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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
You've found yourself in a debate heavily on the side of a jewish furry pedophile against someone whose greatest crime is being Anglo. Very interesting.
Are you Gargleballs co-signing his own meth posting or one of the other furfags that got swept after the Catler drama?
I can't explain @Moontroon begging for attention, but @Gargamel has been seething low-key since he found out I've been in a long term relationship for decades whereas by his own admission every male he meets just treats him like a wet hole for the night. It appears to chap his cheeks something fierce.

Lord knows if he's this needy IRL, no wonder he's a pump and dump.
I can't explain @Moontroon begging for attention, but @Gargamel has been seething low-key since he found out I've been in a long term relationship for decades whereas by his own admission every male he meets just treats him like a wet hole for the night. It appears to chap his cheeks something fierce.
It doesn't bother me. I'm generally happy for people who find success in relationships. I've seen so many of other peoples' relationships go sideways, it's always just awful to see, so for those who don't suffer that fate, I am happy for them.

As for all the guys I meet being worthless? Yeah, that's what you get when you date furries. That's part of why I left them behind.

Also, I'm a top.
Lord knows if he's this needy IRL, no wonder he's a pump and dump.
You're butthurt because you can't win an argument because you don't know what you're talking about. You try reading Wikipedia and still come out sounding like a moron. Why can't you make good arguments? Why do you let out details about yourself inadvertently? Why does any conversation with you where you're wrong always devolve into "Ok Josh" and "you don't know what you're waffling about"?

Go ahead and tell us how you self-hosted a website in 1998. Tell us a story about taking dicks up your ass too, if you like.
Not a kike, and not a pedophile
Couldn't deny the furry shit though, huh? So bizarre to be able to deny your people and (((predilections))) but have to admit you get knotty from time to time
but have you made any progress towards a roof over your head?
I intentionally gave up my apartment 🤷🏻‍♂️
You can try a-logging from that angle if you like but I'm not JDANKS, I'm certainly not going to cry about being homeless like some oogle tittybaby.
Actually I bet he is a faggot. He gets super butthurt any time someone challenges him.
Naw, he's pretty cool. You absolutely are a faggot though. You've gone on a 72 hour schizo, meth induced sperg out over some gay nerd shit about 90's modems or whatever the fuck.
Obviously you're seething at him about something that has nothing to do with obscure tech details from 30 years ago.
You're butthurt because you can't win an argument
Bro, nobody is having an argument apart from you. You can waffle on misunderstanding baud and bit rate as much as you like but I really don't understand why you feel like you've got to jump in here and "prove" that shit which happened a lot didn't actually happen. There are other ways of getting people's attention 🤷‍♂️
Naw, he's pretty cool. You absolutely are a faggot though.
I thought he was cool, then I figured out he is really no different than the moron majority of the Kiwi Farms userbase, with a touch of reddit cancer.
You've gone on a 72 hour schizo, meth induced sperg out
You're projecting, now go do another line of coke. Best not to get the shakes. You woudn't want to scare the rodents off, would you? They're mighty valuable food items when you're starving and you got no money left.
over some gay nerd shit about 90's modems or whatever the fuck.
@polonium talked of something that was unrealistic, which he had obviously never done. He decided to talk down to me when I told him about how I actually did it, 6 years in the future when things were a little more realistic, and the problems I faced.

@polonium has a real problem with deflection. When he's not giving straightforward arguments, when he's trying to change the subject, when he's putting you down instead of responding constructively, that's you know you're under his skin. Then he lets a few things slip, which, connecting the dots, makes a strong case for him being a Brit. Now consider his age, 45, and how old he would have been in 1998, 19 or 20, ie. college aged, and understanding that the biggest pipes to the Internet particularly back then existed at university. We now have a pretty good idea of where he's getting this bullshit "anyone can host a website on a desktop PC lol". After all, that's exactly how Larry Page and Sergey Brin got Google online in that very year. Now he's seething so hard he's gotta attack any way he can, while still dodging good faith arguments any way he can. It's shitposting gone way wrong and he can't live with that.

Funny how we saw something substantially similar happen between him and ol' Whitey arguing over John Deere and Microsoft.
Obviously you're seething at him about something that has nothing to do with obscure tech details from 30 years ago.
Yeah, it really has nothing to do with the state of Internet connectivity in 1998. It has everything to do with how frustrating it is to engage with someone who you thought was smart, only to get the most unintelligent replies imaginable.

Kiwi Farms was actually much better for this, compared to this site, because the huge audience meant that some percent of them were actually interested and knowledgeable in the things they were posting about.
Go ahead and tell us how you self-hosted a website in 1998.
I did, and you went on a multi-post spergout about it
Quote yourself.
Bro, nobody is having an argument apart from you. You can waffle on misunderstanding baud and bit rate as much as you like but I really don't understand why you feel like you've got to jump in here and "prove" that shit which happened a lot didn't actually happen. There are other ways of getting people's attention 🤷‍♂️
I actually like writing huge walls of text about old technology, and I like it even better when people engage me constructively. Often I, or they, or both can learn something. This was something like half my posts on KF, most of the rest being Q&A shitposting which was therapeutic in it's own way.

You're not particularly engaging, especially when I'm making an argument for why you're wrong.
Oh that's right it was @Moontroon who did the same thing when josh mentioned that windows was locked down like a tractor's controller and he started posting page after page about Mac OS and android in some weird attempt to gish gallop past being called a moron

Furfags of a feather and all
You're not particularly engaging, especially when I'm making an argument for why you're wrong
You're not making an argument, you're posting about stuff from years after, which has no relevance, and infodunping what looks like copy & pasted stuff. Quality over quantity should be the goal here.
You're not making an argument, you're posting about stuff from years after, which has no relevance, and infodunping what looks like copy & pasted stuff. Quality over quantity should be the goal here.
It absolutely has relevance. I was explaining all the different issues there were with self-hosting in 2004, when i actually did it for real myself. It was doable in 2004, but not very realistic. For the average American to self-host a website in 1998 would have been some combination of harder, shittier, and more expensive, and the majority of people wouldn't even have the minimum required connectivity, which is a concept you can't quite wrap your head around. Or, you're deliberately ignoring the facts because you don't want to be wrong.

I'd argue that right now is the best it's ever been to self-host, with things like symmetrical fiber to the home, cheap low-watt computers, and very mature FOSS software, but with cheap VPS and dedicated solutons available, why would you?
Couldn't deny the furry shit though, huh? So bizarre to be able to deny your people and (((predilections))) but have to admit you get knotty from time to time
I'm not sure why I'd deny being a furfag when I never claimed to be one in the first place.
I intentionally gave up my apartment
Or you know, it's all bullshit and you're making it up as you go for attention because it's lonely in Mom's basement.
You can try a-logging from that angle if you like but I'm not JDANKS, I'm certainly not going to cry about being homeless like some oogle tittybaby.
I'm gonna make you my bitch like you did to @Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt, only I care even less about the wellbeing of this site than you do.
Funny how we saw something substantially similar happen between him and ol' Whitey arguing over John Deere and Microsoft.
Kettle was screaming something fierce
Oh that's right it was @Moontroon who did the same thing when josh mentioned that windows was locked down like a tractor's controller and he started posting page after page about Mac OS and android in some weird attempt to gish gallop past being called a moron
I failed to comprehend Joshua's drivel the first time or two around. Give me a break, you know it's hard reading the ramblings of a paranoid Adderall addict.

You tried arguing that Windows is an open platform, which apart from the ability to freely run user mode programs from any source (which is going away sooner than you think) isn't really true, and is hilariously off base when you consider the very real effects of vendor lock-in. We're extremely lucky Secure Boot can be disabled on most computers because that's not what the kike-jeets at Microsoft intended.