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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Josh shares this on Telegram just now. Very curious given the very recent plausible confirmation that Byuu truly is dead.
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Null explicitly stated on MATI that gay kids deserve to be raped by online predators just for being gay.
What do gay kids who watch nekoshota deserve null?
Now let's look at this story from the perspective of Epik: You work at Epik's abuse department. You have just received an abuse report claiming CP, with screenshots of pictures of a masturbating black man, who appears to look underage.
I quit.
Clearly posting pictures of a Telegram pedophile fingering his asshole is of such pertinent urgency that Epik's ToS just has to make way for Null warning the world about this menace to society.
There is nothing more important to null than a black man fingering his asshole. A black man fingering his asshole is the essence of free speech.
I hope he gets banned so he sues Twitter too for disrupting his frozen peach.
It worked so well for Meghan Murphy...

Re: my claim that Caraballo is connected to various big LGBT legal funds including Lambda Legal, here is a copy of a header of one of Caraballo's e-mails (which Null went over on MATI at the time), where Caraballo has CCed a number of these legal funds and other LGBT non-profits concerned with TRA:


- GLAAD.org
- Lambdalegal.org
- TransgenderLegal.org
- Transgenderlawcenter.org
- Equalityfederation.org
- Transequality.org
- HRC.org
- NCLrights.org
- Globalextremism.org
- Counterhate.co.uk

You can also see vijaya@twitter.com in this header. Vijaya Gadde was the chief Twitter censorlawyer who was exposed in the Twitter Files as having assisted the FBI and other US government agencies with the censorship of citizens' tweets on various political issues.


Caraballo was so well connected that he was directly e-mailing with Twitter's chief lawyer about the #DropKiwiFarms campaign! This is what Null will be going up against if he sues Caraballo. A very well connected TRA lawyer with direct lines not just to all the LGBT legal orgs/funds, but also to the in-house SJW censorlawyers at the big tech platforms. Null still thinks he can win this... which I guess is why Null called himself "a madman" on MATI.

It hard for me to have any empathy whatsoever for Caraballo whom I despise, not just for being a fucking TRA but particularly for being a far-left anarchist who openly tweeted that he wants to "accost" SCOTUS judges whom "should never know peace again" and "should never have a peaceful moment in public again":

To give you an idea of what a massive hypocrite and opportunist Caraballo is, here he was during #DropKiwiFarms admitting that doxxing is technically legal, but he still doesn't like it just because he and his mom got doxxed by KF:


I do think it's some straight up bullshit for Null to pretend before his donors that he's going to sue Caraballo over his rexeeting of the Epik xeet, as opposed for the actual reason Null wants to go after Caraballo, namely his participation in #DropKiwiFarms.

Allow me to remind Null that Caraballo wasn't the only one who claimed, for the duration of #DropKiwiFarms, that KF was hosting CP or CSAM. So did Caraballo and Liz Fong-Jones' public associate Kevin Karhan from The Gray Hat Academy. Naia Okami, who had broken ranks with #DropKiwiFarms shortly after the start of the campaign, exposed in a Twitter thread that #DKF members were encouraged to contact abuse departments of ISP and lie about KF hosting CP to kneejerk them into dropping KF:


Here's Caraballo's and LFJ's associate Kevin Karhan on Twitter again, claiming he had reported KF to German LE for various alleged violations of German laws, including the alleged hosting CSAM: "as well as hosting #CSAM"


Anyways, if Caraballo is taken to court - after having fundraised millions amongst all the Youtube multi-millionaire troons who hate KF because they have threads there - and then has to explain why he rexeeted the Epik xeet, all Caraballo has to do is point out that Null has a public history of being accused of hosting all kinds actionable material on his website, and that this public history was enough for Caraballo to consider the claim of suspected CP in Epik's xeet credible enough to rexeet.

For those of you who missed it, there was the Gandi incident, where Null was kicked off a French ISP over an allegedly pedophilic anime excerpt on his forum:


Here's what Null himself had to say about the above incident:


Null denied that the anime excerpt posted to his forum was pedophilic... and yet nowadays you have Null arguing on MATI that all anime is inherently pedophilic, because it's Japanese and Japan is a country of pedophiles according to Null. A clear case of "have your cake and eat it".

I don't know if Vermont has anti-SLAPP but if it does Caraballo might even file an anti-SLAPP motion arguing that the re-xeet is protected free speech that was part of his anti-KF activism.

BTW, here's Caraballo on Twitter during #DropKiwiFarms, complaining about how he makes $94k a year working at Harvard clinic and how this is still not enough for him:


Anyways, Caraballo won't have to spend his $94k from Harvard defending himself against Null, because all the troons who hate KF will give Caraballo free money for his defense. The only grift bigger than Null's free speech grift is the TRA grift.


Null denied that the anime excerpt posted to his forum was pedophilic... and yet nowadays you have Null arguing on MATI that all anime is inherently pedophilic, because it's Japanese and Japan is a country of pedophiles according to Null. A clear case of "have your cake and eat it".
Yet he personally deletes this art from my ava for being "loli":
here's Caraballo on Twitter during #DropKiwiFarms, complaining about how he makes $94k a year working at Harvard clinic and how this is still not enough for him
God I wish I had that problem.
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"On one hand... I should prove I'm spending the money correctly, considering I spend all day long being critical of other people. On the other hand... I don't want people to know how much pizza and soda I consume... it's really hard..."

Whaddya think the broom will do?
Shove the money up his ass or gunt
View attachment 45125
"On one hand... I should prove I'm spending the money correctly, considering I spend all day long being critical of other people. On the other hand... I don't want people to know how much pizza and soda I consume... it's really hard..."

Whaddya think the broom will do?
He always gives more cons for the solution he clearly doesn't want to do and waits for his sycophants to back him up with validation. he's so womanly.
Looks like the dono money has given the broom some dutch courage. This is: 1st grader "Buuuuut Miiiissss, they were dooooinit tooooo!" If the Gods of Nectar are kind... televised trial. I'm not really sure, y'know... there is a possible arc: The having to get a suit and tie AND GROWN UP SHOES arc. That is what I think Zhen's undoing was. He was just too shit scared to turn up.

What are the chances, if it did go to court, joshy would fold faster than if I socked him in the bread basket.
Here's Null posting about Epik during #DropKiwiFarms, back when Epik and Null were still on good terms: "it's worth highlighting the good guys keeping the internet together."


I also found this old tweet in my archive from Caraballo where he was referring to an imminent DDoS attack that was going to be carried out against Epik during #DropKiwiFarms following earlier DDoS attacks against other KF-associated ISPs:

"Given the fact that neither DDoS Guard nor VanwaTech could handle the massive DDoS against them, it's highly likely that Epik will suffer the same fate. Whoever is doing this is unleashing a massive DDoS campaign against all the CDNs [Content Delivery Networks] that work with Kiwi Farms."


Perhaps you're now wondering, "But how did Caraballo know in advance about an imminent DDoS attack against Epik, if he wasn't personally involved with whomever was carrying out these DDoS attacks?". There was a lot of circumstantial evidence during #DropKiwiFarms that Keffals & Co were supposedly in touch with whomever was carrying out these DDoS attacks. (For example, Keffals' partner Ellen Murray referred to a secret Signal group that he and Keffals would go into whenever KF was being DDoSed, while posting curiously detailed descriptions of the technical specifics of these attacks on Twitter while they were happening.) There was also circumstantial evidence that #DropKiwiFarms (specifically Liz Fong-Jones and the aforementioned Kevin Karhan) were providing the DDoSers with lists of IP addresses they wanted them to target in the form of DROP lists posted The GrayHat Academy on github. These supposed DROP lists on The GrayHat Academy were a kind of "dual use weapon", because these IP address lists could also be used by the DDoSers targeting KF and their ISPs.

I will keep posting these screenshots as I find them in my archive, cos it's important that people know/remember what was actually happening between Null, Epik and Caraballo during #DropKiwiFarms. A lot of this stuff is now lost within forum threads that are thousands of pages long, so it's important to rehash in the light of recent events.
@VAIDS Victim @thefrogninja Here's Null saying on MATI (January 2nd, 2024) that he will be leaving Europe and going back to the US sometime in 2024, wondering whether he should Livestream his trip back to the US like Ethan Ralph did when he went to Europe:

"I will make a commitment to my chat. This is the year... it is time, to return to the US. I'm gonna pick a place, it will be a secret. I'm gonna pick a time. It will be a secret. I'm debating if I'm gonna, like, record myself in the airport. I'm going to say, uh, what did Ralph say? 'Muh arrahval is fuckin' imminent! Let's goooo!'. Like, that sounds like a good way to get tackled in the international section of, like, JFK Airport or whatever. So, I'm deliberating on if I'm going to do that. But, it's in my cards. I have to get my affairs in order, but, probably gonna happen this year."

Good, fuck off. Never visit Europe ever again.
Fuck off back to America and stay there.
Take Lidl with you, get him knocked up and raise some Amerimutt white butt-babies together in Vidor, TX.

Vidor had a reputation as a "sundown town", where African Americans are not allowed after sunset. [4][5] In 1993, after district court judge William Wayne Justice ordered that 36 counties in East Texas, including Vidor, desegregate public housing by making some units available for minorities, the Klan held a march in the community after a long legal battle was lost by Vidor's leaders. Church leaders held a well-attended prayer rally in opposition to the KKK hatred.[6][7][8] After four Black families moved into the complex, the residents suffered racial threats, including a bomb threat to the complex. All nine Black residents eventually moved out under this pressure.[9] One of the residents, Bill Simpson, was interviewed about his negative experiences while living there. "I've had people who drive by and tell me they're going home to get a rope and come back and hang me. . . ."[9] During the George Floyd protests of 2020, Black Lives Matter held a rally in Vidor that was attended by a diverse crowd of 150–200 people.[4][10]

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"On one hand... I should prove I'm spending the money correctly, considering I spend all day long being critical of other people. On the other hand... I don't want people to know how much pizza and soda I consume... it's really hard..."

Whaddya think the broom will do?
I guess Keffals doesn't need to prove she spent any of the money she raised accordingly and if people demand a refund she can just claim it's a "donation" :^)