Remarkable Onion
that's true but I think Kiwifarms is also to blame as well considering that there were people on the threads who have openly admitted to swatting lolcows. Like I said before in some of my other posts, Null essentially lost control of his site due to these types of people.Yeah, it really needs to be emphasized that this isn't an indignant victim, or a diehard ideological crusader, this is someone who gets their clout from ratioing people on Twitter. The only reason that Keffals picked a fight with KiwiFarms (and not the thousands of other sites that hate trannies) is because Keffals can make bank on this and in fact did. She was a lying thief when she stole from the party she was a part of, and she's a lying thief now taking people's donations knowing that she's selling them a fake narrative.