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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Puts father twice. Hmmmm. Unsolicited emails to family members? Sounds like harassment. Elaine is jealous of anone whose father didn't spend more time cottaging than raising their kid.

1. No one asked you. 2. You're not, tho, are you?
Ker-ringe. Does Elaine ever read back a few days of squitting and think.... sorry, forgot Elaine can't think.
It's not the price of the drugs (although, Elaine would be getting ripped off everytime, I mean... blue lotus, what a mug). X to doubt on sober. It's the low iq brain they go into.
Elaine is upset that DH won't message them.
Elaine... we know that you hate yourself, look at what you are doing to your body, nobody is surprised. You aren't a very likeable person. Less than 72hrs and she mentions her thread. She might get clean of the junk. But she'll never quit the thread.
Just shy of 1mil subs, has the ear of the broom. I grant you, I can't stand his voice, and what he says with it, but he's not the most loserish loser.
Lidl on the radio, Lidl on the train...
Pick-Me-Ninny Elaine, who will insert herself in other people's drama, posts pics of her shit deliveroo, tranny boots... is having a Garbo moment. She was
Elaine admits she's too lazy to do anything else but squit and get recorded by Emp in discord being a dinny moo.
Pot/Kettle moment of the day...
Lidl in the calico, Lidl in the rain... ironically Lidl is just as attention hungry as Elaine.
Elaine, who recently made some "inciting SWAT" posts, wants us to know that, other than having her face and phone number, there is no way of knowing where she is. Doesn't she remember HWNDU? SHe's just issued a challenge there.

The autistic lack of self awareness... That's what makes the car crash so funny ha ha. She really doesn't know anything, what's going to happen to her, her family, she has no ability to learn from what's going on around her. It's like a Lucio Fulci film.



how will i get by? :whyyy:






Actually Elaine, due to a Dylanesque with words (Baez), the Iraq war (Gulf II, this time Rumsfelds back, and he's going to continue the job ad nausium) was not based on a fictious cause, Saddam prolly did have Anthrax (WMD). More importantly the dinny cunt wanted to get his Oil bunce in Euros. You gots to dance with those what brung ya. And "No one is innocent". Also: You don't have money woes, with offshore accounts being held hostage. Your dad has, quite sensibly cut you off, you'll only spend the money on a dangerous cocktail of uppers and downers, laughers and screamers, and shitty take out and ugly boots.
It's time to stand on your own two (sasquatch looking) feet, your dad has got his own, considerable and probably insurmountable, problems. You causing him stress, Elaine... you know how it makes his chalfonts play up.

All this mishegoss with Lidl Drips, Nark Dinja, Don Estelle, you're on a hiding to nothing. It really would be of a great benefit to you to just put the device down, find something healthy. Thought of power walking? I wouldn't suggest jogging or, God forbid, actual running. I know you would feel self conscious go to THAT much exertion, because we both know what an absolute state you'd look. Like something out of Ash Vs Evil Dead.

What people such as Godwinson see in her puzzles me.
Cowboy. Ask Cowboy about that. In a sense, they are partly responsible for the current arc Elaine is experiencing. However, for Plodwinson... I'd say he sees in her... potential beard material.
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Elaine, you want to be left alone? Here's a step by step guide.

1. Deactivate all of your accounts. All of them. Even the socks. Log out, change the passwords to something you'll forget. Lose your auto fill info. Don't make youtube videos, or do anything online.
2. Delete Discord. Delete social media. Get a phone that only makes calls and can text. No internet access from your phone.
3. Only use a computer for professional use. Finding employment, etc. If you need to research something you can hit up a library.
4. Don't go back, don't look at things no matter how tempting it might seem. You don't need social media to keep in contact with people. You have calling and texting, and important people will reach out to you or vice versa.
5. Pick up some meaningful hobbies, do some charity work, go to the gym, find something productive to do with your free time. Take care of the health you're always complaining about.

Success! You've broken the cycle.
But you won't do it because you're too weak-willed.
From Elaine's great "debunking my KiwiFarms thread" post:

“Trollcow does drugs”
I have only ever taken drugs for medicinal benefits. I have severe OCD that is sometimes aided by non conventional medication. I advocate for legalizing drugs because of this.

Self-medication is still a form of drug abuse, Elaine.

I was socialized to believe that crying was weak, and that winning was the most important thing I could do. I don’t think anyone from the ages of 10 to currently, had ever seen me cry.

Now usually, this isn’t necessarily a negative for women, women raised this way will go through an uncomfortable childhood, but for the most part, for those who don’t get weighed down by perfectionism enough to develop eating disorders, drug addiction or become extremely promiscuous, they will go on to become successful, and competitive in business.

The real issue is not when crying or showing weakness is discouraged, or laughed at, but when it’s punished.

When one is severely punished for something from a young age, they’ll obviously grow to learn it’s wrong, or become averted to it. And this my friends, is how sociopaths are made.

The best explanation I have is this. Empathy is very much something that I believe is heavily dependent on desensitization. Because emotions are a vital part of empathy, if you are raised to believe that showing emotion is a bad thing, you’ll learn how to hide emotion, or how to push it aside in favor of achieving something considered more valuable.

Over time, if you ignore the burden of guilt, or twinge of sadness when you feel sorry for someone, eventually, it goes away. You can literally end up doing exposure therapy on your own empathy. One day you’ll realize that you aren’t just ignoring certain emotions or guilt anymore, but that they disappeared altogether.

So Elaine thinks that she has no empathy because of trauma that was inflicted on her as a child? And that people can deliberately desensitize themselves so that they're no longer empathic? And some of y'all still think I am the doomposter...
Actually Elaine, due to a Dylanesque with words (Baez), the Iraq war (Gulf II, this time Rumsfelds back, and he's going to continue the job ad nausium) was not based on a fictious cause, Saddam prolly did have Anthrax (WMD). More importantly the dinny cunt wanted to get his Oil bunce in Euros. You gots to dance with those what brung ya. And "No one is innocent". Also: You don't have money woes, with offshore accounts being held hostage. Your dad has, quite sensibly cut you off, you'll only spend the money on a dangerous cocktail of uppers and downers, laughers and screamers, and shitty take out and ugly boots.
It's time to stand on your own two (sasquatch looking) feet, your dad has got his own, considerable and probably insurmountable, problems. You causing him stress, Elaine... you know how it makes his chalfonts play up.

All this mishegoss with Lidl Drips, Nark Dinja, Don Estelle, you're on a hiding to nothing. It really would be of a great benefit to you to just put the device down, find something healthy. Thought of power walking? I wouldn't suggest jogging or, God forbid, actual running. I know you would feel self conscious go to THAT much exertion, because we both know what an absolute state you'd look. Like something out of Ash Vs Evil Dead.

Cowboy. Ask Cowboy about that. In a sense, they are partly responsible for the current arc Elaine is experiencing. However, for Plodwinson... I'd say he sees in her... potential beard material.
When we invaded Iraq we promised it would be a quick surgical strike. We would go in take care of him and then get out. We went in all right and after we took him out, the country collapsed into civil war. George W. Bush went in with the notion that we would bring a western style democracy to Iraq. It didn't work. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed with what we have here, but countries like Iraq operate by entirely different rules.
Because you are a moron. Nothing makes sense to you. That's why you are so angry all the time
Another take from Elaine: You can request other peoples medical info via FOIRs
"Lovers, muggers and theives, ahh, but they're cool people..." Anyhoo, Elaine has the most socks, followed by Blaine, then Fat, dysgenic LARPers, finally, we have Fratwinson. But you'll never guess those ones Elaine.

im aware .
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really made being blocked meaningless when we chat just about everyday.
I didn't have a chance to archive it, but I did cap it
Elaine couldn't bring herself to stand by this squit. Seems her thoughts about my tallywhacker > thoughts about Lidl Drip.

To paraphase En Vogue... never gonna get it, never gonna get, never get it.
Man, I knew Elaine was stupid but I didn't think she was that stupid. Incredible.

Also, I think honeypot is one of her favorite words. One she doesn't understand how to fully use, but one she enjoys using despite it all.

I also can't believe she didn't say a word about Ashley and the accounts she makes when trying to say mean things about the site lol
You said it, Elaine. You said it.
Ash can vouch for Ken's job. Nobody believes that you are employed. Is Plate Gang muck like
Prolly not.
A lot of people can CARRY guns, unlike you, who doesn't have the upper body strength to do so. It's whether you are licenced to own one. And you are not. Sounds like something spooked you. Don't worry, it's not like you living in England. Oh wait, you just admitted you did.
Elaine, and her Elektra Complex there.
Because you have a personality disorder. You can't build relationships IRL. And I doubt 5 people like you. I mean, as in for you. Not as a mark. Which you is.
Elaine showing her ignorance. Specialist Operations 19 (SO19 for short) is the armed response police. Grey hatch backs. I have a funny story about them, but that's for later. Suffice to say, police do turn up, shooters akimbo,just because some one up rang up and said they THOUGHT they saw a gun. ANd as Elaine likes to associate with certain people. Mark Duggen. That's all I'm saying.
Jews and Slavs aren't white. Elaine is legit a Lerd. And...
Got a feeling, y'know, Elaine's gonna be calling a lot of Squitterers Basil.
Fag n Hag. Like they never left the playground. You know what I mean?
Clout chasing is hell of a drug.
Be more like, yeah... I saw some Pat Alt people with stuff... here's the address... yeah..., one of them @s known White Bread Supremacist Gunts. She hates troons, uh huh, all on her squitter, yes, there was that thing with Plodz and the police... oh yeah... totz far reet pedo terrorism bag, 50k? thank you very much. ELaine really should watch Richard Hall videos. "When Tranny Looking NEETs Attack". That's a Plodwinson ref, Elaine.
“Lidl sickness is the reverse side of lidl kick. The kick of lidl is that you have to have it. Lidlies run on lidltime and lidlmetabolism. They are subject to lidl climate. They are warmed and chilled by lidl. The kick of lidl is living under lidl conditions. You cannot escape from lidl sickness anymore than you can escape from lidl kick after a shot.”
Slayworldkekistan... is the most Ker-ringe handle. And: "Oh my god I love this doing it right now" Never worked, ever.
Elaine, you'll need someone to explain this to you, but...
Baaaassiilllllll! Swatty Flower. Nice one me (Cleese ref)
Elaine is a fantasist. She doesn't 'carry a gun'. You need authorisation from the Home Office to carry concealed firearms to protection. Yet another sign that the silly bint needs to be sectioned.
First it's "Arrest 'im!!!" when I troll her. Then it's "Hacktually, I'm totz in control of the situation, I'm owning it, the comments about my dad being a shirt lifter didn't get under my skin, even tho they are deffo true and it explains a lot about me".

It's the opiate addiction (that you admitted to), it's got your brain fucked up, let's see what Elaine is going through...
Quick internet search...
Sounds about right... what's this...?
And think of all the other gacky shit Elaine has aspirated... Heart attack, yeah... she looks like one of those pro ana bints that carks it from coughing too hard on a woodbine.

Remember kids: Just Say No to Elaine. Elaine is a ghetto drug.