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Everyone has seen the horrors of what her 'crack' has caused.Elaine is a ghetto drug.
Everyone has seen the horrors of what her 'crack' has caused.Elaine is a ghetto drug.
When you find out let me know so I can join this plate gang as wellI’m still trying to figure out what the plate gang is . and how I joined it and who is Roxo again
She's dead like Haru.I'm not here to speculate on lidl drip's identity but this post about mimicking and BPD is spot on. Elaine has never had her own identity, all her edgy posturing is a bad replication of women like Isabella Janke, framergirl, or other women she views as competition. Her obsession with Null's speculated exes is also bizarre, and doesn't help her case. A lot of her resentment towards Null is because he clocked her hatred for other women early on in her own thread, she probably took that as another form of rejection. Anyone who reads these threads can see the differences in her treatment of women versus men who are literal chomos. She is violent and malicious towards women she is threatened by, l won't mention them because I know Elaine will post about this on twitter after I log out. The worst offenses she has committed have been towards mothers, which speaks for itself. Elaine has a strained relationship with both parents who have neglected to correct her behavioral issues and drug addiction for years. They don't care that she seeks internet validation from strangers who view her as a circus monkey, but Elaine cares enough to (badly) portray herself as an individual with a balanced social life and career. I think that she lies about being diagnosed with conduct disorder as a minor so that she can say she doesn't have BPD. We know her parents would have never taken her to a shrink as a minor, because they didn't take her to a shrink when she has been actively ruining her life.
Elaine has been obsessed with Null for years and he still rarely acknowledges her existence, which is the best thing anyone in his position could do. Before her obsession with kiwifarms she was a failed influencer faking her wealth. That much has stayed the same with her inconsistent streams with the usual suspects, and her lies about being an exotical Ruskie with ties to the Gertler dynasty.
I do believe that Simon has cut her off, but there is also substantial evidence supporting this theory:
- In recent streams, videos, or photos you can see that she is no longer living in the same building she shared with her parents. Maybe her orbiters can weigh in more on this. Does lainey still discourage her mummy's maid from cleaning her soiled mattress?
- Elaine made posts on twitter bragging about receiving a few grand on cashapp, at the time I believed it might have been her parents. I recently came across evidence that the money was coming from an orbiter who frequently pops up in this thread. He is no longer sending her money because of another falling out. The last job I know she had was as a barista at some coffee chain. She was never making enough to be independent.
- There may be a few gullible posters who believe that she isn't English, or that her name is really Elena and she has Russian heritage. They may even stroke her ego and play along with her MI6 role play, but her current location was doxed with those awful talons she purchased down the street from her flat. Her passport with her full name was posted within the first 10 pages of her kiwifarms thread, and Elaine continues to solidify that her dossier is legitimate with every DM she sends out.
If you're going to bully someone, it only logically follows that they will end up being mean towards you.Elaine was very mean to me, despite me doing nothing but publicly defend her and privately bully her.