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    How was your vacation on Kiwifarms Ashley?
I'd do a lot of things differently, to be honest with you. I would do them so differently she wouldn't blame me for his suicide in an article published during a campaign to remove a terrorist site you post on from the internet.
so if you actually fulfilled your darkest fantasy of getting someone to kill themselves you'd do it under a pseudonym? very smart. too smart for you. maybe everything we've been saying about how utterly liquid-brained you are to continue this under your whole ass real IRL name was wrong
I'd do a lot of things differently, to be honest with you.

What would you do differently in your life, Ash? Tried harder in school, actual dates rather than Internet Tom, not telling a bunch of online strangers about your husband getting butt-stuffed, not harassing people from work to the point of getting fired? Going to see your mother to make your peace before she died? Starting a healthy diet and sticking to an active wellness regimen? Not joining kiwi farms?
What would you do differently in your life, Ash? Tried harder in school, actual dates rather than Internet Tom, not telling a bunch of online strangers about your husband getting butt-stuffed, not harassing people from work to the point of getting fired? Going to see your mother to make your peace before she died? Starting a healthy diet and sticking to an active wellness regimen? Not joining kiwi farms?
Yeah another cool thing this guy did after Marshall Scott shot himself, literally like within the day, was go into the thread hyperventilating about his little pet theories about his death and the gun he used and really rubbing it in and dehumanizing them so it could have not been more apparent he was getting a chub from thinking about her multiple kids he's called dirty and stupid and poor watching a bloody, traumatic event they'll never forget.
What would you do differently in your life, Ash? Tried harder in school, actual dates rather than Internet Tom, not telling a bunch of online strangers about your husband getting butt-stuffed, not harassing people from work to the point of getting fired? Going to see your mother to make your peace before she died? Starting a healthy diet and sticking to an active wellness regimen? Not joining kiwi farms?
Well I can't say I wanted to know you, nobody does, but watching the pedo losers you associate with fucking up their lives has been really funny. The same will happen to you, no worries.
What would you do differently in your life, Ash? Tried harder in school, actual dates rather than Internet Tom, not telling a bunch of online strangers about your husband getting butt-stuffed, not harassing people from work to the point of getting fired? Going to see your mother to make your peace before she died? Starting a healthy diet and sticking to an active wellness regimen? Not joining kiwi farms?
Btw you need to make up your mind whether you're dangerous or not. If you don't think it's possible you pushed Marshall to suicide then why are you acting like making a joke to a pack of autistic homophobes has had lasting emotional impact on me lmao.

Are you into loli, @Karl? Thousands of people laughed at the guy who curates Kiwi farms being into drawings of little boys and you don't seem to mind. Your friend AnOminous is a furry who jacks off to childrens cartoons so I'm not sure where this withering judgement of me is supposed to be coming from, I mostly just think you're disgusting and inhuman and that's my issue with all of you.
fnaarf's boyfriend is bi and nearly killed himself, and her dad killed himself with substance abuse, you aren't exactly rocking against me with a mentally stable group of trad moral crusaders who have healthy families or futures. Which is weird of you to just ignore, I thought you valued that stuff a lot!
What would you do differently in your life, Ash? Tried harder in school,
I could literally knock out my poli sci masters in 1 1/2 years there's just no way I'm succumbing to a 100k debt trap lmao. Oh no Clarice...whatever will you do now that your dreams are all shattered...by owning a home and two cars and having savings which 70% of your generation doesn't have...
Btw you need to make up your mind whether you're dangerous or not. If you don't think it's possible you pushed Marshall to suicide then why are you acting like making a joke to a pack of autistic homophobes has had lasting emotional impact on me lmao.

Are you into loli, @Karl? Thousands of people laughed at the guy who curates Kiwi farms being into drawings of little boys and you don't seem to mind. Your friend AnOminous is a furry who jacks off to childrens cartoons so I'm not sure where this withering judgement of me is supposed to be coming from, I mostly just think you're disgusting and inhuman and that's my issue with all of you.
AssAids Jankowski doesn't like Helluva Boss because An0minous likes it. What a bitch.
Yeah another cool thing this guy did after Marshall Scott shot himself, literally like within the day, was go into the thread hyperventilating about his little pet theories about his death and the gun he used and really rubbing it in and dehumanizing them so it could have not been more apparent he was getting a chub from thinking about her multiple kids he's called dirty and stupid and poor watching a bloody, traumatic event they'll never forget.
AssAids Jankowski states this but will ignore Patrick threatening to kill somebody while his daughter was in the house.
It's going to be insane when the three gorges dam finally lets loose and kills hundreds of thousands-to millions. Ashley will show up at 2 AM to blame the CIA (and me) for it.
I, on the other hand, spent that time deeply asleep in a house full of people who love me.
Name some of your traits you believe your wife and kids value about you. Because let me tell you, your compulsive hateful comments on womens' looks and peoples' sexuality is going over great with some young teenagers and their friends and earning both affection and respect. And having grown up with kids who had parents that were wildly hypocritical religious zealots, that will only strengthen your bond over time.