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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
She's lost track of time... it was only 10, oh this is what Xananx is prescribed for...
Elaine, if you are being prescribed alprazolam, it's for this. To deal with the symptoms of your personality disorder. Your failure to understand this... does this mean you are a. making this shit up for clout and/or attention or b. taking bennies without a script. Illegal. And means you aren't an addict in recovery, as you are still abusing drugs...
She doesn't understand how people can get high on xannies... after saying they made her feel drunk... ummmm...
A J is getting under Elaine's aforementioned pasty skin, again.
Someone has handed her some dincord shit from 6 months ago, it mentions Plodz, so I imagine it was passed on to Elaine to wind her up. Success. If you're wondering about who Warhammer is, stop. There is no real need to know about them. Generic internet sektur orbiter tard.
Racial stereotyping
nfn The Great One was the nickname of Jackie "And awaaaay we go..." Gleason, given to him by Orson Welles. To give you an idea of how unoriginal and stupid DN is.
Pointless drama.
Very much doubt the A&H wallah care about Elaine's slow decent into psychosis
Gaytor is still above E-lame in the sektur swamp. js.
Elaine and her poor English
That's because 1. You are too retared to have an interesting point. 2. You have no friends. Just people trying to exploit you.
Js gotta point. That's been made by others.
Elaine for "The guy I get Billy off of is doing 18 months"
Elaine wanting us to believe she's a health tourist, abusing the national institute that is the NHS (gor'bless um,nall who sail...) Nobody believes she's an foreign, everyone believes she's a parasite.
Elaine admits she is the worst Jewish stereotype. Not smart, or industrious, just grabbling. lol at the idea Elaine has actually studied Judaism, or even the books of Moses. Still, careful with that "anti-semitism", someone might try squit out "Get that Brew basher, and her family". And you know how the Heebolites deal with people like her.

Elaine is now on Depressive Winter Squitter Time. Up all night on the Squitter, sleeping through the day, not getting any natural Vit D she needs.
"Gibzzzz pilllllzzzzzz NOW!"
I wonder if the staff of her local NHS trust have cottoned onto the fact she is a lollygagger, and abusing the free health care she receives due to being unemployed. You got a private doctor and the money they will prescribe ANYTHING.
More adventures of Elaine in This Never Happened Land. Also "me and my collegue", pleb. "A Collegue and I".
There's a couple more, but let's face it, if Elaine had a job, the first thing that would happen is this: Miss Pinge would be a name used. "Oh, NW London? Do you know Miss Pinge?" Ofc, Elaine wouldn't get it at first, she's too self absorbed that people might google her name, and find this thread. They would tho. And so, if Elaine ever got a job, unlikely as she's a twot, within days she would quit, and go back on the sick. Due to stress of having to face up to her own actions like adults are expected to do.

Warning: Cracking spoonerism inside spoiler.
Elaine foolishly tries to make out someone thought she was an aristo, when no one did. Just another awful lower middleclass bint with deluded pretentions. Who did mention the members club. Perhaps she means "I didn't even mention the name of the club, even tho I've mentioned previous memvers club... durrrr I'm not pretending to be retard, I just think I am". Never new money (New Labour money at best, but that was credit), and no money now.
Dincord might have been the seed of this lie, but if Elaine has been forced to go on some walking rehab/therapy course because of some naughtiness she's been caught doin', maybe that's the members club, the 2hr group cope upstairs in the library. Can't see her lasting long there, as she would boast to the group, group would find this thread... Hullo Miss Pinge!
This has been the highlight of E-lames day. Enuff sed.
Why? Because it's what you did... that's why it's so real, Elaine. @Empresa would probably be able to prove that.
While I'll grant you Lee is super Ker-ringe and utterly pointless, I have to say that this stems from bitterness. And I'll involve Plodwinson, y'see, Nark Dinja was quite popular on PLodz stream, and Adam didn't give him a hard time (for that stream at least, later...?), infact... Adam borrowed his schtick. Dunnce gets dox'd and reminded by chat his Dad is a nonce. Every. Single. Fucking. Time. Oh, and Elaine is still bitter about PLate Gang.
NPC squit of the day.
E-lame loses another one...
Looks like E-lame is worried she's lipped off a bit too much. No, there is no "talking it over", there is just screaming at each other. Hasn't she learnt anything from those dincord "leaks"?
Very much X.
Elaine inciting violence there.
Elaine says that Dunnce made her do it.
Literally thinks Anon is one guy. Kinda not understanding the point.
For some strange reason, after being flippant to a group of doxerz... Elaine is trying very hard to make us believe she is leaving the UK. She is failing.
Still a sore subject
Elaine, you are of your chump.
I don't think this is the 1st time E-lame has been catty about Sonia Poulton (Ex mainstream, now social media podcaster). I've seen a bit of SP stuff, she's pretty good. I assume the cattiness is due to SP being older, even older than me(!), but better looking than Elaine. Who looks like they are already in her 30s.
Remember, E-lame doesn't think it's a big deal to post public info... unless it's her parents.
Her poor time keeping is due, no doubt, to drug abuse.
Elaine implies that 4chan users aren't the nicest people. She sure knows how to schmooze...
No, really, she IS leaving bongland, so Dox crews just fergit et, roight?
She does have big ears, note she always tries to hide them. Like the jug eared cunt sheis.
Well... from your own story (which is rubbish btw) you are basically admitting that Roxo managed to dob you in to the feds, and get you kicked out of Britain.
Elaine doesn't think anyone has been high at an airport. And thinks people believe she's at the airport. Really going to need to video yerself there, post check in. You can video yourself in airports, if you follow the rules.
That was (checks time) "longer than amin" ago... the next squit is...
Back of car. Goodbye sheltered accom that you got yourself kicked out of.
She's actually gone to the airport. Ofc I could take apic of me at the habour... doesn't mean I'm getting on a boat. Gonna need a pic of you on the plane.
btw, is that how a diamond heiress would dress for international travel? And for someone who claimed to have a british passport (with only some of the info altered), you wonder why she does it. NPD that's the reason

E-lame is a cow without a home.
Says she hasn't slept for the past 3 days... after saying that in the past 48hrs she slept for 20. Yet, she can't fathom why people call her a liar.
What she means by " I haven’t been paying electricity at my apartment so I’m going home to 24 hours of cold until I can get it dealt with" is anyones guess. I got a feeling that Elaine pissed all her ESA away and didn't have any money for the meter.
E-lame decides to Babs her obvious lies. Cows gonna cow
OOOOHHHhhhhh. Imagine getting dunked on by the guy who hung out with dincord degens like Pedmenco
The meme is still alive and well.
She's in "Somewhere Eastern European"
Note: No photo of "Eastern European" airport
Note: She does not deny that her Dad fiddles his taxes.
Still no denial.
Yeah. You can clearly tell that's Eastern European land.
elaines nails.png
Looks like she's been biting her nails... she must be anxious about something... what could that be?
Still on this... Elaine says that she grassed up all the h8xzurz.
Elaine, with your hands... it's going to be hard... js
Elaine is so lonely, she lets herself get trolled by the ghost of a dead R1 DJ. Much shame.
Gunt forgets the first 30 years.
Elaine calls the sandwogs dirty. Apart from Dubai, just that city, fuck the rest of the Emirates, and Jordan... she really doesn't know her history. An Israeli simp would never say that. Of course E-lame is too thick to know why.
From white feathers to this... plus ca change.
You really need to start meeting women IRL.

Back to the bint.
Y'know what Elaine, how about doing a stream on great female leaders. As you are educationally subnormal and don't know any, I'll help: Thatcher, Bhutto, Ghandi... go on, do a stream on those women.
Doesn't she mean ironic. Or is Iconic her version of "Hmmm, indeed" and nodding when she doesn't understand what is being said to her?
Yeah, Epstein died to protect all the other nonces, so they could get away with noncing kids more. This bint would simp for the FBI/ATF, wouldn't she?
It's not on auto then?
Sounds like an idea...
Tig ol' bitties. That word iconic again.
Apolog-ist, Elaine.
Aren't you worried certain dox squad will use this to find out where you are? Just because you are in Moscow (don't laugh) doesn't mean they can't fuck with you.
Is it? Really?
Just wait until he does a stream pretending he's moved to a different country, just after he admitted to hacking, SWATing and spreading malware...
Her hair looks like it's taken off a mangey fox. She has the skin of a holocaust survivor on smack. But if that's what you want to stick you tally whacker in... go ahead. Odd ball.
Promise I will not try my luck with Elaine, I have heard enough horror stories about her. Excuse my simpery, it might have just been the filters fooling me upon looking at other pictures of her in this thread.
Yeah. You're going out to get food dressed like that... in Moscow. With the way the weather is. Should have checked more than just what the time was. Gonna need to do better than that. C'mon, 1min vid near a monument, a building, a shop, anything. You could make a YT short.
Also, unsurprised that Chuckles is a moron. Yes. Fly to the Strip and tell them what to do. I'm sure that would work out.
btw You remember Blair's Babes? The record number of female Labour MPs voted in in 1997? 101. You know how many voted against the Iraq war? That's something femcels never talk about. Like White Feathers.
Too busy on that Squitter and their "Only Pretending To Be Retarded" takes.
Who does Elaine actually troll? The cow bit is obvious. Maybe they are talking about her face.
And yes Elaine, you are spindly armed and legged.
Elaine demonstrates her poor communication skills, and probably doesn't really understand the situation. Is it based to kill witnesses who are going to testify against a nonce (and Kev more or less admitted to getting into bed with a teen and groping him)? Is that what you mean?
Refute the logic.

See if you manage to crack one out to the pic she posted this time...
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Elaine outs herself as ginger... beer.
From the "Worker's Paradise"'s Moscow Moo. You know all that take out she gets (because she's too retarded to cook for herself)? How much foreign DNA do you think Elaine has consumed (unwittingly) due to her attitude?