Lidl Drip is a man, baby! Even a very oviously high Elaine on this Discord stream still had her female faculties intact to be able to sniff out Lidl as a man who is LARPing as a woman on KF:
Elaine, if you ever read this: Lidl is obsessed with you because Lidl, as a closeted gay man who wants Null all to himself, he obviously views you as a competitor merely for the fact that you are a woman at the periphery of Null. Lidl literally went and queried OG Kiwis about various Null's sexcapades with Kiwis, yet Lidl still insists everyone else is in a parasocial relationship with Null but him.
I have found what I think is the precise moment that Lidl Drip decided to LARP as a radical feminist tradthot in the MATI thread. I think it started with that shooting incident with the TIF (trans-identified female) shooter:
Almost every single ftm was molested, raped or in some other way sexually abused. That's why they hate their feminity (because it made them a target) and want to be men. A lot of women are traumatized by the sudden sexualization they experience when going through puberty. Girls as old as twelve already get disgusting comments by adult men and groped by their male peers. Every single detransitioner reports that they really just felt uncomfortable being objectified for their femininity and a lot of them say they were sexually abused.
Ofc not a reason to shoot kids, there's more than just that wrong with her. But it's a very safe bet to say she has that kind of trauma.
Misogynist closeted gay man Lidl can only have empathy for women if they are young molested girlchildren with no sexual agency. As soon as a woman becomes of age and has sexual agency and chooses to be with women, that sympathy ends and the hate begins:
Nobody is absolving her of her wrongdoings dude. People are trying to identify the problem so that a solution can be found. Something all the spree shooters have in common is that they are all severely mentally ill. The obvious solution to this is to have a better mental healthcare system in the US. Saying someone is mentally ill and needs help doesn't mean you are worshipping victimhood.
All of a sudden, Lidl began posting typical TERF-adjacent misandric talking points about how shaming men for their sexuality is based and a sure way to force degenerates back into the closet:
Shaming men for their sexuality is based actually. We need much more shame in this society and put all the freaks back into the closets.
Lidl raged against violent pornography:
Damn women are dumb as FUCK wanting a guy with a good job to support them and give them security but also spend time with them. Meanwhile the barely legal harem anal destruction stepsister big titty goth gf mommydommy BBC gangbang fantasies of men are very true to life and attainable.
As his LARP commenced, his expressed views became increasingly unhinged and IMO at times bordered on some rather obvious trolling, such as in the following post where Lidl boldly states that
"only women can create true art" and that all male-produced art features naked bodies and is therefore all pornographic:
That has always been the primary incentive for men getting into art. Back in the stone ages they squashed berries so they could draw some booba on the wall of the cave, in ancient greece men spend 20 years carving marble statues just to see a naked lady and now they have involved to drawing furry fart inflation porn on a tablet. There is not a single man that does art that doesn't also draw naked people for his own sexual pleasure.
This is why only women can create true art.
Like Null himself does in his political rants on MATI, Lidl takes care to mix his far-right reactionary views on "normal" heterosexual relationships with radical feminist misandric talking points about how most men nowadays are pornsick, most men thus are secretly gay, and how all gay men are on a slippery slope of degeneracy that inevitably ends with them raping children. Lidl mixes hardcore misandry with hardcore misogyny and racism (
"turning kids into niggeroni")
How about "Why is a 30 year old man meeting up with 16 year old girls from the internet?" There is zero explanation for this that would make it ok. People make up a lot of shit about Null to try and destroy him, but no woman has ever alleged that he raped her or beat her or is her babydaddy. How come this is happening to Sam Hyde constantly?
Just goes to show most people really don't give a fuck if their favorite e-celeb is a good person or a degenerate rapist irl. As long as he's funny he can be turning kids into niggeroni and nobody cares. Kind of a blackpill tbh.
And here we catch Lidl talking about himself again:
"most people really don't give a fuck if their favorite e-celeb is a good person or a degenerate rapist irl". Here is Lidl making excuses for Null having said on MATI that it's OK for him to hit on "1 or 2" of his fans, then Lidl trad-LARPs about how this totally leads to sustainable relationships using Pewdiepie as an example (imagine the sheer tone-deafness of comparing Pewdiepie to Null):
He said it's okay to fuck ONE fan and only if you do it like Pewdiepie did. Pewdiepie met Marzia in the very beginning of his career when he was still a humble sperg without millions of dollars, this is how he avoided getting a golddigging whore or a cloutchaser. While Marzia did get called a cloutchaser at first cause she immediately started her own channel, she did eventually retire from the public eye, so that helps keep their relationship private. I think having millions of people hyperanalyze every aspect of your relationship probably was hurting their relationship. so it's smarter for her to not be part of his online life more than necessary.
Pewdiepie has stayed loyal to Marzia for 12 years and counting, has never once flirted with his fans or in any way encouraged his fangirls to flirt with him (or even acknowledged them to my knowledge) and I think this is the real reason that they have stayed together for so long. Most men who get a lot of interest from women out of nowhere have a very hard time ignoring it and not letting it get to their head. It's a well known fact that all Hollywood celebrities constantly cheat on each other cause they just have so many opportunities to do so. You have to set very strong boundaries and have some amount of self control to make it work. I think Pewdiepie also knows that if he had to date again it would be impossible for him to avoid a cloutchasing harlot who is after his fame and money and he knows Marzia loved him even before he had all that.
I am very happy for them and their wholesomeness, I really hope Pewds sticks to his winning strategy.
Despite being in alignment with these extreme views, Lidl seems obsessed with normalcy and insists that he himself is actually a "cringe normie", which is highly doubtful because anyone who spends so much time on KF or listening to MATI to the point of parsing Null's far-right talking points through a radical feminist lens is obviously not "normal" by any stretch. Lidl goes on to appropriate Joseph Paul Watson's Youtube video about how "normalcy is the new counter culture", which only means that Lidl wants his extreme views to become commonplace and accepted:
Not to out myself as a cringe normie, but I have regularly watched Colleen's vlogs for over a year and this is absolutely not true. The only thing cringe about her is that she lives in California and repeats the usual normie liberal opinions about gays and trans that she's told to believe. Other than that her entire content is just hanging out with her kids doing normal mom stuff and making funny skits for kids as Miranda. She is in a normal loving relationship with her husband who also appears in her vlogs. Her content is not for men at all.
idk how anyone can look at that greasy faggot troon and not see how this is all fabricated because he wants to be internet famous
"Her content is not for men at all", but Lidl still watches it so he can trad-LARP more convincingly.
In this post Lidl claims to be a parent with multiple kids

and again insists that he's the normal one here, while also revealing that
he follows Paul Joseph Watson on Youtube:
Name a point in time that adults havent thought kids/teens were talking stupid, listening to stupid music, have stupid haircuts, are interested in stupid things etc. I don't think them inventing their own language (important part of development to set themselves apart from their parents and develop their own personalities) is the issue. In fact one of the great joys of being a parent is to embarrass your kids by saying "DO I LOOK DRIPPY TODAY LITTLE TIMMY?! NO CAP FR FR!".
The issue will be watching a whole generation grow up on social media, having their entire teenage years archived forever (Null is the best example as to why stupid things you said as a teen being archived forever is going to haunt you eternally) and being exposed to extremely degenerate pornography from an early age. I also see many issues with AI generated deepfakes being created by kids in school of their peers. They are going to grow up in some hard times, but hopefully it will make them strong and once the boomers are all dead we can finally swing the pendulum back into the right direction. All the people who bought into the gay/troon agenda will be weeded out and the kids that make it through the absolute insanity will see being normal as counter culture.
Yet Lidl can't help himself, and occasionally lets his tradthot mask slip to reveal his true, um, interests:
That is Bryan Dunn. He is known in this sektur for begging other men for pictures of their dicks.
This only reinforces my personal belief, that Lidl IRL is likely not a woman at all, and is more likely just another Nick Fuentes (someone Lidl appears to be familiar with), meaning, a far-right closed gay man who decided that LARPing as a feminist tradthot, while copying and regurgitating Null's most reactionary talking points from MATI, as a sure way to grab Null's attention and get on his good side.
I don't know what Lidl's endgame is with all this LARPing, other than him using it to gain access to Null, whom Lidl seems to be in love with and whom he idolizes to the point of copying Null's hatred of anime. Lidl acts very protective/possessive towards Null, while accusing everyone else with a positive or negative interest in Null of having a parasocial relationship with him. Yet Lidl by his own public admission contacted OG Kiwis to learn more about Null's previous sexual escapades with female Kiwis.
Lidl: Oh, I am not interested in Null's private sex life. I'm not parasocial with Null like everyone else is.
Also Lidl: Literally queries OG Kiwis about Null's sexcapades with Kiwi women to learn all the nitty gritty details of how it went down. Literally looks up Mexican restaurants in Belgrade to see where Null might be having Mexican food outside of the US. Openly fantasizes about Null topping his paypigs."I'm totally outing myself as a cringe normie, hihi!"
Curiously, when people in the MATI thread began discussing the Chudbud leaks and "Christorian X", Lidl was very noticeably absent from that part of the thread, despite having joined seemingly every other pile-on in the thread, this was the one topic Lidl apparently had nothing to say about:
I hope this all demonstrates once again why I do not for a moment believe that Lidl is a woman.
I suspect that Lidl is another Nick Fuentes, a far-right closeted homosexual man who hates women, and who started the Man Hate thread as a form of gay conversion therapy for himself, to remind himself to stay away from men, and to devote his time entirely to simping for his Real Life Eric Cartman as Cupid, Null:
Null suffering because people give him too much money and it takes too long to read the superchats. It's rough.