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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Non-Country Debate user SSj_Ness about rape..

Thread that is not connected to a particular country or miscellaneous posts
I'm all for keeping talking and information pages separate but i still think having multiple talk threads for different sides is retarded. There should be one dedicated to information with active moderation to prevent derailment and the other for wanking your side regardless of side without risk of threadbans since the point is containing arguments. The behavior they have now is just typical for reddit reject like on communites.win, which is another great place to laugh at retards.

it is a symptom of the mods, and therefore Null, being retarded fags. Null only intervenes in slapfights when he's embarrassed about something and needs to bully someone smaller than him. Strong moderatorship on contentious topics is like being a firm parent with unruly children. If you're fat retarded alcoholic that larps as a trad then your children/users will run all over you and won't respect you, which means that you have to take extreme measures and separate them instead of sticking them in the "get along" shirt.
No one:
SSj_ness: "footless wenches"

Literal pants shitting retard thegooddoctor thinks @SSj_Ness is a stand-up guy.
View attachment 41862
The only one among that list I'm familiar with who'd qualify as kind and decent is Pissmaster. HHH supports trooning out kids, not something sane people typically associate with decency.