No, most people didn't have connectivity required to host a website on their desktop PC in 1998 or "the 90s".

The "old internet" was exactly as I remember it, the university E3 was bitchin fast and you could host anything on it.

No, I actually tried that in 2004, at home, on my own cable Internet service, and it was not realistic for a variety of reasons.

Nuh uhh I was talkin bout 1998 boy! Arch BTW!

It was even more unrealistic in 1998 than it was in 2004, because people didn't have the connectivity required.

I was directly involved in it!! You don't know shit bro!!!111!!one!!one1 *tries to describe how modems work*

Everybody had 56k bro, and if you got rich parents like me you could even get 128k ISDN! 128k BITS not baud bitches!! In America (I'm not from there and know nothing about) people could even get 1 mbit cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! megabit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111oneoneone Everybody doin it broooooooooo!!!!!!!!!1!!111!!!!!!!!

You're making bullshit arguments because you want to be right, also here is a detailed list of what your Internet connectivity options were in America in 1998 and note that none of them outside of a T-carrier were going to work very well for self hosting, and let's be realistic the everyday American doesn't have that, and most are stuck with dialup.

*Trashcan given*

gee guys
@polonium sure likes painting himself into corners lmao.

I got a chip on muh shoulder because everybody else is Josh.

Not even close lol

Nuh uhh actually application layer is bits per second duhhh also 56k was analog both ends because the phone company was digital on the inside hurr durrrrrrr!1 you don't no shit bitch, keep sucking Jimmy's dick lololololololol also people were doing whatever they want on the university network also we don't need no phone lines to get back Ye Old Innernette!

You British or something because in America we don't have "-ue" or E-carriers or government creeps scanning for unauthorized television reception. *meme about wikipedia*

Holy false prophets! Josh ain't banning his brightest now is he?
@polonium, when and where did I say that we need analog phone lines to replicate the Internet as it existed in the 90s? Also how's London these days?