View attachment 77560
@SSj_Ness has failed at getting his username un-Yiffed and is blaming Null for it, implying it's because he thinks Null is Jewish.
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View attachment 77560
@SSj_Ness has failed at getting his username un-Yiffed and is blaming Null for it, implying it's because he thinks Null is Jewish.
What did @SSj_Ness mean by defending a man who created a meme centered around raping women and making them have your babies?
He's talking about the crimes not the primates you absolute tard and a halfIt's ape not rape you mentally stunted quadraped.
okay rapist.It wasn't clear? Rapists don't deserve to be brutally murdered (there's exceptions where I wouldn't object).
Tell your mom to stop lying, it was consensual.