We've reached the end of our time together, Ashley. I thought about writing up an actual farewell post but then I thought, nah. She doesn't deserve the opportunity to turn it into more of her stupid melodrama. I will say this: My religion teaches that no one is beyond redemption, and my personal experiences in life have taught me that even the profoundly damaged can find peace; but as a practical matter, it will never happen for Ashley. Her pattern is too set, her compulsions too strong, her will to fight them nonexistent. Ashley will never be a healthy weight, have social interactions with actual people, do any self-examination, or seek effective treatment for her issues. She will be harassing people, mostly ineffectually, and getting furious until the day she dies. It won't ever get better. She'll never be any happier.
It's fitting, somehow, that the last posts of yours that I'll ever read was an extended rant about trannies and accusing me of focusing on children's genitals and an extended rant about how the world's like, totally going to end. Ashley getting mad and 'defending' people who never asked for her efforts, and a distillation of her overwhelming anxiety. Why do anything when the world's going to die? And it's all the KKKonservatives of AmeriKKKa's fault! Especially you, Karl!