• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
doesn't allow centrists on the KF question
kiwifarms is an alt-lite site. for those who don't know, alt-lite is moderate alt-right. basically, imagine the alt-right ideology but moderate, now you're thinking of alt-lite. this is as far as my political philosophy analysis goes because kiwifarms is a rabbit hole when you go to the political side
kiwifarms is an alt-lite site. for those who don't know, alt-lite is moderate alt-right. basically, imagine the alt-right ideology but moderate, now you're thinking of alt-lite. this is as far as my political philosophy analysis goes because kiwifarms is a rabbit hole when you go to the political side
Even me as a third positionist was not safe because I dared to like anime and abortion.
Archive of "Sean & Null: Monty v Rekieta Law, Kiwi Farms Litigation, Sektur things, & Dick / Vito (Feb 28, 2024)"

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third positionist
third positionist as far as my knowledge goes in political philosophy is an ideology that rejects capitalism and communism. I feel like it's more of an economic ideology/position than your bog standard ideology.

corporatism is a 3rd positionist ideology. any chance you subscribe to it?
third positionist as far as my knowledge goes in political philosophy is an ideology that rejects capitalism and communism. I feel like it's more of an economic ideology/position than your bog standard ideology.

corporatism is a 3rd positionist ideology. any chance you subscribe to it?
I don't wanna get the Josh thread OT with political sperging but basically a mix of far left and far right ideas.
I feel like Null is close to losing it for real. Yeserday's MATI was full of juicy stuff but particularly another rant about anime and how all anime is for pedos. Why you ask? Because anime is drawn with as he puts it "Neo-Natal" features. Now anyone who isn't retarded realizes that Neo-Natal means Newborn infant. Anime is not drawn with Neo Natal features so obviously what Null means is "Neotonous" meaning to have features as an adult which are present in children. Neotony in itself refers to an adult so by definition it cannot be a pedo thing....

But here's the real issue Null has kinda fucked himself here. All people are attracted to neotonous features.

Do you like women with prominent full cheeks/cheekbones? Do you prefer a rounder face shape? Do you like women with deep low voices like Isaac Hayes? No?

What about women? Do you like men with blonde hair, big eyes and good skin? Well guess what that makes you according to Null?


That's right all those features are all Neotonous so if you find any of them attractive you are a pedo man sorry I don't make the rules Null does.
Maybe this tranny in denial should stay the fuck away from Pixiv like any sane person does.
Doesn't help that the majority of anime and manga take place in high school. Must be a touchy subject for him.
From the ever giving tech gr thread...
You gotta wonder 1. Why the Kwiffar bother 2. the broom does, either. We know you don't know why shit don't work (it's because you can't code, buddy, time to suck it up). And people like joshy complain, and just can't understand why IT was outsourced to the curry wogs.
this is one of those rare moments when null responds to a user's complaints calmly and professionally instead of either telling them to kill themselves or telling them to fuck off

:takeyourmeds: :takeyourmeds::takeyourmeds:
look, I don't like jewsh just like the next person here but holy shit, that mayor needs to log the fuck off from the internet, take her schizo meds, and touch some goddamn grass
I think you are not really explaining the gravity of this situation so I will.

Joshua connor Moon is so mad at a drooling taylor swift stalker that he is now attempting to get the United States Supreme Court to universally change and/or nullify DMCA as it exists today. Specifically this


For those that do not understand. Josh is attempting to get SCOTUS to redefine Copywrite takedowns like the ones used on Youtube to mean that if you file one you immediately have to get a some type of legal entity to say its Copywrite before you can file a DMCA and if you share copywrited material that you are to be considered a “third party” and not pursued by this new federally regulated DMCA that Josh is asking for. Basically he wants to make it to where anyone can copywrite infringe without any takedowns until the complaintant goes to a Federal Judge with there own money first to prove its Copywrite and then they can file a DMCA with the judgement alone. Also even if this happens anyone who is not the guy the copywrite holder dragged to a federal court, not civil, can still post the material without any repercussion and the Holder will be forced to have to manually press charges, not civil sue, on each person and take then to federal court to make them stop as a “Third Party”.

This may sound confusing and it is but the overall change or nullification would make you posting anything from like a screenshot of someone elses to actual copywrited material like a Movie on equal grounds and this would make anyone who can file a DMCA have to get a court order that says they own X and then they can literally put anyone in jail to await a federally appointed criminal trial to judge whether or not you stole or posted that Copywrite. You would not have a civil suit anymore into DMCA infringement itd just be straight to jail.

If this goes the way josh expects this would radically alter or even nullify Section 230 from the United States and make websites responsible for all copywrited material if a Copywrite Holder decided to drag in an entire website instead of a poster. Meaning all website owners would be directly responsible to handle DMCAs or even accusations of copyright infringement as if they themselves are on Trial.

Josh is 1000% aware of this and openly posted this little Gem admitting that No, he isnt going to go to SCOTUS and demand this. He is going to send some shitty Kiwifarms Lawyer and if they fuck it up he and his site will blame them for making the internet worse for everyone


If they fuck up and make Fair Use a Death Penalty blame the EFF, I asked them for help first”

Drink that in @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt josh here is gambling in hopes that SCOTUS doesnt put you on death row if you run any site that publishes anything somebody writes and claims is there copyrighted work :story:
I also want to point out that if Josh get’s his way then this would Dramatically change how Fair Use is as we know it and that would be left up to the Copyright Holder to decide as you would be considered a Third Party to the events unfolding if you are not the original person that had this DMCA set against. You are a guy sharing that dispute or that material from the perspective of Fair Use itself. I.E. a youtuber commenting over copywrited material may be considered liable for criminal charges in this argument josh is making rather then a dispute between fair use and copywrite itself due to the Holder getting the Federal Government to give them essentially a Mock Warrant to slap anyone with they feel is violating there work.

Again, Josh is 100% aware of this and knows of this Court Ruling that SCOTUS is known for. Its exactly what he filed in his letter.

Review on a writ of certiorari is not a matter of right, but of judicial discretion. A petition for a writ of certiorari will be granted only for compelling reasons. The following, although neither controlling nor fully measuring the Court's discretion, indicate the character of the reasons the Court considers:
  • (a) a United States court of appeals has entered a decision in conflict with the decision of another United States court of appeals on the same important matter; has decided an important federal question in a way that conflicts with a decision by a state court of last resort; or has so far departed from the accepted and usual course of judicial proceedings, or sanctioned such a departure by a lower court, as to call for an exercise of this Court's supervisory power;
  • (b) a state court of last resort has decided an important federal question in a way that conflicts with the decision of another state court of last resort or of a United States court of appeals;
  • (c) a state court or a United States court of appeals has decided an important question of federal law that has not been, but should be, settled by this Court, or has decided an important federal question in a way that conflicts with relevant decisions of this Court.
A petition for a writ of certiorari is rarely granted when the asserted error consists of erroneous factual findings or the misapplication of a properly stated rule of law.