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Kiwifarms Linked Elaine April Gertler Miller / Lainey / Trollcow

People who are a part of the kiwifarms forum or closely connected with it.
I'd be more inclined to believe that account was Blaine if there was some schizoid rant included, but the low IQ airhead responses it puts out sure are suspicious.
they made a 100 posts in less than a week, thats his usual M.O. , he really can't help himself. I know of like 2 or 3 times ive chatted with them on kiwi , hes not namefagging but hes doing everything else that screams blaine.
broom post check
Inserting herself in drama check
Making Kwiffar cry... with laughter. You make it too easy Elaine.
And the answer to the question of how more inane can a squiteraction be? None more inane.
Elaine will go for the one that collects CP. They've been trying real hard to get noticed, recently.
She didn't, tho.
Elaine wants to going into training to be a mall cop lookalike. When's she feels better. When she gets home.
Ou est ler Plodwinson?
Sent to... after Elaine got herself kicked out of all the other ones. Maybe she wouldn't have gone to the "cult high school" otherwise?
Wondering why saying your parents didn't hate you would be an L
Cringe. Just cringe.
Oh, the fate of Aston Billy Joel Parks has been sealed, nothing Dunnce or his hag can change it now.
TBF Boneface does glow.
Elaine, there. Coping.
Elaine has been reading the Ash thread and copying bits.
I think Elaine maybe trying to start beef with another Squitterer. It's pretty bad poetry, but leagues above anything Elaine could write.
Lol, it's not like it's the bolthold for (generally jewish) celebs n meeja types, Elaine. Like what you say you are.
She's back on the "revenge porn" thing again. Dunnce there, pick me ninnying for Elaine.
Decent posters? They bandwagon jump, following the herd. And collecting CP. And hates flaggots, but is a flaggot themselves.
joshy isn't working class. The man has never done any work in his life. When has there ever been any evidence of the broom being competent? Also: Isn't Elaine a compulsive liar? Yes. Mentally unwell, that too.
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Gosh, Elaine is terribly lower middle-class and a frightful bore
The problem with Elaine? She's not really rich, she was born at a time when credit was still plenty, the Chinks were still dumping cheap steel and so on. Her childhood was those last days of summer before the credit crunch. I mean, look at her, there is no money about her at all. No, she was spoilt by goodies bought on credit. She thinks she's Made in Chelsea, but she's not even TOWIE.
She should know her place.
The way things are going, by the time she's 30, it will be in long term pysch care. The Squits trying to imply that she is estranged from her family,suggests that the money has been cut off, and she is trying to grift the poor orphan gimmick.

Anyway, here's some more bintry from the bint...
Remember kids, Elaine doesn't think that people who are mentally unwell (including those with admitted personality disorders) deserve a "pass". Oh and the "scramble and flail in private as they desperately beg me not to send their info to journos", this never happened.
And it's just hence.
She's too lazy to actually provide evidence?
Ofc, they might not really believe it, just saying they do... y'know, to get a rise.
You know? I'd forgotten about the greatest threat to the PMRC since Twisted Sister, Stefan Mollycoddle.
Elaine showing us she really hasn't got a fucking clue what she's talking about. Again.
She's been posting these weird pictures, Dunnce is worried he'll have bad dreams... And Elaine failed to proof read.
I'm not sure how old Pearly is... but, I suggest she listen to Mother's Little Helper, that's about how, due to men inventing lots of white goods, women had an abundance of free time. It made them depressed. However, why Elaine, someone who can't chop an onion, is chiming in, I'll never know why... clout.
Wuthering Heights, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Night of the Comet... of course Elaine isn't a posh bit of stuffing. But she's got the itch for a bit o ruff schlong.
Self confessed opiate addict, seemingly unaware of the times she has been proven a larper and incompetent...
I'm I the only one to infer that Elaine is planning, or at least threatening, to SWAT the broom's mother? Someone must have said something to upset Elaine.
Referring to this:
She's begging him to be unbanned, there.
Yeah, she's been up all night. Again.


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Funny she begs to come back to poast after also pretending to be involved with the data breaches.

First we had Torswats, now we've got Whoresquats.
How's Princess OCD today?
Fedposting is like "I strongly suggest killing all the dirty wogs, as I will do at..." Reminding people Elaine likes showing porn to minors isn't. Nor is it defamation. Neither is this: Elaine Gertie Romanovski Dynamo Kiev Ashkenazi Stuck in a Kharzi Fruit Miller has an personality disorder and that is why she fedposts SWAT threats. That and she's got a bucket cunt from you know what, I mean, you wondering where Plodwinson went? Thas rite! Bucket Cunt Dente. Dang it Elaine, Lidl is making you look a fool, but you making yourself look like a bigger fool.
Elaine, majority of people want to believe you did it, and the fact that you tell so many obvious lies, tends to lead people to think you did it even more, every time you deny it.
Elaine admits to feeling buyers remorse at the distributing malware thing, and wants us to know about it. Why Elaine wants us to know about her distributing malware and how it effects her emotionally, I don't know (first OTTOMH guess would be she has the Twitter version of Verbal Diarrhea) but you know Elaine. She posts some nutty stuff, you know?

Nutty Bucket Cunt'd Bint that she is. Not defamation, in anyway.
If the malware was successful she would've said it and never shut up about it but the fact that she tries to play coy about it tells us that whatever she did was about as useful as farting into a Mason jar and calling it fresh air.
Laurie Penny is a cunt (google it), much like Elaine.
They? The voices in your head? What? You going to troon out like Chris Chan?
We? Consider the fact your online activities increase the chance of you getting physically attacked, your dox is out there. It would be just as funny to see the female version of Dan Thumb in Mouth Elaine, tho. And on a long enough time line...
TBF Elaine, with your weird looney face and dox online, you aren't hard to find.
Not wild. Psychopathy.
Objectively sub educational Elaine, would like us to think that she's smart because no one in their right mind would fuck her.
Did the use of the word "literally" make you press doubt?" you are not the only one. Also, please explain how you drug a drink online.
Elaine has got the horn, that's why she's banging on about how she's happy with no real manly men want to shag her.
The whale vs the Praying Mantis... who will win? btw what muppet looks like Elaine?
Almost, but Beeker doesn't have the wob eye, and isn't mentally retarded. Unlike Elaine.
Dunnce invites "Ironic Internet Nonce" on... acts surprised when "IIN" does "IIN" shit. You're still the biggest danger to your kids DUnnce. Always will be.
Tell me you're a terminally online nutter, without...
Whose lied? Elaine admits she has a personality disorder.
Elaine with the (self loathing) tranphoobic comments.
The Penguin was covering Warhammer months ago.
Warhammer does history... oh and what's this?
A video about the fag to Elaine's hag
Does Aspergers explain Elaine's day to day fuckwittery?
"If you don't believe me... just trust me bro" Elaine's further obsessing over "joshys wimmin"...
How swivel (wob) eyed is Elaine about women joshy knows about? Read on...
Yes. That would be a good idea. Bring the attention of the Police to yourself.
Not censorship, short bus.
Again, Elaine forgets she directed a (as far as she knew) minor to her noodz. The internet doesn't.
Two Plodwinson cast offs squabble over specks of clout.
It's funny how Elaine's little mind always goes there. Anyway, everyone likes Farrow more than Elaine, at least we can all agree on that.
Lerd moment of the hour from Elaine 90, there. The passport is fake... so I admit I lied the first time about my age. Classic Elaine face/rake comedy.
She's gone full Sloanetard. The "Actually, she's jealous of me", yeah, last time you heard/saw something like that it was at primary school. Elaine, how do you think you'll look, when you're Caroline's age? If you make it that long, y'know, considering how dangerous it is living in London, and the "illuminati" are trying to top you (like I said, it'll be OD, or her pimp who makes it look like an OD)
Remember this squit,Elaine, when you hit 30. You already look bad for 21 (or maybe you are lying about your age... there's evidence).
Elaine there, impotently shaking her fist at Lidl. This should be one of the example squits, shrinks get, when diagnosing nutter bints.
Again, I'm imagining a analyst saying "Is that lidl as in the supermarket?" as Elaine rolls around on the floor, tucked up in the best designer straitjacket, of course.
"Why do you all like Caroline and not me, I demand you dob her into the police, because I'm already known to the police for wasting their time.
The wob eyed cunt thinks it's cute! No. And you yourself is an chomo, Elaine. That's why you get sexual gratification showing porn to minors.
"Hello? Is that a pig? Can you please tell joshy to stop liking Caroline Farrow more than me..." What is it that snitches get?
Elaine, you aren't known to the Farrow family, and you've just admitted you've grassed her up. If you actually have. X, btw. Farrow will probably say "Here's the archive of them linking a minor to porn, y'see Social Worker, she projecting, she's admitted to having a personality disorder, known to associate with nonces, and my lawyers are better than hers, because legal aid sucks nowadays"
Elaine, there. Answering a question with a question.
"LIIIIIIIIKKKKKEEEE MMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Elaine, you know what Elektra complex is? The reason she's like she is: Dad was/is a screaming mary.Makes sense now, yeah?
For what? Is Elaine Dragphobic, like people are Coulrophobic? Probably shouldn't fuck with Drag Queens, there used to be a Protest Group called something like Drag Queens Against Golf Courses, this is years ago ofc, but they would trespass on Golf Courses with high heels. Something about housing, or whatever. Anyway, they're usually off their face on drugs and looking for aggro. ELaine wants to provide it,it seems.
joshy really needs cut out the dairy and the soda, get some exercise. Does he have any pals he can delegate that task to? Anyone who know how to gayop?
Guy killed a dog through neglect. js.
Hardly uses discord... anymore. X. Silly Elaine, joshys mum can't be a Christian, she's ginger. She's got no soul.
Elaine confesses she is more terminally online than Kinoshit.
Elaine, who is documented spending all night squittering, is trying to convince who exactly that she has a job?
The cycle of read her thread, then low impulse control squit about it, read, squit, rolls along like the sun in the sky.
Careful with that edge, Elaine. (Floyd ref btw)
This is Alan Partridge level of insult.
Classic Paedtroon? Sounds like Elaine's kinda guy. That's right, treat em mean, keep em keen... ofc, could be seen as troonphobic.
Another stream reading from Commie Farms... Elaine subverting expectations, there.
Is lidl drip a dude? They write like a woman and typical female views on everything.
Yes, I'm a little annoyed at him rn, he thinks I have nothing better to do than to make kiwi socks, and plug my shit tastic yt channel like I was dark ninja .One of my associates said he's probably an effeminate neet , he only picked up this girl shit cause elaine believes her own delusions, in her mind he's part of the shadow brokers .

to everyone that say I simp for her secretly
Burroughs once said that group therapy to help cure drug addiction was like getting TB sufferers to cough oer each other. Wonder if Elaine has anything else in common with Gunt, other than the pill addiction (Bennies for Gunt, Opiates for Elaine)? Has she killed the family pet, maybe?
Ice skating, like she saw Venti do. Elaine has no original thoughts of her own, and will copy other cows. "Too seethed and have to log off", does that mean when she starts to seeth too much (due to the mock they make of Elaine) she throws her phone at the wall, before guzzling handfuls of any pill she can get her hands on? btw Replies don't archive, so @Empresa, I included your zinger.
Rim shot.