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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
The diary is of the alleged owner of
Still, that doesn't explain why the diary is copyright-attributed to Nenetl, one of the four KF women who were harassing Tesco.

Or is Elaine suggesting that the owner of lolcow.farms was harassing Null's GF? 🤨 Furthermore, Elaine hates lolcow.farms, she was just ranting about them on her Livestream, so who gave her that diary? (If it wasn't someone from lolcow.farms?)

Elaine mentioned Sandwich and Jacki, the other two KF women (whom Elaine claims are troons) that she claims were harassing Tesco, on her Livestream today, but here Elaine claimed that these women are her own orbiters and were harassing her:

Elaine should at the very least release link to the full pastebin file with the exchange between "Moldy Tampon" and @Tescosfinest.
Null allegedly had a girlfriend back in 2015 called Tesco

Idk if this is true or not but I've been around here so long I still remember how the former . farm admin "ines"/ ingenue had a massive hate boner for Tesco (who was a farm janny at the time) before ingenue became admin. When KF isn't down you can also see Tesco's posts in the .farm thread
Idk if this is true or not but I've been around here so long I still remember how the former . farm admin "ines"/ ingenue had a massive hate boner for Tesco (who was a farm janny at the time) before ingenue became admin. When KF isn't down you can also see Tesco's posts in the .farm thread
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The hate boner is real. The drama is ancient. The former .farm admin will tell anyone who remains stationary for longer than a minute about it, whether they want to hear it or not.
The only part of that I find hard to believe is the idea that Null ever had a girlfriend. Yes people, fatter, uglier version of Elliot Rodger and all, but he goes whole hog on being defensive if anyone questions him on dating or sex, like he's got something to hide. It's not like he's Pamperchu or anything but I fail to see how he would appeal to any female, human or otherwise.
fats get with fats all the time and you're forgetting how much clout Josh has, you'd be surprised how small your fanbase can be for you to still get women groupies. i remember a podcast from the 2000s, if it had a listenership of over a thousand people i'd be surprised. but because the host had no friends and was online 24/7 especially on his forum and myspace the dozen chicks that did listen were all over him.

People also don't seem to realize that at this point the average normie knows Josh as host of MATI and owner of the kiwifarms, but doesn't really know of him beyond that, the same way people might know contra from its youtube channel but not their entire backstory and every post they make online. If Jim could get a fat asian chick to move to the middle of nowhere and fuck him while he's slowly dying; i'm sure Null can get some strange from his show which is a much shitter knockoff of metokur at this point. Ethan Ralph was able to get at least two different women after Nora left as well, trust me you can do surprisingly well with a crumb of efame.

Beyond that Null has the forum and is relatively more famous than metokur or ralph. i know quite a few people that have at minimum heard of kiwifarms or MATI. those letters Null sends in response to faggot countries like NZ gets him quite a lot of respect. Like he has the top podcasts on patreon giving him shout outs and not because of his blockland adventures.

The best way to think of it is like imagine Null is like a stand up comedian, like Chris Hardwick or D'elia. for every person that obsessively follows their career for years and keeps track of every post and episode they make. the extremely vast majority just know of them from when they appear on some episode of a tv show.

I mean for fucks sake Amanda and Elaine are two women with threads that have admitted to wanting to fuck null and if we go by percentage thats like 20% of thin young white women on the forum. And we all know how hard it is to get women to admit they want to smash so the fact that its that high of a percentage should tell you that there is probably a huge amount of null groupies out there.

If Null wanted to go full Ethan Ralph two years ago he'd have Elaine (a teenage girl at the time, and much prettier than faith) on her 3rd pregnancy by now. no doubt in my mind Null has chicks begging to make him an heir for the kiwifarms throne. if May was willing to put up with so much for Ethan Ralph, i imagine whatever Null's eccentricities are they won't ever be leaked by whatever nut he wrangles up.
People have this idea that Josh is working 24/7 coding something CRAZY that will bring for forums back online, but the reality is he's just making phone calls hoping people cave into his demands and playing videogames. He should get his users to boycott or send in phone calls like he does whenever an isp blocks his domain or an antivirus company flags his website as having malware.
People also don't seem to realize that at this point the average normie knows Josh as host of MATI and owner of the kiwifarms, but doesn't really know of him beyond that, the same way people might know contra from its youtube channel but not their entire backstory and every post they make online. If Jim could get a fat asian chick to move to the middle of nowhere and fuck him while he's slowly dying; i'm sure Null can get some strange from his show which is a much shitter knockoff of metokur at this point. Ethan Ralph was able to get at least two different women after Nora left as well, trust me you can do surprisingly well with a crumb of efame.
Josh wants to pretend he can woo a girl all on his own without the clout of running Kiwifarms attracting some devoted fangirl. Not likely as history has shown. Josh is quite portly.
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So Elaine made a thread on Twitter today, where she explained the Nenetl/Tesco/Null lore:

Onion Farmer from LA, I’m going to break this down for you, because despite being an absolutely awful investigator, you have the spirit and that counts for something.

There are multiple posts, so read under this one.

Elaine claims that Tesco and Null's relationship only lasted a few weeks but Tesco is still being harassed on LC for having dated him. "She hasn’t spoken to Null since 2016 or something and literally seems to have dated him for a few weeks at best.", I am not surprised, I can't imagine a woman putting up with Null for more than a few weeks. Though the DMs that @brapplebees shared above seen to suggest that it was Null himself who ended the relationship.

Here's what Elaine has to say about Null, Tesco and Nenetl, Sandwich and Jacki:

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Tescosfinest was a very temporary farmhand. Around 2016 she briefly dated Josh. At the same time, or some time after, Tesco received a pretty shocking amount of harassment, stalking and abuse from Nenetl and her cohorts, like Sandwich & Jacki, who later became my orbiters.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

A thread where Tesco gets continuously attacked on can be seen here (F5 Tesco) :

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

It was unclear what started the harassment against Tesco, but it seems pretty in line with what I know about jannies.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Tesco is 100 times better looking than Nenetl, Sandwich and Jacki, but I also suspect that they have an incredibly huge obsession with Josh, to the point they’ve made an effort of targeting any of his exes, or even any women that simp for him.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Nenetl is still going on about Tesco, earlier this year, or late last year, she tried to enlist SevenEightNine to help identify Tesco. Seven claimed she had Tesco’s new Discord.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Tesco has barely spoken to these people and is completely confused as to why she’s even been attacked.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

There is zero debate of the fact that Josh and Dynastia knew about it, because as someone who’s been harassed by the same people, they make it very very public and known.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

The degrees of harassment Tesco has experienced could easily be prosecutable. She hasn’t spoken to Null since 2016 or something and literally seems to have dated him for a few weeks at best.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Josh and Dynastia continued to defend after witnessing what was done to Tesco. Yes, Josh literally put KF’s connection with over his then girlfriend.

Trollcow @TrollcowBackup

Absolutely no respect.

So I decided to have a look at the LC thread where Elaine claims Nenetl and the gang were harassing Tesco:

Retirement & The Future of LCF Anonymous ## Admin 1 year ago No. 25695
After a few months of badly orchestrated infiltration attempts to take over the site, I have decided to no longer accept google form applications. Applications for moderation roles will remain open for the time being. If anyone is interested in taking on full responsibility of the site then the best way to contact me would be email or discord (link is by the listed boards).
I have some potential canidates but I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket. The reality is that if no replacement is found by the end of the year, I will inevitably be forced to pull the plug like PULL or settle for a less than ideal replacement to maintain the pastures. To make the transition easier I have decided to provide detailed documentation of all server infrastructure.
What's Changing?
admin role has reduced technical requirements with optional support in the early transitional months
I am no longer funding the server bill - if you're interested in donating to keep the site afloat then you can email or shoot me a message on discord for the link - monthly server cost is listed at the page
apply as the next Administrator by providing a detailed email explaining your interest and qualifications, discord works too

So this was originally supposed to be a thread about the future of LC and the Admin appearing to step down... but it quickly devolved into something else, as is usual on image board threads.

Let's see what people were posting about Tesco in that thread. We're off to a good start with...

She is kinda famous for being easy and crazy in those circles. And well, if it is her, then I do have more questions….

Is it true you e-dated Josh and he dumped you for sending him pics of you gouging wounds into your body because he didn't respond fast enough to you?

How very Christlike and trad... Null sure knows how to pick' em :rolleyes:

She sent her tits to Null, what else would you consider "easy"? He makes it sound like you just need to whisper her name and she will show up with her tits in your inbox. Wonder what gave him that impression? Maybe because.. she hands her nudes out like candy?

The perks of being Null, LMAO.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25949>>25950
Was this around the time Null was fucking that one fatty mod that the userbase hated?

Oh, so there was yet another woman with Null besides Tesco? LMAO, how did Null ever get the reputation of being an incel while he was supposedly with all these different Kiwi women?

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25950>>25951
Why do lolcow mods want to fuck Null so badly? You guys are nasty.

Yeah, that is weird. I've seen this kind of 180 before in radical feminists online. I suspect it's because they're separatists, so they don't interact much with normal average males, all their information about men comes from other radical feminists who describe men in the worst possible terms, but since they can't deny their heterosexuality (they LARP at being political lesbians but they're really not) they become attracted to males who personify their stereotype of a sexist chauvinist bastard.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25951>>25952>>25953
No, no, it wasn't a lolcow mod I meant that one KF mod who only got it because Null was fucking her. She ended up being a goth fatty-chan with blue hair I think? But, if Tesco sending nudes to Null is true then fucking kek. Admin may be an ana-chan who hates terfs and white women but, at least she isn't throwing her nudes around to fucking Null of all people.

I agree, if this claim is true, there's a side to KF and Null that most people know nothing about.
Good, let this be the end of his TMIng.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25953>>25954>>25959>>26105
That sounds like Tescos description, incels used to come on lolcow to post her nudes on the regular and clown her. That is how I know of this affair and her sending nudes to the lookism/Incel abode admin.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25954>>25959>>26105
can confirm i saw her buttplug on /pt/ once when she pissed off yet another incel.

What is it with Null and him being into women who are into anal? Was it due to him being a pornsick teenager? We learned from the Blockland posts that he also wanted to take Clara Stocking's anal virginity... but Tanuki has that clip on his Youtube channel where Null actually warns male Kiwis to not have anal sex. I guess Null eventually got to live out his anal fantasy, but discovered that his fantasy had little to do with the reality of anal sex? Still odd.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25959>>25962>>26105
File (hide): 1629724213540.jpg (237.96 KB, 1080x1350, 1596737991208.jpg)

I just remembered the mod went by emspex. Are tesco and empsex the same person or just fatties who look like each other?

Hmmm, is the woman in this picture Tesco or Emspex? If this is someone Null dated I have to say I'm a little disappointed. This is not the kind of female I would've expected Null to pair up with. I mean, she looks emo, but Null made it clear he's into skinny/sporty girls, and she's the opposite of skinny/sporty.

Oh, OK, so the fat emo woman is another KF woman by the name of Emspex, not Tesco (I've read about Emspex here on OF before as yet-another romantic interest of Null's):

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25962
Tesco was never a mod on the Kiwifarms, she was a mod here. The girl in the pic you posted is apparently Empspex, but she lives in Finnland so I doubt she ever fucked Null.

The thread devolves further:

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25973>>26101
Confirmed for lurking here. Null, you are fat, bug-eyed and none of us would have sex with you. Go away.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25974
I'm the anon above, in that case I will emend my post: Elaine you are retarded and Josh will not have sex with you

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26038>>26040
He said here >>25773 that he doesn't want cause he doesn't want to run an imageboard ever again, so why have there been like 100 posts about Null since? Instead maybe we should start looking into where to go from here. I don't think sperging out about Null or the current Admin will save the site.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26040>>26041>>26043>>26052>>26059>>26214
File (hide): 1629812998686.jpeg (377.77 KB, 1214x1466, 22A60A63-A840-4712-BC5E-F96BC9…)

I want to address a few things in this thread as a random lurker. The fact this has turned into a bashing Null, Tesco, elaine and Dyn is absolutely retarded. Maybe you guys haven’t realised but not EVERYONE posting on this thread that has a different opinion is either a KF user or a Cow. Imagine being schizo paranoid enough to believe that. I personally find it disgusting that this thread has turned into somehow pinning the blame on other people and bashing a list of people who have nothing to do with this. To everyone saying that if we hate the admin we should leave the site, what’s your opinion on Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk? You use their services too. The admin doesn’t have to be liked for us to like the site. Pinning the blame on the same 4 people is just typical of this place becoming a bloodbath and more and more deluded. For anyone who wants to know, the site costs are not $1000. And I have no idea what admin needed donations for as she updated this domain in July, therefore paying all her Cloudflare bills already. Don’t be autistic.

Typical image board moment: the thread gets so convoluted with anons responding to one another that no one knows what's what anymore:

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26105>>26106
so i'm confused, did tesco fuck null or have nudes from incels? does the current admin dislike tesco? was the site being modded by nullfuckers? i'm very confused, someone with lore explain

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26106>>26107>>26108>>26109
Rumors around the moid circles she frequents say that she did send Null nudes but he wasn’t interested. She used to be a mod here a few admins ago according to her kiwifarm posts

Oh, so the latest plot twist is that Tesco and Null didn't actually date, she just sent him some lewds but he wasn't interested?

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26108
Imagine how busted you have to be to get rejected by Null. He's fat and ugly and I would not have sex with him.

I don't know, Null says he has one million monthly visitors. That's a huge pool to go fishing in.

Nenetl herself comes into the thread and gives her take on Null/Tesco:

Anonymous ## Admin 1 year ago No. 26109>>26110>>26111>>26113>>26119>>26134>>26163>>26176
File (hide): 1629867136613.png (490.91 KB, 2174x1422, rentfree.png)

I wasn't sure if she was really a moderator but a veteran janitor actually recognized her from mod drama dating back over 4 years ago.
>I have absolutely no idea why my old discord ID, or a screenshot of me saying I used to be a farmhand
Thanks for making this easier, I'll only address you once.
>Current admin has had an issue with me before she ever became admin, I'm sure she remembers the discord messages she'd send with pictures from my facebook attached, and vague threats to doxx me, for literally no reason (because I had never interacted with her before that). Not surprised, but yeah, confusing.
What's really confusing is how you're going to sit here and feign ignorance about the rumors you make about staff and the site. I don't care about whatever grudge you have against any former mods or whatever farmer hurt your feelings, why are you feeding Null misinformation? I really got to know what pissed you off so badly that you're willing to serve a मोटी फूहड़ bottom feeding bitch like Josh
What did you mean by having insider info from the guy who created Asherah's Garden? Is he from kiwifarms too? I've been dying to hear about how the scrote that created AG supposedly has insider info. When Null speaks of his ambassadors he's really talking about some pickme ex-farmhand who has a bitter taste in her mouth.
In case I actually have to spell it out:
>there are/has never been troons/scrotes on my staff and if anyone would like to present proof then the floor is all yours
>No, "Ian" does not run the site
I am amazed that in light of recent developments, Null hasn't acknowledged this tinfoil. Surely if I had a gay male to run things for me, because a woman couldn't possibly manage, I wouldn't be stepping down.
>when there are no donations server costs come from either my pocket's or a member of staff's
Meaning I have paid for at least a grand in server costs over the duration of my administration, and that included memory upgrades.
>I didn't make fun of her eyebrows
Whoever made fun of her eyebrows please DM this chick an apology already.
I guess for someone who really doesn't care about this site, you're really willing to invest a good amount of time setting up splinter honeypots, or at least willing to lie about it. It's been entertaining seeing tescoreadymeal and Null act like they don't know each other in our thread. A cautionary tale indeed. But hey, I'm totally just a a paranoid beaner who hates white people. My dislike for Null couldn't possibly be because he spreads rumors to spread distrust within the community.

"When Null speaks of his ambassadors he's really talking about some pickme ex-farmhand who has a bitter taste in her mouth.", wait, Null claims he has "ambassadors"? LMAOOO! #EmpireBuilderSyndrome

"It's been entertaining seeing tescoreadymeal and Null act like they don't know each other in our thread. A cautionary tale indeed. But hey, I'm totally just a a paranoid beaner who hates white people. My dislike for Null couldn't possibly be because he spreads rumors to spread distrust within the community.", again typical image board moment, assuming the people being talked about have showed up and are participating.

This tescoreadymeal is a total lolcow. She either needs her own thread at this point or we need to start discussing her in the KF thread. You can tell she has been manically refreshing this thread all day as well, shitting it up with her defending Null and smearing lolcow. I have to wonder if the posts about her nudes and being a fat goth are true, but considering how much she is sperging about anachans I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fat.

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 26176>>26188

I believe it is I who made fun out of her eyebrows back in the day. I barely lurk these days but got linked this thread.

First of all Tesco, I am sorry for your eyebrows. If I had known five years ago that making fun out of them would result in this much salt, I would have still done it because you clearly need someone to question your judgement. So here I am again, to question your judgement as to why you're still hung up on minor drama from circa 2016. It's been five years, let it go.

However, if your eyebrows are still that messed up- you are lucky that the 2007 emo girl aesthetic seems to be coming back to style. Unfortunately for you though, they are messed up for even a 2007 emo girl. Please reshape them.

With love, your favorite piggu, Oats

Is this Tesco responding to the thread?

Anonymous 1 year ago No. 25912>>25940>>26109>>26176
I have absolutely no idea why my old discord ID, or a screenshot of me saying I used to be a farmhand is at all relevant to her complaining about Josh.

I was a janny under the second admin, and was given mod after a while, and then the third admin took over and I was a mod under her, until she decided to get her own team of mods to start fresh. I have never been a mod on KF.

Current admin has had an issue with me before she ever became admin, I'm sure she remembers the discord messages she'd send with pictures from my facebook attached, and vague threats to doxx me, for literally no reason (because I had never interacted with her before that). Not surprised, but yeah, confusing.

Thanks Ingenue!

TLDR, the rumours around the Nenetl/Tesco/Null triangle range from "Null and Tesco dated for a few weeks, Nenetl got mad about it because she fears Null taking over her forum" to "Tesco sent Null some lewds but he just wasn't interested, Nenetl still got mad about it because she fears Null taking over her forum".

There's also all these people discussing Tesco's physique in the thread, but I still don't know what she looks like. Elaine claims in her Twitter thread that "Tesco is 100 times better looking than Nenetl, Sandwich and Jacki", well, I still don't know what Tesco looks like but I do know that Null has an immensely higher standard for women than he does for himself.
the weirdos he attracts
View attachment 33584
compared to Faith or Jim's asian she's not that bad (not factoring in mental illness) Also how do we know that the love of a man couldn't fix the crazy? the time she spends crafting absurd fictional narratives could be spent being a quality homemaker and cook. May's batshit too outside of relationships. honestly more amazed Null is actually into fat chicks i just assumed it was a fun meme because he did too many episodes on chantal in a row.
Josh wrote another essay today and it's even more cringe than his previous one.
View attachment 33586

Reminder that a little over a year ago he wrote about being depressed and giving up on "fighting for free speech."
of course he has to be melodramatic about it he can't just say "Elliot your front door is unlocked lmfao" because he's a fighter for freeze peach and "women's space's" (radfem whores) also lol at the edgy gadsden flag
Reason: test
Josh wrote another essay today and it's even more cringe than his previous one.
View attachment 33586

Reminder that a little over a year ago he wrote about being depressed and giving up on "fighting for free speech" and "no longer finding it worthwhile."
I saw this earlier and this doesn't quite add up. Liz Fong-Jones isn't a major league celebrity with clout like Taylor Swift. She is simply a very smart software engineer who graduated from MIT.

How exactly does she get the names and phone numbers of all these families for her harassment campaign? Calls a total stranger at 6 or 7 in the morning for "girl talk"? Contacts all these company executives at the top of the internet hierarchy and threatens to put them out of business? Now I am not saying this is out of the question but somehow I'm not buying it.
I saw this earlier and this doesn't quite add up. Liz Fong-Jones isn't a major league celebrity with clout like Taylor Swift. She is simply a very smart software engineer who graduated from MIT.

How exactly does she get the names and phone numbers of all these families for her harassment campaign? Calls a total stranger at 6 or 7 in the morning for "girl talk"? Contacts all these company executives at the top of the internet hierarchy and threatens to put them out of business? Now I am not saying this is out of the question but somehow I'm not buying it.
If the names of the CEOs are well known, doxing them should be a cakewalk. Can't be that hard to find their numbers and names.

Though isn't harassment illegal? I do find it hard to believe LFJ would risk jailtime and fines and whatnot, all over this. Wouldn't this behaviour cause all those CEOs to hate him? Wouldn't LFJ be blacklisted in the tech industry by now?
If the names of the CEOs are well known, doxing them should be a cakewalk. Can't be that hard to find their numbers and names.

Though isn't harassment illegal? I do find it hard to believe LFJ would risk jailtime and fines and whatnot, all over this. Wouldn't this behaviour cause all those CEOs to hate him? Wouldn't LFJ be blacklisted in the tech industry by now?
So if one of these executives refuses to go along with her crusade does she post some kind of nasty tweet about them? Her Twitter is locked down. I am guessing if her campaign to take down kiwifarms was as Josh described in his little manifesto it would be more in the public spotlight like Keffels. But it's not.
So if one of these executives refuses to go along with her crusade does she post some kind of nasty tweet about them? Her Twitter is locked down. I am guessing if her campaign to take down kiwifarms was as Josh described in his little manifesto it would be more in the public spotlight like Keffels. But it's not.
Right. Well Null says LFJ harasses their costumers, which is weird because I really don't see how LFJ gets that much info. He was with Google, but not that high up.

Though on the other hand, Null just named him. If this is all fake, LFJ could just sue Null and obviously Null wouldn't name LFJ if it's complete bullshit so there has to be some truth to it.

Weird story all together.
Right. Well Null says LFJ harasses their costumers, which is weird because I really don't see how LFJ gets that much info. He was with Google, but not that high up.

Though on the other hand, Null just named him. If this is all fake, LFJ could just sue Null and obviously Null wouldn't name LFJ if it's complete bullshit so there has to be some truth to it.

Weird story all together.
Yes I would say parts of it are true. But Null embellished it and added on bits and pieces to make a nice entertaining little story of him being the lonely freedom fighter.
How exactly does she get the names and phone numbers of all these families for her harassment campaign? Calls a total stranger at 6 or 7 in the morning for "girl talk"? Contacts all these company executives at the top of the internet hierarchy and threatens to put them out of business? Now I am not saying this is out of the question but somehow I'm not buying it.
I will soon post an example of LFJ hitting up a personal contact within Zayo France to get KF blocked by Zayo. You will see how LFJ does this and how having a sympathetic insider on the inside of a backbone gets you very far when it comes to targeting your enemies.

I am guessing if her campaign to take down kiwifarms was as Josh described in his little manifesto it would be more in the public spotlight like Keffels. But it's not.
Quite the opposite actually. LFJ was constantly being interviewed and appearing on podcasts about the #DropKiwiFarms campaign:

Like I have said repeatedly on this forum, Keffals was just the public face of the campaign. The brains behind #DropKiwiFarms was Liz Fong-Jones, and since Keffals is a mentally ill drug addict who can barely talk, it was eventually LFJ that journalists began to contact and interview to get the insider scoop on the campaign.

He was with Google, but not that high up.

That's not the point. The point Null is making in his statement is that LFJ is using a address, which is just a legacy address since he's no longer actually associated with that company, to social engineer other companies and ISP into assuming that they are being contacted by an actual Google employee. Whoever receives that e-mail just sees and assumes it's legit someone from Google.

Though on the other hand, Null just named him.

That's nothing new, he had posted similar things on KF naming Liz Fong-Jones while #DropKiwiFarms was still happening. For example:

No, Liz Fong-Jones is just a terrorist who needs to be put in fucking gitmo. I've gotten emails from inside big companies relaying that this fucking fag calls up the wives of CEOs of multimillion dollar T1 ISPs to threaten them, and instead of this launching a police investigation into what is effectively fear-based extortion, he just keeps getting to do it.

Just look at Sam. This dude has been online calling people child raping sadists for TWENTY YEARS, and the most censorious western government in the entire world (UK) has done NOTHING to quell him. Every single time I get some fucking FBI inquiry about a bomb threat that was sent to the AP, local news, and then also Sam's contact email (so he can know about it and write about), I tell them that it's this fucking asshole and they do NOTHING. In a sane country, this dumpy freak would be dangling out the highest window of the Tower of London by only his thumbs, but they just let him carry on.

It is state sponsored terrorism. When the governments pursue crimes to the fullest extent of the law with one party, but opts not to investigate another, that other party has the endorsement of the state to engage what is otherwise criminal behavior.

Every single thing they've accused of us of doing, they do. They say we libel and defame people, but Sam is the one calling random people pedophile sadists for being the wife of the business owner who used to house our servers. They say we dox, but Taylor Lorenz visits peoples's homes. They say we're "stochastic terrorism", but Liz Fong-Jones is the one going after the families and livelihoods of random fucking people.

They're marked you as prey for their rampant sex predators to go after without impunity. It used to just be Sam's bullshit on the Internet, but now Lorenz and LFJ are going after people and their families in person to scare them. When people start getting murdered, do you think the FBI is going to do anything to investigate it if it's the right people being killed?

Null had already named Liz Fong-Jones on his Twitter account and on MATI back in 2019 when Liz had successfully targeted one of Null's e-mail service providers at the time:


So no, whatever Null said in his latest statement is just a repetition of things he has already said before. As is usual of these campaigns, you have to repeat these things many many times for all the people in the back.