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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
E-lame admits to having a history of tardery. However... who are these people who "groomed" her? Sounds like she's trying to establish a "It wasn't my fault, the internet made me do it" defense. And she didn't get any sleep through the night. So... it's a big ol' X on whether anyone got Bachman Turner Fuckin' Overdrive'd.
She has also made the case repeatedly that toxic mold poisoning made her do it.

But she was busy the last two days. Still thinks she's immune from consequences.
Women are generally weaker than men. Biological fact. Women are also not as good at dealing with stressful situations. Been known for years. How many of these men, y'know, out of the global population, are shitting up a thread on an esoteric "gossip" site? Like REAL men.

"Is it all just cope and projection or do they know deep down they’re fucked?"

Like your Dad's tax situation, Elaine?
How many times has she said Onion Farms (in full) since she said she'd never say it again? That squit she's replying tois nearly two months old. Perhaps she should have looked at this squit...

Who is this Ryan guy, anyway? What's the poor sod done to be handbagged by E-lame.
I think it is more likely you were a lezza all along. With guys it's Absent father, domineering mother that makes homos... what is it with donut bumpers (Larry Sanders Show ref)? Ofc this could be the step before trooning out.
Of that 99%, how much is down to Plodwinson?
Some replyage
That sounds more like: Elaine be doin' sum shady shit online. I mean, it's not like Elaine is posting about 9/11 and the laws of physics, or the Chinky-enboldened-sneezies. She posts SWAT threats... She posts porn... She posts malware.
E-lame is squitting about "Muh Freedumb ob Speeeeech"
Sadly, bints like this, simply cannot abide by the rules and play nice with the others. They should just log off and accept that they are like that alkie who CANNOT just have one drink, but with internet.
This again. Elaine, remember when you thought you were talking to a minor and told them to look at porn. Some of which you said was child porn?
The internet won't forget. btw didn'tshe want to be a cheerleader for PG?
People who alawg Elame are fat, k? She's not bitter because she's a thin skinned hag. No, you're fat.
Not sure what the point, trying to be made here, is. She's not a JF and attracted to Lerds, is she? Dollars to donuts tho, all the Downies there are higher functioning that Elaine.
This sigma business...
Independent from what? Reality? Confident? Her obnoxious self pitying, me thinks not. Intelligent. Objectively not.
I hated typing that sentence I'm sorry
In all seriousness what's this I hear of her talking to minors and trying to make them coomers and sending CP? Did she honestly think no one would remember that? By the gods she is retarded LMAO
This again. Elaine, remember when you thought you were talking to a minor and told them to look at porn. Some of which you said was child porn?
The internet won't forget. btw didn't she want to be a cheerleader for PG?
She reminds me of Pig Pen (Peanuts). Valid.
It's the tits, right? She's jealous of the tits.
Shall we see who, out of PG and E-lame have a better track record of dox'ing people?
Oh, Elaine... you poor deluded Minnie Doo. I've been trolling you long before you started trying to attract the attention of Ken. About the time your father cut you off, no doubt. btw, you don't "dunk" on people. You tell on yourself.
She had to resquit that as well. Also telling.
1. Elaine has confessed to SWATing people. Has threatened to SWAT people. She still can't understand why she didn't get invited to other kids parties when she was young, can she? 2.Ken's not your Dad. Time to take responsibility for your actions (which are documented). ANd get some exercise, maybe?
There are recordings of the discord calls where she swatted people and more recordings where she giggled at her own genius for weeks afterwards.

Does cocaine make you forget?

She's so proud of her TTS calls that she records them. For posterity.
The Daddy issues of it.
People may think this one eyed pic is refering to Eye Of Providence... her Illuminutty LARP. It's not. She's hiding that wob eye.
E-lame says that she was oppin' with that hacker. Who believes this? And I don't cap ALL your squits, the thread couldn't stand that much banality. Elaine is the one whose lying (golly gosh!), I never said she SENT noooodz, you provided a link to someone that everyone thought was a minor. Including you. At best, even if this hacker is of age, looking at CP isn't kosher, whatever the age, you let everyone think that. Not much better is it?

You may have a personality disorder, you may have a skag habit, but you are also a Lerd.
Dunnce there, really glad he asked E-lame to back him up. True tho. The guy is more terminally online than someone who is wheel chair bound.
Maybe THIS time. Maybe this time morons will believe that Elaine is a victim, they will believe that Elaine DIDN'T upload her porn to the net, thinking she'd be the next Kim K, only to end up being made fun by actual internet mean girls. Maybe.
Ok, Elaine. Considering who you like to have a discord buddies, and that your "burden of proof" for being a nonce is 1. Pointing out you're a liar 2. Saying anything you don't want to hear, you may want to reconsider this bit of shameless clout chasing. Oh yeah, nearly forgot, you linked porn (inc what you said was CP) to who you thought was a minor. So... there are many more people who think YOU are a nonce.

The replies gave me a small laugh
Grooming ad... ironic.
Calm down Elaine.
Oh yeah, nearly forgot, you linked porn (inc what you said was CP) to who you thought was a minor. So... there are many more people who think YOU are a nonce.
Look you fucking schizo nonce, that "15 year old Turkish boy" was a 30 year old Australian named Vincent and was nulls friend. You are so stupid you actually believe some random kid hacked the site and then I sent him my deep fakes. It was Vincent who hacked the site so yes the person I sent those deep fakes to was a 30 year old Chinese Australian.
This is why nobody takes you or this site seriously and kengle should just ban you at this point.
I bet you jack it to the CSAM my of deep fakes while pretending your just doing "research" you fucking nonce
That means you just got to come up with some abitrary reason andit's all good, no suicidedness. A good reason, tho... laughing at dinlos. Can't think of a better one.
Calm down, dear. It'sonly a troll.
Careful you don't burn yourself on that hot hot take there, Elaine.
Chinny reckon
Cringe. He's old enough to be your Dad... I guess that's why tho...
Elaine admits to being a SWATer. Again. I guess as Commie Farms doesn't like reporting people to 5-0 for SWATs... it's not going to ever end, right?
btw Douche is a 2016 account. Maybe E-lame will ask Plodz what significance that has. If Plodz is still talking to her. He did say "Next, Elaine", so maybe she's been Enron'd
Elaine, admits to SWATing (yet again). Can't get this forums name out of her whore mouth (yet again).
Counterpoint: E-lame is a educationally subnormal cunt, who delights in threatening people, but shits her pants when the shoe is on the other foot, and cries "I'm being haruoosed and stwalket" when people point out her fuckwittery. You are NOT a victim, Elaine. You just play one on the internet. Badly.

Is she really that mental that she really thinks that she'll make a "Milly" by going viral? Or that she's going to bag some crypto billionaire? She's too thick and lazy (and wob-eyed) to even get exploited by a 4th rate Tate knock off.
She'll end up getting the shit kicked out of her by the N-Dub "Working Girls" for encroaching on their terry-terry.

btw Elaine, people don't have to accept your apology if they reasonably think you aren't sincere. You have admitted to committing a crime, numerous times. This sounds like you are getting blow back from your own actions. If you expect any sympathy, then you really are fucking sectionable.