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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
Alright Ash. You should have walked away from this.
Idk why he thinks taking down her thread or dox will get rid of her, she will keep doing the same exact shit except maybe come gloat thinking she won or something.
I wanted to be the bigger person and give her a chance. Since she complained about being stalked, I removed the thread from public view hoping it would be over and done with. Maybe she was baited by the conversation being made public but if she truly wanted it over, she should been able to walk away.
Alright Ash. You should have walked away from this.

I wanted to be the bigger person and give her a chance. Since she complained about being stalked, I removed the thread from public view hoping it would be over and done with. Maybe she was baited by the conversation being made public but if she truly wanted it over, she should been able to walk away.
I get where you and him were coming from in your conversation but you know that never fucking works in practice with these people and both of you should feel bad for even considering it would do anything but make you look weak. This isn't a normal person we're talking about fuck showing any kindness and fuck moral fagging. You don't have to host her dox but you can leave her thread up because you can find her full dox on a Google search.
Yeah he's the creepy autistic guy at the office and they asked him about this confusing unprofessional mess of trans hate and slurs which he didn't have a good answer for. He threatened me with a lawyer in a DM yesterday which is pretty funny since if anyone has reason to sue for defamation it's me. Anyway I'm holding my part of the bargain if he doesn't allow the shutin BPD Jew demon or her racist e-boyfriend to harass me about my personal life I won't make another sock or escalate this irl. Everyone here should kill themselves, though.
Called it. (Her coming back.)

Didn't read it though. (Her posts.)
"After careful consideration, I decided to remove the Ashley threads from public view. I realize some of you may miss the threads but I feel it was in the best interests of the forum to put this behind us and move on with doing what we do best (providing the best entertaining content from the internet)" :soy::soy::soy::soy::soy::soy:

wtf mods? chance the title back :dislike::dislike::dislike:
I get where you and him were coming from in your conversation but you know that never fucking works in practice with these people and both of you should feel bad for even considering it would do anything but make you look weak. This isn't a normal person we're talking about fuck showing any kindness and fuck moral fagging. You don't have to host her dox but you can leave her thread up because you can find her full dox on a Google search.
People like Ashley are predictably unpredictable.
Alright Ash. You should have walked away from this.

I wanted to be the bigger person and give her a chance. Since she complained about being stalked, I removed the thread from public view hoping it would be over and done with. Maybe she was baited by the conversation being made public but if she truly wanted it over, she should been able to walk away.
You lie like an extremely stupid 10 year old Ken. If this was really some benevolent gesture you would have removed the thread the dozen other times I asked. You would have done it when that racist freak was hollering about my personal family business or making disgusting racist sex comments at me. The real reason is that you're a skeevy unpleasant fatass nobody likes and you got embarrassed because people at your company saw a small part of the bigoted toilet site you run here. If you're half as much of a creepy loser irl as you are to me then you have a lot of enemies. I'm fucking sick of dealing with you and your outrageous lack of decency and guilt, if you want to be investigated as an ethical liability and come under scrutiny for the gross racist screeds you host here then so be it. One thing that is absolutely never happening is you sicking a lawyer on me when you're the ringleader of a gang that's harassed me for years. You for fucking real need to grow up, drop this stupid project, and maybe get a handler or go to a halfway house so you can stop being a bored autistic menace.
You lie like an extremely stupid 10 year old Ken. If this was really some benevolent gesture you would have removed the thread the dozen other times I asked. You would have done it when that racist freak was hollering about my personal family business or making disgusting racist sex comments at me. The real reason is that you're a skeevy unpleasant fatass nobody likes and you got embarrassed because people at your company saw a small part of the bigoted toilet site you run here. If you're half as much of a creepy loser irl as you are to me then you have a lot of enemies. I'm fucking sick of dealing with you and your outrageous lack of decency and guilt, if you want to be investigated as an ethical liability and come under scrutiny for the gross racist screeds you host here then so be it. One thing that is absolutely never happening is you sicking a lawyer on me when you're the ringleader of a gang that's harassed me for years. You for fucking real need to grow up, drop this stupid project, and maybe get a handler or go to a halfway house so you can stop being a bored autistic menace.
Not reading that. Jump off the bridge you live under.
Reason: Hobo troll
come under scrutiny for the gross racist screeds you host here then so be it
you hooknosed little freak
Like this humdinger? Go on Ash, dob yourself in to lily law. You blobby twot.
you're the ringleader of a gang that's harassed me for years.
I'm thinking that LLE aren't going to see it that way. What's the sentence for wasting police time while being in possession of offensive piggy feet? You broke your word, Ash. Ken didn't. Thanks for proving to everyone was a useless, spiteful tard brain you are.

btw @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski you never got back on whether you wanted me to show a picture of your shitty box of a home. Remember? Shall we all have a look at the dump you live in? Seeing as how you like to run your fat mouth off?

Let me know if you don't want me to, otherwise I'll assume you are happy with me posting a pic of your house. You must be, right?
You lie like an extremely stupid 10 year old Ken. If this was really some benevolent gesture you would have removed the thread the dozen other times I asked. You would have done it when that racist freak was hollering about my personal family business or making disgusting racist sex comments at me. The real reason is that you're a skeevy unpleasant fatass nobody likes and you got embarrassed because people at your company saw a small part of the bigoted toilet site you run here. If you're half as much of a creepy loser irl as you are to me then you have a lot of enemies. I'm fucking sick of dealing with you and your outrageous lack of decency and guilt, if you want to be investigated as an ethical liability and come under scrutiny for the gross racist screeds you host here then so be it. One thing that is absolutely never happening is you sicking a lawyer on me when you're the ringleader of a gang that's harassed me for years. You for fucking real need to grow up, drop this stupid project, and maybe get a handler or go to a halfway house so you can stop being a bored autistic menace.
Hey peabrain, I tried to give you a break and all you did was spit in my eye.
Like this humdinger? Go on Ash, dob yourself in to lily law. You blobby twot.

I'm thinking that LLE aren't going to see it that way. What's the sentence for wasting police time while being in possession of offensive piggy feet? You broke your word, Ash. Ken didn't. Thanks for proving to everyone was a useless, spiteful tard brain you are.

btw @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski you never got back on whether you wanted me to show a picture of your shitty box of a home. Remember? Shall we all have a look at the dump you live in? Seeing as how you like to run your fat mouth off?

Let me know if you don't want me to, otherwise I'll assume you are happy with me posting a pic of your house. You must be, right?
She can go to the Warwick Police anytime she wants. They know about the site and they are cool with Onionfarms.
It's so fucking amazing you still don't understand how insane you look here. You have spent, what, 3 fucking years repeating the same cringy over the top personal shit to me because you're piggybacking off some fucked up loser who started stalking me for making fun of a website that had a 20 page celebration thread for when Trayvon Martin died. You are so fucking alienated from any concept of how normal adults behave and so doomed it's unreal. You really need to go outside so someone besides me can tell you this to your face.
you're an idiot cunt who got what she wanted and literally set it on fire after shitting on it lol. good job your thread with your full name is back up! don't you feel accomplished? i sure do, i spent all evening after work partying my brains out and just got home. see you back in the big thread babygirl
you're an idiot cunt who got what she wanted and literally set it on fire after shitting on it lol. good job your thread with your full name is back up! don't you feel accomplished? i sure do, i spent all evening after work partying my brains out and just got home. see you back in the big thread babygirl
Hey dumbass he already said his employer is pissed at him, this is just his autistic obstinance and ODD kicking in because he's a pathetic wounded animal in a cage and can't even remember how to function gracefully when outted as a lunatic to normies that pay him peanuts to show up every day. Kind of like you! So sorry about whatever group of horrendous abusive events in life convinced you that fat autistic manchildren should control your personal information and life.
Ken the cops got called out for the swat (that you deserved) and gave you a facade of pleasantness and then talked about how they're going to have to raid you for cp in a few months when they were done with you. What is your iq situation like homie
That statement is so fucking insane. What reason would I possibly have for contacting the warwick cop department lol
Ash was offered a deal to have her thread deleted... all she had to do... was not post here... couldn't even manage a day.
What is your iq situation like homie
Errrr... Ash. You've been bitching about your thread... yet it's clear from YOUR actions, you can't live without Ken Ken's site. She must love the abuse, right? Otherwise she would just shut the fuck up. It's like the dumb cunt has some kind of personality disorder. Like she wants conflict.

Just remember Ash...
"You reap what you sow"
Ash was offered a deal to have her thread deleted... all she had to do... was not post here... couldn't even manage a day.

Errrr... Ash. You've been bitching about your thread... yet it's clear from YOUR actions, you can't live without Ken Ken's site. She must love the abuse, right? Otherwise she would just shut the fuck up. It's like the dumb cunt has some kind of personality disorder. Like she wants conflict.

Just remember Ash...
View attachment 44541
"You reap what you sow"
Wow 50 pages of you looking like an ugly incel stalker and me lolling at how friendless and sexless you are
Hey dumbass he already said his employer is pissed at him, this is just his autistic obstinance and ODD kicking in because he's a pathetic wounded animal in a cage and can't even remember how to function gracefully when outted as a lunatic to normies that pay him peanuts to show up every day. Kind of like you! So sorry about whatever group of horrendous abusive events in life convinced you that fat autistic manchildren should control your personal information and life.
My employer was concerned at first but after I explained the situation to him about Ash, he agreed with me. If you don't like Onionfarms, don't come here. @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski if you had kept your end if the bargain, your internet footprint on Onionfarms would have simply withered away.