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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Like with you and checking your thread?
Again... sounds like you...
Two cows there, with threads, talking about how other people are milky. Do you see a pattern emerging?
She's obsessed with with Geist D. fr fr. You can't hae it, silly rabbit.
Staff? lol.
1. Elaine is worried about getting glassed by the many, many, many people who Elaine has pissed off. 2. Colleague. lol. lmfao even.
IF she owned.
Elaine not knowing what a cell means in this context. She really just repeats the last thing that comes into her head, doesn't she?
Elaine cries DEEP FAKE!!! Again.
You'd think the place would be more active...
Elaine bamboozles herself with intrusive thoughts about the Geist D. Many such cases.
Previously were racking drugs? Previously?

This is what Elaine did last night, instead of getting some sleep. It's manic phase.
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Our Ken, dunkin' on E-lame.
Socrates refutes
Elaine... why do you want to post on your thread? You know the kind of cows that post on their thread...
I'm reminded of how Spamela was allowed to skitzo post (great days, the party was over the day they banned her, imho), but that's in the past. And everyone likes Spammy. She got to talk to the broom on the phone. Elaine will never have that.
I mean, fuck your free speech, you have Squitter. Start your own Commie Farms, like what Cowboy tries to half heartedly do.
If you read the DMs... yeah, it says Elaine has dox'd and SWAT'd Kwiffar jannies, file under TNH.
I always imagined Autistic Spite as a soy drenched chinky manboy. js
Yellows? Is this the 70s? Is Elaine suddenly Archie Bunker? btw the attention she is showing Ken is due to the problematic relationship she has with her father. The mincer.
Elektra continues. This is from the bint who wants to be Nonce Horse 2
Elaine forgets who she chooses to vc with.
Typical NEETess Elaine there. Getting into the Great British Bake Off years after everyone else. Pedant point (from someone who actually does cook): You fry donuts, not bake them. Elaine doesn't know this, because she's never done either. Ramen is beyond her.
And binge eating donuts if you're diabetic is a really bad idea. Which is what Elaine admitted to. Side note: Donuts will bung her up, you know opiate withdrawal. But no one believes the people at work hoolala.
Elaine can't even carry a conversation, there's no way she could carry a weapon without hurting herself.

By the way, Lainey, you should stay away from simple carbs. They'll make your blood sugar go up, sure, but you'll end up lower than you started. Complex carbs are the way to go to sustain blood sugar levels and not crash or have a manic episode.
The full quote is "It is better to be feared than loved, if you can't be both". Elaine is neither.
Elaine, who are claimed to have SWAT'd people in the past, there. Not really understanding what the word hypocrite means.
Elaine continues her Elektra thing with Ken. Not sure why she included my post about Orwellian Lidl.
Elaine, you have claimed to have SWAT'd people. This is why people think (reasonably) that you are a brain damaged NPD case. You are clearly a narcissist whose brain is damaged.
Censorship is wrong. Unless you're saying things about Elaine that she doesn't like.
Elaine, is going to try and sell a "My Onion Hell" story to the hacks. "They wuz tryin to psychologically breaks me"
Parental gibs denied, so Elaine is going to become...
An Coomuninist. Going red is what tanked the Dolls careers. Typical spoilt brat been cut off squitting there.
Where ever you go Elaine... thats where the BPD is.
"MY family is cunts, and did a shitty job with me, that's why I'm useless... let's ban families"
"I'm bake you a cake... and send it straight to your fucking heart" Still waiting on the take down of Lidl on the YT channel you've given up on. Cuz all you can do is Squit.
Elaine is also Gluten intolerent.

She'd be better off worrying about her phone addiction. It's as bad as her skag problem. She was up all night again. Just squitting.
The public won't give a shit about Onionfarms because it doesn't have the notoriety that KF has. Personal army requests never go far unless you're pretty or have a large following, and Elaine has neither good looks nor a large following. She can cry and cry all she wants, insult OF all she wants, but it won't take the site down.

I can see the Queen of Hearts the forehead only.

Also, is it truly a faildox if the person was successfully swatted, Elaine? Hypothetically of course. Unlike you most people don't waste the time of law enforcement over petty internet shit.
Eeek. Waitrose is so lower middle class. Aldi is where it's really at. Lidl sold out, man.
Funny Elaine should make the distinction between ASPD and BPD. BPD is seen as a "female" disorder, while ASPD is "male". Just. Leaving. That. There.
Elaine. The Holler Back Cow.
On the other hand, women haven't really gotten a handle on logic and reason. Still, am interested in finding out what things she realized that would take hitting the bong (with some high grade cheeba, none that scrub Elaine gets). For men.
Another of Elaine's fine TNH squits.
For some strange reason "when I say bitch ass, you say Ho" popped into my mind.
Y'know. That's not the whole of the post...
... ohhh, Elaine... I guess you agree that you are jel that other people are loved and/or you are a mooch.
"Tell me you're a terminally online NPD case without..."
As Camus once said... "Zut Alors, Ref! He was clearly off side". Elaine will never fully understand that. Women cannot comprehend the off side rule. Even if you use the salt, pepper, brown sauce etc.
Chances Elaine knows that's Bert in that picture? I always saw her more as a Sartre bint.
I'm not here to speculate on lidl drip's identity but this post about mimicking and BPD is spot on. Elaine has never had her own identity, all her edgy posturing is a bad replication of women like Isabella Janke, framergirl, or other women she views as competition. Her obsession with Null's speculated exes is also bizarre, and doesn't help her case. A lot of her resentment towards Null is because he clocked her hatred for other women early on in her own thread, she probably took that as another form of rejection. Anyone who reads these threads can see the differences in her treatment of women versus men who are literal chomos. She is violent and malicious towards women she is threatened by, l won't mention them because I know Elaine will post about this on twitter after I log out. The worst offenses she has committed have been towards mothers, which speaks for itself. Elaine has a strained relationship with both parents who have neglected to correct her behavioral issues and drug addiction for years. They don't care that she seeks internet validation from strangers who view her as a circus monkey, but Elaine cares enough to (badly) portray herself as an individual with a balanced social life and career. I think that she lies about being diagnosed with conduct disorder as a minor so that she can say she doesn't have BPD. We know her parents would have never taken her to a shrink as a minor, because they didn't take her to a shrink when she has been actively ruining her life.

Elaine has been obsessed with Null for years and he still rarely acknowledges her existence, which is the best thing anyone in his position could do. Before her obsession with kiwifarms she was a failed influencer faking her wealth. That much has stayed the same with her inconsistent streams with the usual suspects, and her lies about being an exotical Ruskie with ties to the Gertler dynasty.

I do believe that Simon has cut her off, but there is also substantial evidence supporting this theory:
  1. In recent streams, videos, or photos you can see that she is no longer living in the same building she shared with her parents. Maybe her orbiters can weigh in more on this. Does lainey still discourage her mummy's maid from cleaning her soiled mattress?
  2. Elaine made posts on twitter bragging about receiving a few grand on cashapp, at the time I believed it might have been her parents. I recently came across evidence that the money was coming from an orbiter who frequently pops up in this thread. He is no longer sending her money because of another falling out. The last job I know she had was as a barista at some coffee chain. She was never making enough to be independent.
  3. There may be a few gullible posters who believe that she isn't English, or that her name is really Elena and she has Russian heritage. They may even stroke her ego and play along with her MI6 role play, but her current location was doxed with those awful talons she purchased down the street from her flat. Her passport with her full name was posted within the first 10 pages of her kiwifarms thread, and Elaine continues to solidify that her dossier is legitimate with every DM she sends out.
Reason: lazy stray attachment
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I'm not here to speculate on lidl drip's identity but this post about mimicking and BPD is spot on. Elaine has never had her own identity, all her edgy posturing is a bad replication of women like Isabella Janke, framergirl, or other women she views as competition. Her obsession with Null's speculated exes is also bizarre, and doesn't help her case. A lot of her resentment towards Null is because he clocked her hatred for other women early on in her own thread, she probably took that as another form of rejection. Anyone who reads these threads can see the differences in her treatment of women versus men who are literal chomos. She is violent and malicious towards women she is threatened by, l won't mention them because I know Elaine will post about this on twitter after I log out. The worst offenses she has committed have been towards mothers, which speaks for itself. Elaine has a strained relationship with both parents who have neglected to correct her behavioral issues and drug addiction for years. They don't care that she seeks internet validation from strangers who view her as a circus monkey, but Elaine cares enough to (badly) portray herself as an individual with a balanced social life and career. I think that she lies about being diagnosed with conduct disorder as a minor so that she can say she doesn't have BPD. We know her parents would have never taken her to a shrink as a minor, because they didn't take her to a shrink when she has been actively ruining her life.

Elaine has been obsessed with Null for years and he still rarely acknowledges her existence, which is the best thing anyone in his position could do. Before her obsession with kiwifarms she was a failed influencer faking her wealth. That much has stayed the same with her inconsistent streams with the usual suspects, and her lies about being an exotical Ruskie with ties to the Gertler dynasty.

I do believe that Simon has cut her off, but there is also substantial evidence supporting this theory:
  1. In recent streams, videos, or photos you can see that she is no longer living in the same building she shared with her parents. Maybe her orbiters can weigh in more on this. Does lainey still discourage her mummy's maid from cleaning her soiled mattress?
  2. Elaine made posts on twitter bragging about receiving a few grand on cashapp, at the time I believed it might have been her parents. I recently came across evidence that the money was coming from an orbiter who frequently pops up in this thread. He is no longer sending her money because of another falling out. The last job I know she had was as a barista at some coffee chain. She was never making enough to be independent.
  3. There may be a few gullible posters who believe that she isn't English, or that her name is really Elena and she has Russian heritage. They may even stroke her ego and play along with her MI6 role play, but her current location was doxed with those awful talons she purchased down the street from her flat. Her passport with her full name was posted within the first 10 pages of her kiwifarms thread, and Elaine continues to solidify that her dossier is legitimate with every DM she sends out.
She's dead like Haru.
I guess Elaine is loli adjacent then. tee and if you will hee.
"Every generation
Blames the one before
And all of their frustrations
Come beating on your door"
Reminder: Mike is also in Genesis
By the time she's 30 (if she makes it), she'll have changed her name to Alan Pacino.
Says Punch Drunk Elaine
Too autistic, luv, too autistic. Y'see, Elaine has spent her whole life being a Violet Beauregarde (not that amount of wealth, just "indulged"), because she was a child. Those days are gone. Now she has to try and con people, who are most likely trying to con her.
No response from Plodz.
Elaine has been stalking lidl on the MH thread and learnt a new word.
It won't. It'll be a paupers cremation. No head stone, just crackle crackle, sweep sweep. Not likely anyone is going to want the ashes. And I see her killing herself as she's trying to put on a jumper or something. Y'know, that sort of thing. Or vape induced stroke.
Cuz saying swooting means it's not a threat. lulz.
Hmmmmm... I'm no Harold Bloom, but that prose is similar to Elaine's own style. Like the "my health issues" squits.
Elaine has swapped the skag for pies.
Elaine doesn't mention what "opinions" she considers fan theory. She's a junkie? She's admitted it. She has a personality disorder? Again, she's admitted it.
She's really beating this.
Nah, tbf, women hate women more. In fact, women are generally hated. Lennon thought they were thick and lazy (wrote a song about it, Woman is jig of world, or sumting).
Sophistry. Regardless of the validity of the brooms theory about Sec230, why would he want you on there? Spammy got banned (after providing Kino for the broom), learnt her lesson and just socks anon. Elaine can't do that. C'mon, you know that you just get banned for shitting up forums, don't take it personally. OOooppppzzz. Solopsistic E-lame can't do that.
No. The kwiffar do not think Elaine runs anything, apart from her mouth... too much. Yes. She is being fucked with by discorders. Emp has a channel on YT that will atest to that.
Two cures: Put the fucking device, that is giving you the headache, DOWN. Walk away, get some fresh air. Don't spend hours looking at a screen. OOoooooorrrrr: Benson to the Hedges, mush.
Why would you? @Gays chop chop, your wannabe hag hath spoken.
Elaine, your shit has been out, all over the street, like foxes got at bin bags, like for years. Don't you think that you've brought this on yourself? Because you lie so much, people either think you DID do it, because you are a nutter, or you DIDN'T, but are still a nutter, because you now have to admit that you took a piss on stream, meaning that nobody believes the "deepfake" shit. Like I say... what shit you got left to lose?
And that's two steps nearer to Alan Pacino.
Elaine, you don't speak for everyone, thankfully. It would sound awful, firstly, your voice is like nails (cheap acrylic one's like you got) on a chalkboard, secondly, you're a dunce.
Calm down dear, it's only a YTer. Like you pretended to be, for a bit. Remember that? Nah, it was only briefly, you weren't very good. Is that why you gave it up?
Elaine remembers she used to YT. This is actually a good idea, she wants to attract attention to her channel, start beef with a much bigger YTer. The only problem is: Elaine. I mean, she's cancer, isn't she? People only tune in to troll her, which is eaier to do than with Venti (and that's saying something). How will she cope if even only a fraction of Tom Tom's subs turn up and shit up chat? All those comments about her dad's up hill gardening, and him cutting her off. No doubt, tho, if came to a confrontation between Elaine and lots of other people on the internet, who have her dox, will only end in glorious Elaine victory. That's sarcasm Elaine.
GAAAYYY-MUUURRR GAAAYYYTTTAAHHHH! Hark at it. She's like a dog chasing a car... for clout.
You get one more post to prove you're not blaine or you get merged.
Elaine was very mean to me, despite me doing nothing but publicly defend her and privately bully her. All it took was for some scoundrel to tell her I'm fucking Josh (preposterous, any of my real friends know I'm saving myself for @nohull). Whoever started this shitshow with her should honestly be ashamed but I see they're still in here writing essayposts about how they're really WINNING this time

Also no way the unfunny minge guy sent her a bunch of money haha. Unless I'm wrong and it was Empresa but he doesn't look like he can afford much (no offense)