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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
We will invade you and destroy all your infrastructure

Then we'll get bored and leave

Sounds like a sound strategy to me. Ever play Civilization? You can't just take completely take over every city and country, the upkeep and public opinion is a nightmare to keep up with. Just cripple your enemies to the point irrelevancy, while you keep growing and prospering. Don't you know anything?
Sounds like a sound strategy to me. Ever play Civilization? You can't just take completely take over every city and country, the upkeep and public opinion is a nightmare to keep up with. Just cripple your enemies to the point irrelevancy, while you keep growing and prospering. Don't you know anything?
Don't civsplain to me Zoomer. I'd bet you're a CIV V/VI cuck.
"Any women who says she doesn't want kids is lying to herself."

Pretty rich coming from the due who threw away his life just to run some fringe forum instead of, ya know, actually going out and having kids.

Seriously, he sounds like /pol/-tards bitching about the white race going extinct instead of going through the effort to propagate it.
"Any women who says she doesn't want kids is lying to herself."

Pretty rich coming from the due who threw away his life just to run some fringe forum instead of, ya know, actually going out and having kids.

Seriously, he sounds like /pol/-tards bitching about the white race going extinct instead of going through the effort to propagate it.
the power of the BBC is just too strong to resist
at this point Josh may as well transition into Josheline and get fucked by a dog like proper white girls do
Null, in order to know what women really want, you have to actually be around women... date actual women... have experience in relationships with other women... women as in IRL ones that walk around your city/neighborhood. When's the last time you actually went on a date? I didn't realize you were rolling in on all that pussy, bro.
What actually verified born female people does Null really know? There's his mom, and they don't talk to each other, and … I can't think of anybody else.
Modern women fuck dogs due to the rejection of motherhood and have vore fetishes as a way to cope with their repugnancy towards pregnancy, just like his Blockland Forums gromee.

It all makes sense now.