How swivel (wob) eyed is Elaine about women joshy knows about? Read on...
Yes. That would be a good idea. Bring the attention of the Police to yourself.
Not censorship, short bus.
Again, Elaine forgets she directed a (as far as she knew) minor to her noodz. The internet doesn't.
Two Plodwinson cast offs squabble over specks of clout.
It's funny how Elaine's little mind always goes there. Anyway, everyone likes Farrow more than Elaine, at least we can all agree on that.
Lerd moment of the hour from Elaine 90, there. The passport is fake... so I admit I lied the first time about my age. Classic Elaine face/rake comedy.
She's gone full Sloanetard. The "Actually, she's jealous of me", yeah, last time you heard/saw something like that it was at primary school. Elaine, how do you think you'll look, when you're Caroline's age? If you make it that long, y'know, considering how dangerous it is living in London, and the "illuminati" are trying to top you (like I said, it'll be OD, or her pimp who makes it look like an OD)
Remember this squit,Elaine, when you hit 30. You already look bad for 21 (or maybe you are lying about your age... there's evidence).
Elaine there, impotently shaking her fist at Lidl. This should be one of the example squits, shrinks get, when diagnosing nutter bints.
Again, I'm imagining a analyst saying "Is that lidl as in the supermarket?" as Elaine rolls around on the floor, tucked up in the best designer straitjacket, of course.
"Why do you all like Caroline and not me, I demand you dob her into the police, because I'm already known to the police for wasting their time.
The wob eyed cunt thinks it's cute! No. And you yourself is an chomo, Elaine. That's why you get sexual gratification showing porn to minors.
"Hello? Is that a pig? Can you please tell joshy to stop liking Caroline Farrow more than me..." What is it that snitches get?
Elaine, you aren't known to the Farrow family, and you've just admitted you've grassed her up. If you actually have. X, btw. Farrow will probably say "Here's the archive of them linking a minor to porn, y'see Social Worker, she projecting, she's admitted to having a personality disorder, known to associate with nonces, and my lawyers are better than hers, because legal aid sucks nowadays"
Elaine, there. Answering a question with a question.
"LIIIIIIIIKKKKKEEEE MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Elaine, you know what Elektra complex is? The reason she's like she is: Dad was/is a screaming mary.Makes sense now, yeah?