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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt I need a website pin bro I just can’t with Josh right now. My fucking sides are orbiting the sun as I type this

So Josh in his infamous Wisdom decided to tell EVERYONE that he spent 2/5ths of the $150,000 that wss supposed to be dedicated to suing Epik LLC. ON THIS SUPREME COURT FILING LMFAO

just simple math here but if this is true(Josh says it is so it must be true) that means at least 25% of the $150,000 was spent on this bullshit SC meaning around $30,000 to $50,000 DOLLARS


Even worse is that lawfags are also aware that Josh’s paperwork written by his lawfirm that charged his ass way too much money to even do this contradicts certain statements made that Josh asked for so it’s most likely going to be sent back and asked to correct things and REFILE

Ommmgggggg ahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaa

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Is there a reason you're spelling this consistently as copywrite instead of "copyright"? Not trolling, sincere question. Is this like some activist speech or something?

I think Null's best bet is that SCOTUS sends the Greer case back to appeals court and asks them to do it all over again. SCOTUS can do that, if they think the applicable laws/precedents have been ignored or misapplied.

I don't want any of the accelerationist crap that Null wants. This attitude of "If I can't play ball, I will kick the ball onto the roof so that no one else can play ball either" is really juvenile, but very on-brand for Null.

I do think that Null is just imagining things when he claims that the ACLU and EFF might now all of a sudden develop an interest in representing him in a SCOTUS case, when they both have refused all this time to represent him in the lower courts.

I also disagree with Null's decision to not go with a legal firm that specializes in SCOTUS cases. Any appeal before a higher court is a kind of specialty case, and hence it's better to have a lawyer who is specifically trained in that specialty branch of law.
Im retarded and running low on coffee 😂
>hey goy! Jewsh here! We gonna sue the internet company Epik! Just gimme your money and ill uh protect your civil rights and freedumbs cuz like I love it 😉

<OOPS! Sorry there stupid goyim-er I mean, fellow kiwifarmer! Gotta sit down with the US gubment to change those internet laws so that alogs stop bothering meh er I mean, protect your internet silly kiwifarmer user! Stop asking questions and donate to MATI

Joshua Connor Moon circa 2024
View attachment 47004
One of the theories for who was donating to his legal fund was glowies. This fits right in to my theory that Jewsh is a useful idiot, being a vehicle for (((them))) to get "reasonable restrictions" put in place on 1st amendment rights. A Supreme Court case would be a perfect way to do that, or at least to get the camel's nose under the tent towards that goal.
Null is doing this to fix copyright law, and it's hard to argue it's in his interest to do so, except in insofar as it motivates further donations from people who see he's being more principled and effective than the fucking EFF.
No, he's not "trying to fix copyright law". He's wants to justify posting commercial works onto KF under the guise of fair use criticism, because "whores get nothing". So the explicitly stated intent is to allow Kiwis to post entire commercial works onto KF for the purpose of denying the creators an income. Also, how is Null "more effective than the EFF" if he lost twice from Greer?

This is what happens when people who are in a cult of personality see a large amount of money and they become delirious as a result. They want to believe so bad, they'll just turn off their critical faculties. When you're in a lolsuit, you have to step outside of yourself and play devil's advocate in order to better anticipate your opponent's moves.
I just listened to his bitchfest on MATI what a crybaby. Where is the sentiment about speech for all now? Though I'm sure he will jump back on that train as soon as it's convenient.
The sentiment for free speech for all is the same place it was when they told people who say things they don't like to "just get off the internet".
View attachment 46811

View attachment 46813

I'm thinking the pigeon apartment is either from building 100/2 or 102/4.

Here is the perspective from the tall building 100/2 showing the smaller building 102/4 and the right-angle yellow apartments.
View attachment 46814

Here is what the balcony looks like on building 100/2. They have white walls just like the one the pigeons are standing on.
View attachment 46816

https://kishinevnasutki.blogspot.com/ - This is what the apartments look like in the tall building 100/2.

The other possibility is the smaller building 102/4. I found an apartment listing that shows it has a balcony:

View attachment 46818

The pigeon apartment was from 2020, that was before he moved in the summer of 2022. What about the new pictures though? Have those been Geolocated yet? For Null to show those two recent ones means that that too is an old apartment that he has already left.
I cant believe he admitted to stealing his Epik LLC funding for this. Just baffling tbh.

To be fair, he listed all his lolsuits on the crowdfunder page, not just the Epik lolsuit, so he never implied that he was fundraising just to sue Epik.
The Greer appeal was listed on the crowdfunder, so he hasn't misled people in that regard. It's true though that he made it All About Epik while he was fundraising, and only now is he coming out and saying: "Well, actually, the Greer thing is more urgent."

Remember, Null openly stated he still needs another $500k to appeal the summary judgement against Vincent in Australia.
Hasn't said a thing about that Australian appeal since he mentioned talking to an unnamed Australian firm.
Nice, well done. Anyone have any ideas on the pic with the vines and snow in the courtyard? I don't think it's the same buidling it seems like different architecture.
View attachment 46811

View attachment 46813

I'm thinking the pigeon apartment is either from building 100/2 or 102/4.

Here is the perspective from the tall building 100/2 showing the smaller building 102/4 and the right-angle yellow apartments.
View attachment 46814

Here is what the balcony looks like on building 100/2. They have white walls just like the one the pigeons are standing on.
View attachment 46816

https://kishinevnasutki.blogspot.com/ - This is what the apartments look like in the tall building 100/2.

The other possibility is the smaller building 102/4. I found an apartment listing that shows it has a balcony:

View attachment 46818
Nice job. Why the fuck is he in Moldova lmao.
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt I need a website pin bro I just can’t with Josh right now. My fucking sides are orbiting the sun as I type this

So Josh in his infamous Wisdom decided to tell EVERYONE that he spent 2/5ths of the $150,000 that wss supposed to be dedicated to suing Epik LLC. ON THIS SUPREME COURT FILING LMFAO
View attachment 47014
just simple math here but if this is true(Josh says it is so it must be true) that means at least 25% of the $150,000 was spent on this bullshit SC meaning around $30,000 to $50,000 DOLLARS

View attachment 47015

Even worse is that lawfags are also aware that Josh’s paperwork written by his lawfirm that charged his ass way too much money to even do this contradicts certain statements made that Josh asked for so it’s most likely going to be sent back and asked to correct things and REFILE

Ommmgggggg ahahahahahhahahahahahaaaaa
View attachment 47016

We're reaching DSP levels of wasted money. Next he's going to reveal his hatred of anime avatars stems from his own gacha addiction.
No wonder he likes Boss Man Jack so much. Motherfucker just threw a cool five figures down the drain. That is if he isn't lying and he has already spent more.
To be fair, he listed all his lolsuits on the crowdfunder page, not just the Epik lolsuit, so he never implied that he was fundraising just to sue Epik.
I would say he heavily implied it with the intended Epik lawsuit being the main impetus for the crowdfund in general.
Nice job. Why the fuck is he in Moldova lmao.
Well, remember what he said on MATI: "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass."

IIRC Null said on MATI that he visited Moldova at some point, but he never said he was living there. According to Google Maps, those yellow topped buildings are all residential buildings. I don't see any evidence of anyone running an AirBnB from their home there but maybe they did.
Anyways, it would make sense for Null to obfuscate about his whereabouts, by posting a picture from his balcony while on vacation in Moldova, pretending that this was where he was living, while being at another location altogether.
So Josh in his infamous Wisdom decided to tell EVERYONE that he spent 2/5ths of the $150,000 that wss supposed to be dedicated to suing Epik LLC. ON THIS SUPREME COURT FILING LMFAO
Even worse is that lawfags are also aware that Josh’s paperwork written by his lawfirm that charged his ass way too much money
I bet his supporters are happy he's using it for something he didn't tell them about beforehand.
Really? Are you sure about that?
If the third post is the pro-vaccine and mask ones, I believe him because he seemed mad I was pro-vaccine in his anti-vax circlejerk thread.