• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
You are posting about me on that site while impersonating me here.
I point out that Ash is barren, she goes for the ad hom. Your av doesn't look much better. Ash. You have a proven record of at least a decade of being an fucking idiot online. You gone as far as doxing yourself, making it public knowledge that you made terroristic threats to the government, you've made bigoted posts that would do Hamas proud, highlighted the cog dis in your bonce by supporting groups conflicting ideologies, while also highlighting you know nothing about anything you support.

Don't you think your blatant NPD posting shows you up to be the serial killer type. Ofc, you're far too lazy and weak to actually do physical harm. Silly really, if you think about it. What with your dox being online, combined with your shitty personality, and habit of making threats, you are likely to get yourself killed, aren't you?

I mean, you'd shut the fuck up and just whimper on the floor if someone stepped to you IRL. But you don't say any of this shit to peoples faces, do you? What with the police not really giving a fuck if you got your head kicked in. You'd probably get charged with some hate crime (stats say it's likely to be a jig beating you, and then calling you a racist), that would be funny.
Gonna conclude my time here for a spell (I'll be back after Christmas and all) but I just wanna tell @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski that it's not too late to ask for help. I'm sure somebody can give you the right details. I believe in you, Ash. You can do it.
Gonna conclude my time here for a spell (I'll be back after Christmas and all) but I just wanna tell @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski that it's not too late to ask for help. I'm sure somebody can give you the right details. I believe in you, Ash. You can do it.
That's a pretty epic backwards universe you've constructed there but I think I'm going to go with the consensus reality that the ones with the mental issues are the kiwi farms losers following me around impersonating me, the racist alcoholic who ruined his own life and hates me even though he has never met me before, and the fat autistic divorced 65 year old who runs this site. It's kind of what you're known for by thousands of people and why it's cope to believe you are somehow less stunted than joshua moon or will amount to anything better than him. The good news is you can always overdose or shoot yourself if the convenience of victim blaming stops working for you though. Thanks for the fake sympathy homo!
Thanks for the fake sympathy homo!
My sympathy isn't fake at least. I genuinely think it's pathetic you're unable to stop posting here and just move on with life and it's sad that whatever's happened in your life has lead you here.
You're not even a POI.
The only interesting thing about you is this deranged need to interact with people who entirely hold you in contempt.
Otherwise you're just another dumpy trailer trash broad pretending to be married to a 41 year old edgelord who likely fucks around on you.
At this point I think it'd be in the best interest of the forum and yourself to sunset your subforum thread. Neither you nor Ken have an end goal for this never ending sperg out and never will.
When people complain elsewhere about this site, your name is ALWAYS brought up.
You're a detriment to this site and this site is clearly an equal detriment to you.
Someone stop the madness! :optimistic:
My sympathy isn't fake at least. I genuinely think it's pathetic you're unable to stop posting here and just move on with life and it's sad that whatever's happened in your life has lead you here.
You're not even a POI.
The only interesting thing about you is this deranged need to interact with people who entirely hold you in contempt.
Otherwise you're just another dumpy trailer trash broad pretending to be married to a 41 year old edgelord who likely fucks around on you.
At this point I think it'd be in the best interest of the forum and yourself to sunset your subforum thread. Neither you nor Ken have an end goal for this never ending sperg out and never will.
When people complain elsewhere about this site, your name is ALWAYS brought up.
You're a detriment to this site and this site is clearly an equal detriment to you.
Someone stop the madness! :optimistic:
Something universal I've noticed about every loser from kiwi farms is that they simply don't register how it's regarded as unmasculine and contemptuous on a deep level to spend your time online doxing women, saying creepy personal shit to them, making guesses about their lives. Guys like ken trying to make me into some exhibit that has never worked out and actually stresses him so much he's had multiple meltdowns at me is actually seen as the worst slimiest thing a man can be. I'm sure this has had a lifetime negative impact on your ability to form or keep relationships with people and betrays a very joshua moon like pathological non-understanding of basic decency and norms. Which is why I guess that's why you're here alone on christmas eve being creepy and presumptuous while I'm finishing baking for tomorrow with my husband.
how it's regarded as unmasculine and contemptuous on a deep level to spend your time online doxing women, saying creepy personal shit to them, making guesses about their lives.
I stopped reading there because you slipped into weird projection.
I have no grudge against women nor am I overly sympathetic to them. I agree, anyone who goes out of their way to bother women is a limped dick faggot, as is anyone who worships at their feet.
Broads are just people.
I hope a part of you understands I'm not trying to be overly mean to you. When I said "You'd be great to post alongside if you could stop the other shit" I meant it.
There's thunky thoughts rattling in there but you have trailer meth nigger brains and take everything to heart, so there's no helping you.
Merry Christmas, Ashley.
If you ever want to take your rabies vaccine, you'll have a sympathetic ear.
I love raccoons but a possum bitch like you will do, I suppose 💋
I stopped reading there because you slipped into weird projection.
I have no grudge against women nor am I overly sympathetic to them. I agree, anyone who goes out of their way to bother women is a limped dick faggot, as is anyone who worships at their feet.
Broads are just people.
I hope a part of you understands I'm not trying to be overly mean to you. When I said "You'd be great to post alongside if you could stop the other shit" I meant it.
There's thunky thoughts rattling in there but you have trailer meth nigger brains and take everything to heart, so there's no helping you.
Merry Christmas, Ashley.
If you ever want to take your rabies vaccine, you'll have a sympathetic ear.
I love raccoons but a possum bitch like you will do, I suppose 💋
I've informed kengle numerous times that I would stop registering accounts and leave him to organically "monetize" his shitty knockoff stalking site if he removes my dox. Unfortunately he's an insane 65 year old faggot who employs convicted woman beaters here and abused his asian mail order bride so much she left him, so no luck there. What did your loved ones get you for christmas? My husband got me a very nice pottery set and I got him blasphemous 2, which I will end up playing as well at some point.
Yeah except I'm very boring and there's no reason to dox me unless you're a salty elderly bitch and want to expose me to guys like the one crazy alcoholic who won't stop insisting my dad sexually abused me, as a form of punishment. Ken's wife left him, I have a successful marriage. My life is far less insane or lolzy than anyone trying to harass me. But nice to know you're down with that kind of incel behavior at what, age 35? 40?
But nice to know you're down with that kind of incel behavior at what, age 35? 40?
I'm a 57 year old pensioner with a loving wife, three children, one grandchild with another on the way. I own a 2 story home in a nice neighborhood instead of $20k crack shack in the woods. When I'm not be a gay retard on the Internet I spend my time constructing
I have a successful marriage
You haven't legally changed you name to Jankowski, I suspect you're living in sin, ackshually
My husband got me a very nice pottery set and I got him blasphemous 2, which I will end up playing as well at some point.
That sounds like you buy presents for yourself...
Yeah except I'm very boring and there's no reason to dox me
You are dull to communicate with, yes, but you are fucking mental, going as far as making terroristic threats.
It's all good, once Ken's home nursing office is back in the new year they can read all about how he runs a forum for insane racist troglodytes and targets transpeople and is an active danger to his own patients.
You admit you are a racist troglodyte? Cuz you post/look like one.
we don't assign huge importance to the institution of marriage even though we're monogamous
Why do you boast about having a husband, then?
Maybe I will at some point
You still having provided proof of life on Tommy.
That's a pretty epic backwards universe you've constructed there but I think I'm going to go with the consensus reality that the ones with the mental issues are the kiwi farms losers following me around impersonating me, the racist alcoholic who ruined his own life and hates me even though he has never met me before, and the fat autistic divorced 65 year old who runs this site. It's kind of what you're known for by thousands of people and why it's cope to believe you are somehow less stunted than joshua moon or will amount to anything better than him. The good news is you can always overdose or shoot yourself if the convenience of victim blaming stops working for you though. Thanks for the fake sympathy homo!

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And I bet you thought you were onto something there, eh, Ash? Allow me to boil it down for ya - consider it a Christmas gift. Y'know, Christmas? As in, the holiday I just largely spent with my family and friends before coming back here to check up on ya? As expected, you spent it posting here.

1. "That's a pretty epic backwards universe you've constructed there but I think I'm going to go with the consensus reality that the ones with the mental issues are the kiwi farms losers following me around impersonating me, the racist alcoholic who ruined his own life and hates me even though he has never met me before."

You have never met me before, and yet you group me in with a bunch of whoevers because, in your terminally online mind, whoever so much as pokes fun at ya for a little laugh is The Enemy. Believe me, you don't matter to me as much as you think you do. Listen to me, Ash: I couldn't care less about Kiwi Farms, outside of coming here to poke fun at how goofy the whole lot of its users are, primarily Josh; I stumbled upon him and his site while watching a Wings video where he mentioned Kiwi Farms. I have not posted there, nor would I.

Plus, honestly, after New Years, I'll stop coming here. I've pretty much said all that I've wanted to say. There's only so much you can say about a dime-a-dozen dipshit like Josh before you feel like you wanna do something that isn't the online equivalent of poking at roadkill with a stick, so I'll hit up Ken and have him deactivate my account or whatever. But you, though, will still be here, posting and posting, when I will have long forgotten you exist.

2. "It's kind of what you're known for by thousands of people and why it's cope to believe you are somehow less stunted than joshua moon or will amount to anything better than him."

It's not cope. The vast majority of people are objectively better than Josh. And amount to anything? Again, the vast majority of people have. I fit the bill on both counts: when I go into work every day and people tell me what a great coworker/employee I am, when I volunteer when I'm off and I'm given so many props for taking the time to help out when many wouldn't, when family and friends recall the shit we used to do together as kids, that's when I know I've certainly amounted to something pretty swell. Of course, my life is not perfect by any means (who's is?) but I get by. I wake up every morning and sleep every night knowing that at least my life's work isn't a shitty gossip rag about literal nobodies. I rest assured knowing that my life is not exhibited for people to gawk at. Nobody knows who I am offline because unlike a lot of people, I don't feel the need to have people hang on my every word. The truth is, I amount to something where it actually matters, baby. And that's more than can be said for a lotta people out there.

Like Joshua Connor Moon.

3. "The good news is you can always overdose or shoot yourself if the convenience of victim blaming stops working for you though. Thanks for the fake sympathy homo!"

Using homo as an insult? That's not very nice, Ash. Being homosexual is nothing to be ashamed about - isn't that what you've been saying this whole time? Also, overdose? The only thing I've ever overdosed on is life itself. I just got back from a pretty swell Christmas party. Caught up with family and friends. Told one of the latter I'll gladly volunteer some more with 'em if I've got time on my schedule. I got no reason to be suicidal. And victim blaming? What do I have to blame anyone for? My life is comfy as fuck right now.

I poke fun at you because it's just amusing to see someone who could easily nip this all in the bud by simply not coming back, but you keep coming back - why is that? Like I said, I'll be long gone, and you'll still be here.

It's just so sad, honestly. An entire generation of terminally online dorks failed by parent and educator alike, waging a "soft civil war" (LMAO) that literally nobody cares about in real life.

But whatever, I really do hope you had a good Christmas, Ash. Have a happy new year. Maybe one day you'll see how silly this all is.
You have never met me before, and yet you group me in with a bunch of whoevers because, in your terminally online mind, whoever so much as pokes fun at ya for a little laugh is The Enemy. Believe me, you don't matter to me as much as you think you do. Listen to me, Ash: I couldn't care less about Kiwi Farms, outside of coming here to poke fun at how goofy the whole lot of its users are, primarily Josh; I stumbled upon him and his site while watching a Wings video where he mentioned Kiwi Farms. I have not posted there, nor would I.

Except josh isn't "goofy", he's a low functioning violent bigot who delivers weekly nazi speeches to a small army of pathetic losers who are extremely serious about wanting to kill every transperson. There are guys on his forum who have said they would love to beat kids who experience gender dysphoria. That's why the thread here about him is so stupid, because he is a legitimate danger to people and is happy when he inspires violent action or even death. The thread on him here is pages of people who seem like ex idiot followers kvetching that he's socially awkward and doesn't run his site well. No shit retard, that kind of takes a backseat to the fact he is a terrorist.

The fact that ken wants some of that for himself indicates there is something extremely wrong with him and something wrong with the system supporting him.
Plus, honestly, after New Years, I'll stop coming here. I've pretty much said all that I've wanted to say. There's only so much you can say about a dime-a-dozen dipshit like Josh before you feel like you wanna do something that isn't the online equivalent of poking at roadkill with a stick, so I'll hit up Ken and have him deactivate my account or whatever. But you, though, will still be here, posting and posting, when I will have long forgotten you exist.

That rocks, if you hadn't signed up here to bitch about how I should totally stop making fun of an alcoholic middle aged nazi retard who obsessively posted about my dead parents for years I wouldn't be aware of your existence.
I poke fun at you because it's just amusing to see someone who could easily nip this all in the bud by simply not coming back, but you keep coming back - why is that? Like I said, I'll be long gone, and you'll still be here.
No actually what ken has done here brings into question his mental competence and lack of ethics and I think this should be examined by more people outside of broken minded little ex cult members like you so it's only starting.