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Why would I do that fatso it's not like you can even explain why you keep posting on a pedophile's forum especially after you harassed a man until he shot himself in the head there.
This haughty little attitude you pull like you're OWED explanation for anything is so funny, you're a crazy bigot who uses stalking websites to bully people until they commit suicide. And it's owned by a fat shutin child fucker. Nobody owes you anything.
You look like a sperg and a psychopathic lunatic in all these threads. There's a reason Kiwi farms doesn't have a host anymore and it's not because you're the sane one in any of these interactions.
Here's a tip buddy maybe if you want to truly make anyone feel bad then you should find some quality people to hang around, not guys who smell like a yeast infection and have a history of telling udneraged girls they want to rape them.
Andrew acknowledges you and the other swine bullied Marshall to the point of suicide. I mean, of course you did, you made up a bunch of horrific shit about how he was molesting kids and had murdered his infant and wouldn't shut up about it for over a year.
And her husband got a High School diploma or the general education equivalent. They're a real brain trust. That's why he's a career unarmed security drone and she delivers fast food.
This guy had dozens of posts in my thread on KF. Time for you, fnaarf, and the other little freak to come clean or else get diagnosed. I don't think there was a single guy on KF that ever tried to insult me that didn't go on to open up that they're some trainwreck alcoholic or a partner abuser or something. A lot of guys with extreme problems with women.
KF being a giant honeypot for autists makes a lot of sense and why besides MPC they're all the worst adult men I've ever encountered either in real life or on the internet. That explains a lot of the stuntedness and attitude that they're entitled to you putting up with their abuse. Extreme bullied creepy kid energy but in their 30s and 40s. I'm amazed this guy found a wife and I feel deeply sorry for her because he hasn't actually worked on any of this if he's posting there and is definitely abusive to her and everyone around him. He can at least feel superior to Karl that he didn't follow me all over the internet making himself look like an idiot and a loser who's too insecure and dumb to stop though.
Legal protection for being a rude abusive piece of shit to everyone around you is the only sort of affirmative action any of these assholes would support.
No, tamarlover (Andrew, her stalker of multiple years who is -still- talking about her online, the one who @Karl befriended that also fantasizes about keeping female slaves) is unfortunately still alive. Melinda's husband brutally shot himself though, after having a group of KF freaks call him a molester and a baby killer for almost 2 years. If you think they had anything to do with it that's autism though. If you don't think it's fine and normal to go around accusing total strangers of sexual child abuse it's AUTISM. Thinking that bringing up someone's dead infant to get to them is sick loser shit that will condemn you to Hell is AUTISM. Thinking there are consequences for actions is AUTISM.
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