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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

People who are prominent in the Lounge96 community
Ken won't ban you for posting something like this and he'll prevent you from being doxed if you're a child abuser on his staff but for some reason I'm the one who deserves to be harassed. I think it's pretty clear Ken just loves racists and abuse of women above all else (why his wife left) and that's what his forum is really about.

Nah this fat fuck is not threatening me with legal ramifications for a situation he created and sustained here by enbaling shutin miscreants like you sorry not sorry
he's threatening you with legal action because you CAME BACK after saying you wouldn't COME BACK because he REMOVED your THREAD like you demanded him to. you fucking retard. lmao. you shot yourself in the foot for the ten millionth time in your life
If he wants to explain to a guy who literally went to law school how anything I've done is harassment or defamation of a place that allows posting like the above then this should be extremely funny and I encourage him to stupidly dig his own grave
Ken won't ban you for posting something like this and he'll prevent you from being doxed if you're a child abuser on his staff but for some reason I'm the one who deserves to be harassed. I think it's pretty clear Ken just loves racists and abuse of women above all else (why his wife left) and that's what his forum is really about.

View attachment 44613
The idea of this bring a white supremacist, terrorist forum is so asinine.....you don't have any words for it.
Nah I'm pretty sure the 65 year old man who keeps restoring a thread where a maniac told me this to make some kind of twisted punitive example of me is actually the malicious insane one here
You welshed on the deal, you meathead you.
Don't worry though Ken doesn't run a racist forum,
Apart from your posts, you racialist
Impossible, she'd rather run the risk of being SWAT'd, than miss one day of sexually harassing you
a situation he created and
You welshed, Ash. Literally documented
extremely funny
Yeah. Ash. gain. You got the thread deleted. All you had to do was NOT post here.
hut up you dumb bitch you and yours are the ones posting shit like this
Hmmmmm... how SFW is "hook nosed bitch"?
Nah I'm pretty sure the 65 year old man who keeps restoring a thread where a maniac told me this to make some kind of twisted punitive example of me is actually the malicious insane one here and that's obvious to anyone sane who'd ever read that bullshit but I'm certainly not asking for rationality from you and the rest of the Grouphome Gang that populates this forum.

View attachment 44609
I'm going to break in your house and bring my wife and kids to beat and fuck in front of you while you cry about not having any.
Ken won't ban you for posting something like this and he'll prevent you from being doxed if you're a child abuser on his staff but for some reason I'm the one who deserves to be harassed. I think it's pretty clear Ken just loves racists and abuse of women above all else (why his wife left) and that's what his forum is really about.

View attachment 44613
Ashley has a crush on the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang and fantasizes about catching kids together.
Don't worry though Ken doesn't run a racist forum, it's just that 100% of his userbase constantly has outbursts like this. So much so he had to throw a big autistic tantrum and demod someone because all his posters are insane bigots and woman abusers. Ken I am absolutely begging you to try and sue me you fat piece of dogshit.

View attachment 44610
You eat dog shit.
Nah this fat fuck is not threatening me with legal ramifications for a situation he created and sustained here by enbaling shutin miscreants like you sorry not sorry
I'm going to send your dox to Islamic terrorists.
If he wants to explain to a guy who literally went to law school how anything I've done is harassment or defamation of a place that allows posting like the above then this should be extremely funny and I encourage him to stupidly dig his own grave
I'm going to sign up with your personal information to Stromfront and that Texas border forum so they think you're trying to overthrow the country.
Shut up you dumb bitch you and yours are the ones posting shit like this

View attachment 44616
I'm going to use your personal information to make a rape roleplay account and say your door is always open for it and to ignore the struggling because it's just playing along.
Reason: I'm going to say more ridiculous things to make Ashley paranoid.
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The idea of this bring a white supremacist, terrorist forum is so asinine.....you don't have any words for it.
If your forum isn't geared towards racists then why is it extremely easy to find posts like the ones above here you low iq dumbass? You have banner text at the top of the site mocking "trannies" that appears right above some new bullshit you wrote as a spastic response to my complaint about welcoming lgbt people here. It's beyond parody. You are obviously compromised mentally and should be in a group home.
the entire thread that this was in got removed from public view and you were so obese and angry online that kevin restored it. you are a mentally ill hog creature and you're going to die exactly as impoverished and undignified as you were born
Your pussy smells like a cadaver and the only man who ever touched you years ago you almost domed himself instead of listening to your shrill harpy voice.
Your pussy smells like a cadaver and the only man who ever touched you years ago you almost domed himself instead of listening to your shrill harpy voice.
and you have absolutely no self control to the point where you ruined your own good thing
and you have absolutely no self control to the point where you ruined your own good thing
It's so funny how you've deluded yourself into thinking this has ever had any impact on my employment or whatever. No bitch I just fucking hate you and your disgusting racist trog friends and everything they do. I find you interpersonally rotten and I want you to hurt yourself. How long is it going to take you to be a nasty stinky femcel before you do the world a favor and kill yourself?
If your forum isn't geared towards racists then why is it extremely easy to find posts like the ones above here you low iq dumbass? You have banner text at the top of the site mocking "trannies" that appears right above some new bullshit you wrote as a spastic response to my complaint about welcoming lgbt people here. It's beyond parody. You are obviously compromised mentally and should be in a group home.
A Chinese restaurant cooked your cat.
Your pussy smells like a cadaver and the only man who ever touched you years ago you almost domed himself instead of listening to your shrill harpy voice.
That's what your daddy told you as he raped you as a child. You preemptively deserved it back then for being how you are now.
It's so funny how you've deluded yourself into thinking this has ever had any impact on my employment or whatever. No bitch I just fucking hate you and your disgusting racist trog friends and everything they do. I find you interpersonally rotten and I want you to hurt yourself. How long is it going to take you to be a nasty stinky femcel before you do the world a favor and kill yourself?
@dcxr You fuck dogs
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Christ you come here literally every day to brag you love racist scum. You will never have a normal life, stop using me to blame all your problems on and just raid your insane mom's medicine cabinet already.
You come here every day for your masochistic abuse fetish. Cut yourself for me.
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If your forum isn't geared towards racists then why is it extremely easy to find posts like the ones above here you low iq dumbass?
Don't forget your own vile bigotry, Ash. I'm wondering... why are you so concerned about OTHER people being "racist" (ie making jokes), when you are so bigoted?
complaint about welcoming lgbt people here.
Of course. The looney homo set are some of the milkiest lolcows.
You are obviously compromised mentally and should be in a group home
Ash... you were given, by Ken (PBUHN), a chance to choose between being a fat cow, skitzoposting on a niche internet gossip forum and not. You made your choice, to carry on being a nutter online.
This isn't a forum for bigot losers though, it's lgbt friendly if you can ignore the incels constantly posting stuff like this
Islamaphobe. AHhhhhhhhhhhhh. See what I did there? Why are you such an islamophobist? Huh? Do you think Islam has the wrong idea about mincers? Do you Ash?