• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
  • Don't livestream in an hotel chain that's easily recognizable.
  • It's the parents fault for putting their 9 year-old on the cover of an famous magazine.
  • Fedposting from the hardcore fascists isn't that much different than what goes on Twitter and Facebook.
  • The fact that the feds are calling Null the second coming of J. Edgar Hoover is hilarious, though
I just like shitposting. Why did you and your wife divorce?
Probably because he got tired of looking at this on his days off.
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I migrated to HostGator because they will host controversial content over GoDaddy. If Josh had given a few interviews to the media, he might have had more players on his side.
No way, they would've twisted whatever he said into something negative. Just look at the questions in their emails, most of whom boil down to "do you think your site is justified in harassing and killing innocent trans people???"

They're insanely biased, and they didn't even bother to pretend otherwise. Any interview would've just been used as ammo against him. The media isn't looking for both sides, they just want to reinforce whatever they already believe in. Null already wrote his page about the sites goals, if that doesn't bring someone to his side, then that person already made up their mind long ago.
Okay but like, what is your goal exactly? Do you have some fantasy that the people orbiting this event will look at this forum and nod in acknowledgement at your insistence that this is just a normal, generalized discussion place despite the fact that one or more of your elected moderators is a howling transphobe who delights in misgendering these people, posting their pornography that they may have created for money under financial duress, taunting them etc? Or the fact that my dox (as a cis woman) is still on here despite me asking you to remove it?

If you are antagonizing the "army" around keffals then what is the goal there? These people got Iceland to formally ban KF from their country and you're just a single guy. Are you trying to egg them on into harassing you, or harassing your employer out of some kind of free speech martyr fantasy? Your intentions here are just unclear and kind of insane, frankly.
There is no such thing as a transphobe because there is no such thing as a "transperson", some men and women decide to chop their tits/dicks off and take tablets made of horse piss and those people should be ridiculed.

I like this forum, I think it's cute and they have some funny posters.
Ok. Let me clarify this. Do a Google search on "kiwifarms". Then read the news articles about kiwifarms. NBC, Newsweek and so forth. Everyone of them described Kiwifarms as a hate-filled, extremist site that made the internet dangerous for transgendered, autistic and vulnerable people as though the website was an organized band of mobsters, murderers. terrorists and so forth.
I seriously don't know about that. I mean yeah there are some people that actually do this stuff on the Kiwifarms (there are even screenshots that prove it) but overall, Null essentially had lost control of his site. The mob won and used his site against others as some sort of personal army which triggered a lot of people.
plz fix the edit button window its like DMs where it goes away after 5 minutes , I wanna fix up some of my old posts!
View attachment 18658
I believe in the process of fixing the registration issue, permissions, phrases, and templates got overwritten with their defaults. I'll go into the board perms and restore them in just a sec

Alright, I've restored all the perms you had on the IP2 board.
Keffals isn't going to bother with OnionFarms.

It doesn't have the notoriety and reputation necessary for him to grift from, nor would any of these explanations offer any soft blows dealt to you if you did have that notoriety. No press outlets would care to check that nor would they include them if they did. They won't offer you any quarter, so you might as well ditch the reasonable positions you're offering to them and reply with only one thing; Go fuck yourself.

It'll eventually go down. Go down fighting.
Keffals isn't going to bother with OnionFarms.

It doesn't have the notoriety and reputation necessary for him to grift from, nor would any of these explanations offer any soft blows dealt to you if you did have that notoriety. No press outlets would care to check that nor would they include them if they did. They won't offer you any quarter, so you might as well ditch the reasonable positions you're offering to them and reply with only one thing; Go fuck yourself.

It'll eventually go down. Go down fighting.
There have been many websites over the last two decades which were "worse" than KF; which still exist. Which have survived repeated attempts at getting them shut down for nearly 20 years; 4chan and ED have repeatedly been mentioned in the news

And many other such cases. For 4 years 4chan and 8chan's /pol/ boards were repeatedly accused of being Russian botnet hive minds that helped tamper with the election. Site is still there.

KF didn't fail because of naughty gamer words. KF didn't fail because of the content. KF didn't fail because of the accusations. KF failed because of Josh's reputation.

This image got KF taken down in Russia; yet on any given day at any given hour, at any given minute you can find posts on any *chan site saying something about gassing the jews or the day of the rope.

The issue wasn't what was on KF. The issue is 10000% Josh. If Josh wasn't allowed to run the site all these years the site would still be up. There's nothing illegal about doxing, there's nothing illegal about laughing at weird faggots on the internet.
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It doesn't have the notoriety and reputation necessary for him to grift from,
Yeah, it really needs to be emphasized that this isn't an indignant victim, or a diehard ideological crusader, this is someone who gets their clout from ratioing people on Twitter. The only reason that Keffals picked a fight with KiwiFarms (and not the thousands of other sites that hate trannies) is because Keffals can make bank on this and in fact did. She was a lying thief when she stole from the party she was a part of, and she's a lying thief now taking people's donations knowing that she's selling them a fake narrative.
Convert the website into a single page application (SPA). Svelte is preferred because Vue can be rather slow, though perhaps Vue has a larger userbase. Back end can be anything, though SvelteKit may be simplest if using Svelte. Use socket.io or ws to send people real-time updates so that forum threads can work almost like a chat. Seems rather odd any website in this age would require you to refresh to get updates... which is all the forums of course.

Not to be expected all at once, XenForo seems to have a lot of things so there's lots of work needed to reach feature parity when starting anew. Still, it seems like all forum software is of the 00s decade.
Convert the website into a single page application (SPA). Svelte is preferred because Vue can be rather slow, though perhaps Vue has a larger userbase. Back end can be anything, though SvelteKit may be simplest if using Svelte. Use socket.io or ws to send people real-time updates so that forum threads can work almost like a chat. Seems rather odd any website in this age would require you to refresh to get updates... which is all the forums of course.

Not to be expected all at once, XenForo seems to have a lot of things so there's lots of work needed to reach feature parity when starting anew. Still, it seems like all forum software is of the 00s decade.
That's retarded lol
Onion farms is dead in the water