• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
The idiot who cobbled this shit together needs to take their meds and put their tinfoil hat back on.
Strong, strong agree. By the end he was losing touch with reality and forced this out as haphazardly as possible. Notice how he broke it into two parts, but neither part is organized or makes really any sense.
The pressure was clearly getting to him, for whatever reason.
This is a bunch of retarded schizo shit. The author clearly didn't even read his own references before chimping out like a complete spastic. If he had read them, he would've known that the reason there are so many shady things associated with PO Box 16 Nobby Beach is that it's owned by a privacy protection service. Basically every privacy protection service is "linked to Russian cyberspooks" — most criminals don't want to associate their real name and address with a website they're using to commit crimes.
Fum fact: Nobby Beach is located in the heart of the Gold Coast, which is basically Australia's Florida. It's also infamous for the number of sketchy businesses based there.

Even if PO Box 16 isn't tied to Russian cyberspooks, there's probably still something dodgy going on there. But that's none of my business. *sips tea*
Godspeed Vex.

That said, no I dont think he's a Russian asset. Don't know what this shit with Fancy Bear is about, however at this point Flow Chemical looks like some kind of privacy-masking thing that a few others (not just josh) use.

That said... US citizen getting people to move money through an Australian payment processor... In the back of my head I kinda have to believe this is money laundering.
That said... US citizen getting people to move money through an Australian payment processor... In the back of my head I kinda have to believe this is money laundering.
Australian banks have been surprisingly slack wrt money laundering, but idk how much longer that'll last. One of the major banks here recently got a bollocking for some 23 million breaches of anti-money laundering laws, including but not limited to dozens of instances of nonces making micropayments to the Philippines for services rendered. ?
Australian banks have been surprisingly slack wrt money laundering, but idk how much longer that'll last. One of the major banks here recently got a bollocking for some 23 million breaches of anti-money laundering laws, including but not limited to dozens of instances of nonces making micropayments to the Philippines for services rendered. ?
That honestly explains a lot.

I was thinking who may have sent this tipoff in the discord and I honestly think it's Sam Smith, hoping we'll do his dirty work or something. It has all the investigative vigor that Sam usually puts out, in that its unfocused and crap.
He is definitely an anime watcher and I'm including it in the 3rd thread. His knowledge of /a/ terminology and popular series through time is very revealing of his habits. When I was writing this thread I spent some time looking on a certain anime image repository site for an account of his, but found nothing. I have no idea if there's even anything in existence from his Runescape days which are even earlier than his time on Blockland and might reveal some interesting details.

This is more pertinent than ever to look into given his latest meltdown over vtubers. His morality play over moderating 9chan used to be just about lolicon, but it's evolved into anime as a whole, including all fans of it and the Japanese themselves.

From earlier this year:

hard for me.png

anime for pedophiles.png

I'm not familiar with Null being into anime, but it makes sense he'd go this route. 9chan "changing him" was always a crock of shit if you had the slightest familiarity with how he did things online at age 15 that should have landed him in a juvie psych ward.

Also, does anyone have more info on this, if anything? I tried searching for it but couldn't find it on Blockland (atleast without an account):
"Creepphilic" is pretty obviously a Blockland word filter for "pedophilic." I still doubt the "hurtcore" chatlogs being real, but they probably might as well be.
I'm willing to try and put together a 3rd nool thread / kiwi farms thread but first what are some sagas or topics that should be covered?
I wasn't sure where to start this thread yet it seems obvious now,
The witchfinder
(http://matthewhopkinsnews.com/?p=3100) (https://archive.ph/uB61x) (https://samuelcollingwoodsmith.exposed/) (https://archive.ph/Dte4o) customary ED thread (https://archive.ph/pVQbd)
Kiwifar.ms has a security leak? Hope that doesn't happen again. (https://archive.md/PvjWZ) totally not a private army request (https://archive.ph/trwqg) yet another board yet another PA request denied. /Baph/holes & /cow/boys take notice (https://archive.ph/ANlig) PA request on wrongplanet bickers autism.
Donny Long
Donny Long (whose real name is Donald Carlos Seoane) is a retired porn actor who became known a few years ago for founding Porn WikiLeaks, a wiki website that revealed the real names of other porn actors. Donny denied being the founder, but one look at his own article on the site (archive) suggests otherwise. His is the only article that isn't insulting or revealing. Whereas every other article lists the subject's real name and calls them a "pornographic whore and hooker," Long is "a pornographic god and hero, porn director, porn production company owner, porn studio owner, porn webmaster, super porn star extraordinaire and porn star retiree."
Long is a convicted felon with multiple offenses to his name, and he eventually fled to Thailand after making too many enemies in the United States. Screenshots exist, but there are too many to put in a single message, so I'll put them in a second one. You can find that here.

Oh, and despite all his bragging about how tough he is, and how he kicks people's asses, a video exists of him getting beat up by women:
2/15/2017: After a long period of stagnation, it appears that Donny is working with Vordrak to try and get the Farms taken down again. Not 100% sure what the hell is going on yet, but someone has registered a Twitter account in Null's mom's name and bought a domain with the intent of harassing her, Null, and her former employers. There's been a lot of speculation on whether or not this is truly Donny's work or if it's Eddie Dzial trying to impersonate Donny to frame him. The M.O. and typing style match Donny pretty well, though, and Eddie has been shown in the past to be pretty shit at pretending to be other people. With that in mind, looks like Donny hasn't gotten over his grudge against the Farms. (Private army request of EDF) advertising (CandyceLynnPotter.com)
Donny's site on Null's mom includes its own Kiwi Farms knockoff forum (with threads lifted directly from here) in which Donny and his sock accounts talk to each other about how gay Null and his family are.

He has tried on two separate occasions (so far) to rally the members of EDF2 against Kiwi Farms, which has gone about as well as you could guess for him. Donny's "Kiwi Farms Not" website also includes a wiki, because of course it fucking does. The information contained in said wiki is laughably inaccurate, with such gems as claiming that @Null is the son of some guy named Jeffrey Moon who was born on the exact same day as him.