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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
I wonder about this particular comment that was left 9 days ago underneath the Elissa Clips excerpt of Null discussing his beef with Epik, from some Youtube account @hellamean who claims that Null is defaming him by calling him a pedophile:


9 days ago (edited)
I’m not a pedophile, those statements Josh is giving out are completely false. This is defamation.

I’m 100% sure Epik LLC will win because people like Josh and his criminal site can’t be tolerated especially with their false claims. It’s clearly a form of harassment that him and his site is bringing forth.

Link to the comment itself.
Archived: https://archive.is/VrbEW#selection-5050.1-5139.208

Is this @hellamean the same person from the screenshots that were sent to Epik, or is it just a troll impersonating him on Youtube? He(?) denies being a pedo, which is why I am asking if this comment is real or a troll/impersonator.

If @hellamean reads this, if this comment is really you, please log into OF and explain what was in those blurred screenshots and how they ended up on KF. Also, address if Null's claim that you sent those screenshots to Epik yourself just to dupe Epik into taking down KF is also true. Lastly, explain why/how Null has a copy of your passport.

This is his channel:

Archive: https://archive.is/Cu2bJ

What do you think guys? Is this a troll or the actual guy from the screenshots?
I have still not seen the actual forum post itself with the unblurred screenshots, so I honestly can't tell if it's him or not.
Why would he be commenting underneath the Elissa Clips video denying everything, if he's (not) the actual guy?

OMFG, this better be a troll or this shit is getting weirder and weirder... 🤨
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I wonder about this particular comment that was left 9 days ago underneath the Elissa Clips excerpt of Null discussing his beef with Epik, from some Youtube account @hellamean who claims that Null is defaming him by calling him a pedophile:

View attachment 45210

Link to the comment itself.
Archived: https://archive.is/VrbEW#selection-5050.1-5139.208

Is this @hellamean the same person from the screenshots that were sent to Epik, or is it just a troll impersonating him on Youtube? He(?) denies being a pedo, which is why I am asking if this comment is real or a troll/impersonator.

If @hellamean reads this, if this comment is really you, please log into OF and explain what was in those blurred screenshots and how they ended up on KF. Also, address if Null's claim that you sent those screenshots to Epik yourself just to dupe Epik into taking down KF is also true. Lastly, explain why/how Null has a copy of your passport.

This is his channel:

Archive: https://archive.is/Cu2bJ

What do you think guys? Is this a troll or the actual guy from the screenshots?
I have still not seen the actual forum post itself with the unblurred screenshots, so I honestly can't tell if it's him or not.
Why would be be commenting underneath the Elissa Clip if he's the actual guy?

OMFG, this better be a troll or this shit is getting weirder and weirder... 🤨
Yeah that looks like a genuine statement
Yeah that looks like a genuine statement
I need more information, TBH. It could be a troll/impersonator. Let's wait and see if he comes out and identifies himself.
Like I said, I haven't see the actual KF post with the unblurred pictures that were sent to Epik, so I can't even tell if it's even his photo on that Youtube account. Could be anyone AFAIAC.
There’s a YouTube streamer called Cosmic Kitty who is claiming that she is getting Josh arrested? She has multiple channels but in this video she mentions he’s getting nicked https://www.youtube.com/live/nCrFWQRKKBQ?si=SPAKu50E4ahQJ1dW

That looks to me like some mentally ill (or actually disabled?) woman, lying in bed exhausted, mumbling about doing some shit she's clearly too fatigued/ill to get out of bed for. Not credible at all.

There are all kinds of mentally ill people all over social media claiming to want to sue Null, report Null, whatever. Elaine has claimed to have reported Null to a million agencies, so have others. It never goes anywhere because these people are too poor and too mentally ill to effectively go after Null. Here's Sineer during #DropKiwiFarms claiming that LFJ or Keffals was preparing some lolsuit against Null: "I would also like this happen - anyone in the world who has a valid reason to sue Joshua Moon, owner of KiwiFarms and 1776 hosting would end up heroes if that's how Josh and his site is finally de-platformed fully."


This alleged lolsuit of course never happened because Keffals spent all the money he raised on snorting White Leaf with Demon Momma and McKenzie, vacay in Ireland and then some half-assed human rights report against the London Ontario Police which went nowhere:

For a while during the beginning of #DropKiwiFarms, I remember Kiwis were scared that Marjorie Taylor Greene might go after KF over her SWATtings (she was SWATted around the same time as Keffals), but that was just another example of far-right paranoia about mainline Republicans coming to "get" them.
Josh got the Kiwifarms reddit twitter account back :soy: and is attempting to taunt Keffals and Brianna Wu with being possibly responsible for the suicide of someone, ignoring the recently surfaced evidence that the suicide of Near/David Kirk Ginder and has gone from impossible to plausible. Josh really loves that "credibly accused" qualifier when he's pointing it at eveyone but himself.
View attachment 45198
this post was determined to be pure seethe and passive aggression sorry chud better luck next time
Null claims that both Caraballo and Epik have now deleted their xeets about KF hosting suspected CP:

He says, "I don't wanna gloat about scaring these people", when that's obviously what he did. I mean, what is he gonna do now, not sue them anymore?

In fact, no, Null pushes it up another notch and claims he now needs half a million dollars to hire a top Australian legal firm at $1000 dollars an hour (doesn't say if it's Australian dollars, 1 Australian Dollar =0,65 US Dollar right now) to file an appeal on behalf of his stupid friend Vincent Zhen to fight LFJ's default judgement in Australia:

Let's see, the damages awarded in the Australian default judgement are $400k... Null now claims he needs $500k just to fight this default judgement... is anyone doing the math here?

This is what I suspect he's gonna do from now on. Every time he's gonna come back and say: "No, 150k isn't enough, I actually need 500k! No 500K is still not enough, I need to raise a million!".

Then one day... radio silence. Where is Null? No one knows. It's even more of a secret than Epik's secret LLC.

Null says he already intends to spend $2400 from the money he has raised to get the recently unbanned KiwiFarms account on Xitter a "golden check mark verification" and some "free" advertising for his legal fund:

I see we're already off to a good start: he's already not spending the money on his lolsuits but on... Xitter gold verification & advertising, not because he needs it (his own account is already blue verified) but just for teh lulz. This really is kinda like Keffals wasting his legal fund on White Leaf, if you think about it. Oh well, "it's immoral to allow a sucker to keep his money."

"A lotta things that I do is designed to not work, so I can complain about it." - Null
