Epik would wipe the floor with Josh.Not a fucking peep out of Null about the Epik suit. I'll say it again for any Kiwis listening NO FUCKING REFUNDS SUCKER.
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Epik would wipe the floor with Josh.Not a fucking peep out of Null about the Epik suit. I'll say it again for any Kiwis listening NO FUCKING REFUNDS SUCKER.
His intention is too stop people from abusing the court systems by repeatedly filing civil suits against him when they are dismissed. Greer for the past few years has filed about a dozen copywrite and emotional damage claims against josh and kiwifarms. Specifically about his music and his book he published. Greer does this for literally free as he files for himself 99% of the time. Josh however has been having to pay out to represent himself in court everytime. At one point he claimed in a pissed off rant on MATI that Greer and Melinda Scott’s court alogging had cost him thousands and it extremely was pissing him off. He is so mad at this that he has attempted to invoke District Attorneys and varies groups such as the EFF to represent his case of being civilly sued for hosting Greers Book without consent or paying royalties to do so.Wasn't he raging about Section 230 being threatened before? Now he wants it changed or nullified?
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>hey goy! Jewsh here! We gonna sue the internet company Epik! Just gimme your money and ill uh protect your civil rights and freedumbs cuz like I love itAt this point even as cucked as the Kiwis are some of them must be wondering why zero headway is being made or updates given. This is just nuts MLM schemes are more transparent than this.
Is Zero headway some sort of project, wonder if it'll make KF go for for goodAt this point even as cucked as the Kiwis are some of them must be wondering why zero headway is being made or updates given. This is just nuts MLM schemes are more transparent than this.
Lol Null just announced it under his shell company Total Disaster EnterprisesIs Zero headway some sort of project, wonder if it'll make KF go for for good
Were at the "fuck you I'm taking my toys and going home" phase."Josh is live now admitting that yes if he gets what be wants then his work will be cited in “hundreds of court cases and will fuck you over.” He openly is laughing now and saying “Fuck you Hate me idc”
If Josh was so concerned about repeated lawsuits by Russel Greer why didn't he try to have the court declare Russel Greer a vexatious litigant?His intention is too stop people from abusing the court systems by repeatedly filing civil suits against him when they are dismissed. Greer for the past few years has filed about a dozen copywrite and emotional damage claims against josh and kiwifarms. Specifically about his music and his book he published. Greer does this for literally free as he files for himself 99% of the time. Josh however has been having to pay out to represent himself in court everytime. At one point he claimed in a pissed off rant on MATI that Greer and Melinda Scott’s court alogging had cost him thousands and it extremely was pissing him off. He is so mad at this that he has attempted to invoke District Attorneys and varies groups such as the EFF to represent his case of being civilly sued for hosting Greers Book without consent or paying royalties to do so.
Hes targeted copyright and fair use itself by basically trying to get the actual US government itself to change the laws and more importantly how copyright and fair use is enforced so that Greer cannot keep repeatedly suing him til he dies and must go through the actual federal government itself to sue josh for publishing his work without consent or fair use.
This in extension changes or nullifies Section 230 and Fair Use as it exists today and would immediately need a huge revisiting by SC to ratify what Josh is asking for. This would lead to extremely old and important precedents set in court such as Napster’s ruling to also be revisited and changed. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter etc would also need to adjust everything permanently to basically be in charge of anything you post being criminal in nature itself.
TLDR: Josh never gave a fuck about freedom of speech or Section 230 and just was Virtue Signaling. He only cares about himself and his business.
"Total Disaster Enterprises" Perfect name for a company made by him...Very fittingLol Null just announced it under his shell company Total Disaster Enterprises
Were at the "fuck you I'm taking my toys and going home" phase."
Realistically speaking if years ago Josh just removed the guys book or music and suggested to users to post it somewhere else like youtube and just link to it, instead of having his website essentially host it. He probably would have avoided all these legal troubles with Greer. Greer is a creepy stalker weirdo but Josh once again, made a decision to shit down the throat of someone who originally just wanted his work removed off the site due to financial concerns. Now Greer wants revenge and will never stop suing josh in civil court for being a faggot.If Josh was so concerned about repeated lawsuits by Russel Greer why didn't he try to have the court declare Russel Greer a vexatious litigant?
All Greer wanted was for Josh to take down his stuff...Greer should've been aware of the fact that Josh wasn't willing to take it don despite him probably asking him, multiple fucking times to do soRealistically speaking if years ago Josh just removed the guys book or music and suggested to users to post it somewhere else like youtube and just link to it, instead of having his website essentially host it. He probably would have avoided all these legal troubles with Greer. Greer is a creepy stalker weirdo but Josh once again, made a decision to shit down the throat of someone who originally just wanted his work removed off the site due to financial concerns. Now Greer wants revenge and will never stop suing josh in civil court for being a faggot.
Many such cases for Josh. ...Josh.
I wish Josh could Kill himself honestly, he's a damn plague on the internetView attachment 47005View attachment 47006Lol his chat did not seem to enjoy Josh’s official stance to fuck over the entire internet and telling everyone to go fuck themselves and he doesnt care anymore about freedumb of speech
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