Is he really into cottaging?Elaine is jealous of anone whose father didn't spend more time cottaging than raising their kid.
Elaine is such a fragile woman. What people such as Godwinson see in her puzzles me.even being blocked i dont think ill be missing much tbh
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Cowboy. Ask Cowboy about that. In a sense, they are partly responsible for the current arc Elaine is experiencing. However, for Plodwinson... I'd say he sees in her... potential beard material.What people such as Godwinson see in her puzzles me.
“Trollcow does drugs”
I have only ever taken drugs for medicinal benefits. I have severe OCD that is sometimes aided by non conventional medication. I advocate for legalizing drugs because of this.
2023-03-13 The issues I have with my Kiwi Farms thread by Trollcow aka Elaine Miller aka Elaine Gertler
View 2023-03-13 The issues I have with my Kiwi Farms thread by Trollcow aka Elaine Miller aka Elaine Gertler on
I was socialized to believe that crying was weak, and that winning was the most important thing I could do. I don’t think anyone from the ages of 10 to currently, had ever seen me cry.
Now usually, this isn’t necessarily a negative for women, women raised this way will go through an uncomfortable childhood, but for the most part, for those who don’t get weighed down by perfectionism enough to develop eating disorders, drug addiction or become extremely promiscuous, they will go on to become successful, and competitive in business.
The real issue is not when crying or showing weakness is discouraged, or laughed at, but when it’s punished.
When one is severely punished for something from a young age, they’ll obviously grow to learn it’s wrong, or become averted to it. And this my friends, is how sociopaths are made.
The best explanation I have is this. Empathy is very much something that I believe is heavily dependent on desensitization. Because emotions are a vital part of empathy, if you are raised to believe that showing emotion is a bad thing, you’ll learn how to hide emotion, or how to push it aside in favor of achieving something considered more valuable.
Over time, if you ignore the burden of guilt, or twinge of sadness when you feel sorry for someone, eventually, it goes away. You can literally end up doing exposure therapy on your own empathy. One day you’ll realize that you aren’t just ignoring certain emotions or guilt anymore, but that they disappeared altogether.
2023-08-24 Gender, Resilience Empathy - Psychology #001 by Trollcow aka Elaine Miller
View 2023-08-24 Gender, Resilience Empathy - Psychology #001 by Trollcow aka Elaine Miller on
When we invaded Iraq we promised it would be a quick surgical strike. We would go in take care of him and then get out. We went in all right and after we took him out, the country collapsed into civil war. George W. Bush went in with the notion that we would bring a western style democracy to Iraq. It didn't work. Don't get me wrong, we are blessed with what we have here, but countries like Iraq operate by entirely different rules.Actually Elaine, due to a Dylanesque with words (Baez), the Iraq war (Gulf II, this time Rumsfelds back, and he's going to continue the job ad nausium) was not based on a fictious cause, Saddam prolly did have Anthrax (WMD). More importantly the dinny cunt wanted to get his Oil bunce in Euros. You gots to dance with those what brung ya. And "No one is innocent". Also: You don't have money woes, with offshore accounts being held hostage. Your dad has, quite sensibly cut you off, you'll only spend the money on a dangerous cocktail of uppers and downers, laughers and screamers, and shitty take out and ugly boots.
It's time to stand on your own two (sasquatch looking) feet, your dad has got his own, considerable and probably insurmountable, problems. You causing him stress, Elaine... you know how it makes his chalfonts play up.
All this mishegoss with Lidl Drips, Nark Dinja, Don Estelle, you're on a hiding to nothing. It really would be of a great benefit to you to just put the device down, find something healthy. Thought of power walking? I wouldn't suggest jogging or, God forbid, actual running. I know you would feel self conscious go to THAT much exertion, because we both know what an absolute state you'd look. Like something out of Ash Vs Evil Dead.
Cowboy. Ask Cowboy about that. In a sense, they are partly responsible for the current arc Elaine is experiencing. However, for Plodwinson... I'd say he sees in her... potential beard material.
im aware .Elaine is such a fragile woman.
I didn't have a chance to archive it, but I did cap itim aware .
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really made being blocked meaningless when we chat just about everyday.