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Lounge96 - Prominent Individual Hello, I am Ashley Hutsell Jankowski

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Jesus Christ came to me in a vision once and told me it's righteous to look at women's nudes they don't want you to have if you really really hate them! Which is good since that's all I wanna do! Hallelujah!
Jesus Christ came to me in a vision once and said only boyfriend-free girls will make it to heaven and everyone else goes to Kiwifarms.
We've reached the end of our time together, Ashley. I thought about writing up an actual farewell post but then I thought, nah. She doesn't deserve the opportunity to turn it into more of her stupid melodrama. I will say this: My religion teaches that no one is beyond redemption, and my personal experiences in life have taught me that even the profoundly damaged can find peace; but as a practical matter, it will never happen for Ashley. Her pattern is too set, her compulsions too strong, her will to fight them nonexistent. Ashley will never be a healthy weight, have social interactions with actual people, do any self-examination, or seek effective treatment for her issues. She will be harassing people, mostly ineffectually, and getting furious until the day she dies. It won't ever get better. She'll never be any happier.

It's fitting, somehow, that the last posts of yours that I'll ever read was an extended rant about trannies and accusing me of focusing on children's genitals and an extended rant about how the world's like, totally going to end. Ashley getting mad and 'defending' people who never asked for her efforts, and a distillation of her overwhelming anxiety. Why do anything when the world's going to die? And it's all the KKKonservatives of AmeriKKKa's fault! Especially you, Karl!
This shit was so fucking bonkers. It's one thing to torment people because sadism feels good, or if you're slightly more self-aware admit harming ambiguously deserving people helps you forget what a drunkard manchild failure you are, and being like the other farms losers and continuing for those selfish and nihilistic reasons, but to say GOD and the UNIVERSE have your back in your petty anti-social behavior and mockery of a suicide is such next level insanity. I guess when you have NPD you become God.
Maybe a picture, too:
View attachment 39045

Those toenails get washed and trimmed once a year, whether they need it or not.



Ashley the psychotic rage machine is so deeply thoughtful and insightful about religion.
Even as a woman beater Marshall won over Karl bbcause 1) He actually had women to beat irl 2) People actually liked him enough they attended his funeral. 3) He wasn't stuck getting asspats on two far right forums owned by mentally ill pedophiles. Tough luck!

Sure, that sounds plausible.
Ashley the psychotic rage machine is so deeply thoughtful and insightful about religion.
Why are you bragging about posting on MPC when another poster from there came here like a day ago and agreed with me that weev is into underage girls, and that Brian was friends with PUA blogger Roissy who said 14 year olds are hot? Not implied, he verbatim said 14 year old girls are at peak fertility and are attractive. And Brian was friends with that guy.

Why are you not only openly associating with that still but acting smug that their little treehouse didn't burn down yet? Why would you brag about that when everyone can read what he said?
Weev runs Daily Stormer with Andrew Anglin and Andrew had an entire Atlantic article about how he was fucking underaged girls in SE Asia. Since @Karl's the protagonist of reality he thinks if he just screams enough about how anyone is crazy for bringing this up he'll finally be a winner. Would not be at all surprised if he's on the sex offender registry.
The 1 face of Ashley Hutsell Jankowski:

Sorry, I'm not one of your husband's relatives.
Lol is that really the weak retort you want to show the world for the extremely reasonable question "why are you bragging about going on MPC and hanging out with a nazi (he has a massive swastika tat) who said he was fucking underaged girls"?

Of course you're a pedophile, you're a shifty and insecure nerd who spends all his time being cruel and disgusting online. Young girls or boys won't call you a drunk stunted loser like adult women will and defiling them scratches that sadism and degradation itch you and Joshua Moon and weev share. At this point people would be more surprised if there's any white nationalists who aren't child diddling perverts.