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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
Milluh . Elaine Milluh is da name dont wear it out.
American Psycho is a book about a narcissistic person, obsessed with coomsoomerism, whose gf cheats on him and decends into a psychotic episode, where he imagines raping and torturing people. js.
Calling people nonces is bad when you hang round nonces, k?
There was a time, before the sweet turned to sour (Genesis ref btw)
Ummm... try working on building muscle? Unless she's trying to win Plodwinson back, and get fat like the "estranged fiance". Then she better get working on the leaf accent, eh buddy?
Photos of her outside UK businesses, thanking those businesses for the service they gave her. And yes, if you have a lot of money, you can get all sorts of things done... but Elaine, nor her dad, has that sort of money.
But go ahead and tempt fate.

"Since the invention and widespread adoption of social media, studies have consistently shown interactions on these sites, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, negatively affect girls, leading to depression, negative body image, and potentially even suicide."

Elaine does exhibit symptoms of depression...

"For example, one study found that increased use of social media was associated with poor sleep, online harassment, low self-esteem, and negative body image, which were then all associated with depressive symptoms, especially for girls."

Poor sleep? Like staying up all night, sleeping all day? Online harassment? She's been banned from Squitter for that... All those filters, yeah, low self esteem and body image.
Dude has the same build as Owen Jones (albeit Plodz is taller), as well as the same dress sense.
This is what being terminally online and filtered tf does to your brain.
Autistic people often fail to pick up on certain social cues. Strained is the word I'm thinking of.
Crazy. But not mentally ill. Even with the admitted personality disorder.
"Temperature's rising
Fever is high
Can't see no future
Can't see no sky"
What filter gives you the slavic eye brows? Is it meant to balance out the receding hairline filter?

nfn Elaine reminds me of Magenta Devine... who?
BBC Yoof presenter from yesteryear. Like Elaine, she wore sunglasses inside (she also had wonky eyes), and also like Elaine, she had an addiction to opiates.
Ex-drug habit? X It's been a few days. As for the "NEET cope". Squitting all night isn't a job, Elaine, and you don't do anything else. You can't do anything else.

Constantly shows off with selfies and coomsoomerist "Look what I bought" pics. But doesn't care, k? You can be a NEET and not be poor. Britains welfare system is very generous, and as Elaine has admitted to OCD (personality disorder btw), she's prolly getting ESA (if that's still a thing), that's REALLY a wad of bunce. And the reason you get called a liar? The many, many, many (Police Academy), MANY documented porkies you've told.

Has Plodwinson sent the Bumble Bees? Elaine is doing the classic worst thing, here. Always stay calm around swarming bees, never start spazzing out.

Elaine is frightened by Qanon shit... #ArizonaBayNow (Hicks)

Everyone is just jel. Well jel. Plus "I would be a member of a club that would have Elaine as a member" Never a truer word Julius

She forgot Gunt. Gunt is Po' White Trash. You can't forget Gunt. That'll be like listing bands with guitarists and not mentioning The Experience.
Bit of Warskiskinwalking there.
Ahhhh... The Hotel Motel Holiday Inn YMCA days...
You should worry about the shape it actually is. And the wob eye, obz
Elaine is blaming her Dad not giving her enough money for the end of the world. I doubt Elaine's dad is a Boomer in a UK sense (the baby boom after WW2 was shorter in duration by quite a few years compared to the US, her paypig central, thick, welfared up coomers), however, his genteration did begat the generation that are the "state of decay" (Dr Who ref) generation that are the collapse of society enablers. Seriously tho, if she lives to 60, well, she won't... the future IS looking very bleak for Elaine.
Hulloo? Has she...?
Elaine is a NEET, whose Dad (middle class profession, but 90% of em it's low level public sector, still good, tho, but if your private, you rely on the market, y'know) can no longer subsidize his layabout nutter daughter no more, and his demonstratively an actual fuckwit. Source: Nigger, you know I'm right.
It's a day ending in Y, Elaine's advocating SWATin'.
Ohh, she didn't, one of her simps did. She really is spoon fed 24/7.
Woah there Elaine! I don't see no ring from Plodz on your finger, don't be getting all "What did your estranged fiance say to you? I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just curious and OCD...", that the way to make them bolt. Plodz strikes me as a guy to Panda a bint, tho.
Simp only has stale crumbs for Qwang. Sorrowful.
"Hi, and I'm Elaine, I'd like to request a song for Meeeeeee!!!"
Elaine, what do you think you're doing?
Uh oh, she's noticed. "But darling, this is what we do here, we all just copy the idea that someone stole. Used to use a beloved kids show theme to really get them in... blah blah blah, aren't you fat and canadian yet?"
Ohhhh! That's what's she's doing, Elaine, you do hate all women because you see all woman as competition, that you can live up to.
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Elaine has spent the day checking her thread, yeah, day ending in Y, but this time, she's accidently tagged some random normie...
Impose. Hark at it. Trying to use language. btw
That's the account she's @'d. Claiming is hers (because she put the @ there). How Milky? None more milky. I think it's well in Ms Reddy's rights to ask for an apology for having to momentarily have to acknowledge the existance of some N-dub bint high on her own squits. Well done Elaine Miller, you've ruined some innocent and more attractive woman's day. She doesn't want to be you. YOU don't want to be you.
If there are any lawyers lurking, sign up and tell us what kind of reaction these sorts of claims get when they hit the desk of your office or work. "I'm pleading the 1st yer honor, you gots to let me skitzo post on them Commie Farms, you just gotsta, I tell ya!"
Gay-ops= Squitting all day and night
[Insert facial/certain Nip porn genre/Looking like AIDS Jared Leto Joker joke here]
She really has given up on the "Mah noodz, but not, they're deepfartz wuz leeekdd, gibs clout an dosh now plz now" narrative.
Didn't really manage to get the irritating perky pick me attitude of Drip. Zero effort. Interesting tho, that she used Lidl to voice her failings. I wonder what Lidl's voice sounds like inside Elaine's head? How do those intrusive thoughts sound, Elaine?
Of course, this is just projection.
Work=Squitting, Sektur= Daddy issues. I mean, fucking c'mon, you don't need to be Jung to work work this shit out.
It's not YOUR hair, it's the hair the illegals glued to your head. Badly. Ideal figure for what? Belsen inmate? No hips, no tits, no thanks.
Sober. Now. Right. You eat shit deliveroo, because you can't even prep a Pot Noodle. And you DO NOT LOOK LIKE YOUR PFP YOU DELUDED OCD NPD BINT.
People call you liar when you lie. Which is compulsively.
Bit harsh. The broom is perfectly adequate as a stand in for a sack of shit. And that's the basic root of all comedy. Subverting expectations.
And... the award for stating the bleedin' obvious goes to...
Mush, Lidl can stroke themselves off any which way they fancy, you'll still be an Obsessively Compulsively Disordered bint. Lidl's relationship with the broom is totally seperate from you having admitted to having a personality disorder. You are not "amused" by the "hypocrisy", you are the hypocrite and you are ass blasted that Drip is up all in them broom DMs, making jokes at your expense, and joshy is all "lol. stop it. u make me laff anymore, ima shit my pants lik gunt. Wot culer iz yer panties?" And you're there listening to Love's Unkind. Not the Summer version, or even the Wilde cover. Just some shitty youtube cover. Like what PLodwinson would use.
Not people like her friends Blaine, confessed groomer and nonce, no, it's some rando sock account on Commie Farms, what's writing mean things about Elaine. Way to chase clout by referencing "Wymbymz spaces" AND make it about yourself. Look forward to you appropriating the Shoah.
Well, as Elaine can no longer obsessively (and compulsively) f5 her thread, this means she'll have a breakdown some time soon...
I have a message for Elaine, since she apparently had mentioned me during this Discord stream:

Elaine: "Or even Gays From LA, people who are actually good posters"

HETERO-ALPHA-GOD: "They're all fagz, if you ask me."

LMAO! Gee, have I finally convinced Elaine that I'm a worthwhile poster? Elaine, I don't hate you. Even when you posted those deepfakes of Null with the cat I didn't hate you, I thought that was a creative but mostly unconvincing trolling attempt. I am being serious now. I hate the fact that you're doing drugs and destroying your brain in public for all to see, when you could be doing so much more with yourself and your life. Discord doesn't matter, KiwiFarms doesn't matter, none of it really matters. I haven't seen or heard a Livestream from you where you weren't either already high or getting ready to get high over the course of the stream. I know that if you weren't on drugs, your brain has the capacity to become a good, sharp, productive brain, but your brain is sick right now, and you hate your brain for being sick, so you're actively destroying it because you want to control it, and destroying it is a form of control. STOP DOING DRUGS FFS! Every time I listen to these streams I hear what the drugs are doing to your brain and it saddens me. Please Elaine, I beg you. Stop doing drugs. Just say no.