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Hobbies Chapter One Of My Story So Far: "The Quest For The Source"

Read C0DA, Kirkbride's stuff is the closest to your writing.
Screenshot 2021-04-06 4.00.01 PM.png

What? The reading and the formatting are complete nonsense. Are you insulting my story?
congratulations you accomplished the complete opposite of what you were attempting to.
oh okay :(
i guess it can be like Homestuck where the beginning sucks but people that are introduced to it power through it anyway to get to the good parts
I don't know what's going on. Maybe I can add an author's note at the beginning of my story that it gets better later on.
I feel the same thing about your story. You're missing out.

How about Third introducing himself at the beginning? Instead of writing (Incomprehensible name) in the middle of the sentence?
John Egbert (the main character) gets a reality warping game for his birthday and plays it with his online friends. Eventually, it culminates in them meeting "trolls" and they start to get into wacky hijinks and stuff. Idk I read it years ago, don't remember that well.
And frog afterlives, and Cherubs, and all other stuff happen.