be why he’s been so obsessed with deathfats lately,: he can still look down on them. Like, sure he’s fat and permanently unemployable but at least he’s <400 pounds.
honestly I think this may be why he’s been so obsessed with deathfats lately,: he can still look down on them. Like, sure he’s fat and permanently unemployable but at least he’s <400 pounds.
You sure about that? He hasn't uploaded a picture of himself since the 2016 election.
You sure about that? He hasn't uploaded a picture of himself since the 2016 election.
josh height weight dimensinos.png

This is how much he SAYS he weighs. So I'd add about 100lbs and call that the truth.