• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
As shitty and retarded as jewsh is, he's nowhere near as batshit insane as lolcow.farm's jannies. They REALLY don't like it when someone new joins some threads and will engage in a several hour schizofit battle telling you to off yourself as you literally just try to participate normally in the thread at all. It never gets old how they get extremely aggressive for no reason.
Lolcow.farms? More like low-fat.fart.
josh has been missing for a few hours
Fucking with Josh while he's being whiny bitch in Telegram is great because if he bans you all you have to do is delete your telegram account and re-join the next day. He just can't let the most innocuous shit go. Wasn't he pretending for a while that he didn't run the place ?
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He just wrote a big essay for telegram:
I'm tired and feel a more complete explanation is owed.

#DropKiwiFarms is effectively dead, but of the hundreds of slacktivists who have come and gone in boredom, there's one persistent person who has made it his personal mission to obliterate his history of rape and professional misconduct from the Kiwi Farms. He believes that his psychotic threats and abusive behavior will eventually allow him to leave behind his past and pursue a fruitful, happy, and productive life - if only the Kiwi Farms were gone.

This persistent individual has crossed many lines many times, but all affected parties currently wish to sit on their hands with a 'wait and see' approach while this persons continues on in an incredibly abusive and threatening manner towards innocent third parties every day. It is with incredibly reluctance that I do not name names. I personally know there is no wisdom in holding back.

So, for the sake of boosting confidence and making things clear,
- The individuals you are trying to pry into submission will not submit.
- I will not allow good people to deal with you without my assistance,
- When they realize you are an unreasonable person they will stop trying to be nice,
- There are a million visitors to my website every month and they will all know you soon.

As long as I am alive I will not permit some fucking rapist freak to decide what I cannot and cannot say, and what the thousands of people who use my website can and cannot say. These small reprieves from your laundry being available online will not last and you should accept that and move on with what remains of you short and mangled life.

I also promise that if something were to happen, and by some inconceivable force the Kiwi Farms could not continue, that you personally will never live down what you have done and you will never see a day where you are not known as a rapist.

The people you are threatening are not disappearing silently. There is a fortress being built one brick at a time with your help. The entire industry is learning who you are by your actions alone, and they know what you are: a predator.

Fuck off.
Fucking with Josh while he's being whiny bitch in Telegram is great because if he bans you all you have to do is delete your telegram account and re-join the next day. He just can't let the most innocuous shit go. Wasn't he pretending for a while that he didn't run the place ?
I thought Felenov was running/moderating the Telegram? What happened to Felenov? Did he leave? I am not on Telegram so I have no idea what's happening there anymore.

The hack was an inside job, more on this soon. (With receipts).
If you're gonna post again about that RedLineStealer Trojan you've been ranting about on Twitter on your every ban evasion account there, just don't even bother Punished Ody/Gab/Nulled/Butters/ContentCop or whatever your latest ban evasion account is today.

That AbuseIPDB website you keep linking to is completely unreliable as they don't vet their received reports at all. Anyone and their mother can make a pseudonymous account on AbuseIPDB and randomly accuse some IP address of being engaged in malicious activity. They don't have to provide any receipts of logs to AbuseIPDB to back their claims against an IP address. While #DropKiwiFarms was happening, the TRAs were falsely mass-reporting the IP addresses of ISPs that KF is using to AbuseIPDB in order to destroy their standing/rating there. The TRAs filed these false reports against the ISP in order to coerce them into dropping KF.

So I decided to do some research into this "nenetl" that the ChatGPT generated secret diary of Null is copyright-attributed to:



I discovered that Elaine had mentioned Nenetl before, namely in this Twitter exchange with Dynastia @DongerStaples:


In this tweet, Elaine suggests the following:

1) Null allegedly had a girlfriend back in 2015 called Tesco or @Tescosfinest (I doubt this because Null said he was still talking to Clara Stockings back in 2015, as he also told Hotwheels who mentioned it in his Medium article about the Infinity Next fallout. If Null in 2015 was still pinning his hopes on getting with Clara, why was there another woman?)

2) A group of women on KF became jealous of Tesco for being Null's supposed girlfriend, so they got together to harass and attack her (... imagine being jealous of a woman having to date someone like Null, LMAO. Either these women are young, or mentally ill, or both.)

3) Nenetl was one of these women harassing and attacking Tesco. The other women were Sandwich (a German woman), Jacki and SevenEightNine. The four of them were harassing Tesco for 7 years since 2015, so well into the present day of 2023.

4) Elaine then includes an excerpt of a presumably longer chat/DM session cropped from a pastebin file, where someone called "Moldy Tampon" is responding to @Tescosfinest saying: "when there's enough of us and we're fully integrated we'll start demanding RIGHTS and SPECIAL PRIVILEGES and overthrow this place and create a kiwi caliphate". It's unclear what "this place" is (the chatroom? KiwiFarms? The internet in general?). The comment was clearly in jest, appropriating typical SJW activist language. If this chat/DM session is real, then Elaine ought to give out the link to the pastebin file itself, so we can read it in context and understand why "Moldy Tampon" was saying these things to Tesco.

5) Elaine suggests that Null and Dynastia were aware of the fact that a group of KF women were harassing Tesco but suggests they both condoned this harassment. This is really strange because why would Null condone a group of KF women harassing his girlfriend? Why not just ban them all? (Because he sadistically enjoys watching these women have a catfight over him?)

So if Nenetl is an actual woman on KF and not a figment of Elaine's imagination, and the ChatGPT-generated secret diary of Null is attributed to Nenetl... this story still begs a number of questions:

1) If the secret diary of Null is a real document that Nenetl has, why did Nenetl copyright-attribute it to herself? If the diary is written by Null, then he retains the copyrights. Even if he somehow gave the diary to someone else (and why would he do that?), the contents are still his. Nenetl is kinda giving herself away here.

2) The copyright-attribution suggests that it was likely Nenetl who created this diary, who then copyrighted it to herself, perhaps to prevent someone else from using it. Who else had access to this diary?

3) How did Elaine obtain this document? Is she in touch with one of the women who were harassing Tesco or with Tesco herself? Perhaps Elaine is in touch with Nenetl herself? What if it was one of these women who gave Elaine a fake ChatGPT-generated diary to fuck with her? Who else could've given Elaine the diary?

Elaine is going to have to release a lot of receipts to make this story semi-believable.

I already know that Elaine doesn't bother to fact-check any of the information she find online, because she read my post here on OF where I mentioned the RUMOUR that Null travelled to Ukraine to meet Weev, and she went and repeated this RUMOUR on Twitter as if it was already an established fact, while trying to contact Weev himself through her blackhat friends. Neither Null or Weev have ever confirmed this rumour that they've met.

This is why, unless I am presented with hard evidence that the secret diary of Null is real and genuine, I will just assume it's a ChatGPT generated hoax that someone, perhaps Nenetl herself, passed on to Elaine just to fuck with her.

Still, Elaine can read some entries from the diary on her Livestream just for the lulz.

The ChatGPT I'm training is already getting better at writing these diary entries, check this out:


So I decided to do some research into this "nenetl" that the ChatGPT generated secret diary of Null is copyright-attributed to:

View attachment 33522


I discovered that Elaine had mentioned Nenetl before, namely in this Twitter exchange with Dynastia @DongerStaples:

View attachment 33523

In this tweet, Elaine suggests the following:

1) Null allegedly had a girlfriend back in 2015 called Tesco or @Tescosfinest (I doubt this because Null said he was still talking to Clara Stockings back in 2015, as he also told Hotwheels who mentioned it in his Medium article about the Infinity Next fallout. If Null in 2015 was still pinning his hopes on getting with Clara, why was there another woman?)

2) A group of women on KF became jealous of Tesco for being Null's supposed girlfriend, so they got together to harass and attack her (... imagine being jealous of a woman having to date someone like Null, LMAO. Either these women are young, or mentally ill, or both.)

3) Nenetl was one of these women harassing and attacking Tesco. The other women were Sandwich (a German woman), Jacki and SevenEightNine. The four of them were harassing Tesco for 7 years since 2015, so well into the present day of 2023.

4) Elaine then includes an excerpt of a presumably longer chat/DM session cropped from a pastebin file, where someone called "Moldy Tampon" is responding to @Tescosfinest saying: "when there's enough of us and we're fully integrated we'll start demanding RIGHTS and SPECIAL PRIVILEGES and overthrow this place and create a kiwi caliphate". It's unclear what "this place" is (the chatroom? KiwiFarms? The internet in general?). The comment was clearly in jest, appropriating typical SJW activist language. If this chat/DM session is real, then Elaine ought to give out the link to the pastebin file itself, so we can read it in context and understand why "Moldy Tampon" was saying these things to Tesco.

5) Elaine suggests that Null and Dynastia were aware of the fact that a group of KF women were harassing Tesco but suggests they both condoned this harassment. This is really strange because why would Null condone a group of KF women harassing his girlfriend? Why not just ban them all? (Because he sadistically enjoys watching these women have a catfight over him?)

So if Nenetl is an actual woman on KF and not a figment of Elaine's imagination, and the ChatGPT-generated secret diary of Null is attributed to Nenetl... this story still begs a number of questions:

1) If the secret diary of Null is a real document that Nenetl has, why did Nenetl copyright-attribute it to herself? If the diary is written by Null, then he retains the copyrights. Even if he somehow gave the diary to someone else (and why would he do that?), the contents are still his. Nenetl is kinda giving herself away here.

2) The copyright-attribution suggests that it was likely Nenetl who created this diary, who then copyrighted it to herself, perhaps to prevent someone else from using it. Who else had access to this diary?

3) How did Elaine obtain this document? Is she in touch with one of the women who were harassing Tesco or with Tesco herself? Perhaps Elaine is in touch with Nenetl herself? What if it was one of these women who gave Elaine a fake ChatGPT-generated diary to fuck with her? Who else could've given Elaine the diary?

Elaine is going to have to release a lot of receipts to make this story semi-believable.

I already know that Elaine doesn't bother to fact-check any of the information she find online, because she read my post here on OF where I mentioned the RUMOUR that Null travelled to Ukraine to meet Weev, and she went and repeated this RUMOUR on Twitter as if it was already an established fact, while trying to contact Weev himself through her blackhat friends. Neither Null or Weev have ever confirmed this rumour that they've met.

This is why, unless I am presented with hard evidence that the secret diary of Null is real and genuine, I will just assume it's a ChatGPT generated hoax that someone, perhaps Nenetl herself, passed on to Elaine just to fuck with her.

Still, Elaine can read some entries from the diary on her Livestream just for the lulz.

The ChatGPT I'm training is already getting better at writing these diary entries, check this out:

View attachment 33524

View attachment 33527View attachment 33526
The only part of that I find hard to believe is the idea that Null ever had a girlfriend. Yes people, fatter, uglier version of Elliot Rodger and all, but he goes whole hog on being defensive if anyone questions him on dating or sex, like he's got something to hide. It's not like he's Pamperchu or anything but I fail to see how he would appeal to any female, human or otherwise.
The only part of that I find hard to believe is the idea that Null ever had a girlfriend. Yes people, fatter, uglier version of Elliot Rodger and all, but he goes whole hog on being defensive if anyone questions him on dating or sex, like he's got something to hide. It's not like he's Pamperchu or anything but I fail to see how he would appeal to any female, human or otherwise.
I see a couple of holes in this: This mentions him giving notice that he is quitting his job. Null doesn't have any salaried employment in Serbia. The consensus is that he's basically squatting trying to maintain as low a profile as possible. His only source of income comes from crypto donations or possibly small projects as a freelancer that he works on.

As far as his family is concerned: What family? He never kept up with maintaining connections with his relatives or his father. Didn't he mention that the house his mother used to live in burned down?

Josh doesn't reside in Belgrade. Someone told us it was confirmed he lives in the Ruma area about 35 miles north of Belgrade. I am having a lot of trouble believing this.
I see a couple of holes in this: This mentions him giving notice that he is quitting his job. Null doesn't have any salaried employment in Serbia. The consensus is that he's basically squatting trying to maintain as low a profile as possible. His only source of income comes from crypto donations or possibly small projects as a freelancer that he works on.

As far as his family is concerned: What family? He never kept up with maintaining connections with his relatives or his father. Didn't he mention that the house his mother used to live in burned down?
Go read my post again. Those excerpts I posted were generated by ChatGPT. Of course it's going to make mistakes at first. You start with some generic questions and answers and you make them increasingly more detailed overtime. That's how you train an AI to give accurate answers.

I posted the generated answers from ChatGPT, hoping that Elaine will read my post and see for herself how easy it is to train an AI to generate realistic diary entries. Unless Elaine has the receipts to prove that the Null diary she was given is genuine, I will assume it's an AI-generated hoax.

BTW, is Liz Fong-Jones in control of ChatGPT too? WTF!



Josh doesn't reside in Belgrade. Someone told us it was confirmed he lives in the Ruma area about 35 miles north of Belgrade. I am having a lot of trouble believing this.
AFAICT one has actually confirmed this. I was told how the Ruma location was calculated on the basis of some very crude and inaccurate geo-forensics. It was literally just a guestimate based on a distance that Null alleged he lived from Belgrade. People just drew a line from Belgrade and then circled the surrounding area, and then decided that the most likely city within that circle must be Ruma, just because that city was within the circle. That's still a GUESS, not a confirmation! Null could've lied about the distance, and then this whole geo-forensics guestimate collapses.
I see a couple of holes in this: This mentions him giving notice that he is quitting his job. Null doesn't have any salaried employment in Serbia. The consensus is that he's basically squatting trying to maintain as low a profile as possible. His only source of income comes from crypto donations or possibly small projects as a freelancer that he works on.

As far as his family is concerned: What family? He never kept up with maintaining connections with his relatives or his father. Didn't he mention that the house his mother used to live in burned down?

Josh doesn't reside in Belgrade. Someone told us it was confirmed he lives in the Ruma area about 35 miles north of Belgrade. I am having a lot of trouble believing this.
I was joking kinda, but Josh's lore and statements are, as usual, all over the place. Honestly there's a lot of inside jokes in regards to him and his interests and habits, but I do know that his parents are split up and he claims to be overseas. He's probably going to pull an Andrew Tate and dox himself via a pizza box or something in the room.

I doubt he'd have taken the time to learn a new language in a foreign country, and Slavic languages have a different alphabet, making his story increasingly unlikely. He did also mention being infatuated with a woman in the Navy who was a nuclear engineer, but I doubt she'd be impressed by a guy who runs a forum, let alone any of his other negative traits. As I said he gets super defensive about relationships and stuff, which is ironic because he has claimed to dislike incels before.

If you did a tabletop pen and paper RPG version of Josh, it wouldn't be as bad as Chris but it would strain the system.
As far as his family is concerned: What family? He never kept up with maintaining connections with his relatives or his father. Didn't he mention that the house his mother used to live in burned down?

Josh doesn't reside in Belgrade. Someone told us it was confirmed he lives in the Ruma area about 35 miles north of Belgrade. I am having a lot of trouble believing this.
The house burning down wasn't a recent event. Even before the Vordrak drama Null's relationships with his extended family were distant.

None of the "diary" excerpts posted by Elaine read like Null's "voice".
So I decided to do some research into this "nenetl" that the ChatGPT generated secret diary of Null is copyright-attributed to:

View attachment 33522


I discovered that Elaine had mentioned Nenetl before, namely in this Twitter exchange with Dynastia @DongerStaples:

View attachment 33523

In this tweet, Elaine suggests the following:

1) Null allegedly had a girlfriend back in 2015 called Tesco or @Tescosfinest (I doubt this because Null said he was still talking to Clara Stockings back in 2015, as he also told Hotwheels who mentioned it in his Medium article about the Infinity Next fallout. If Null in 2015 was still pinning his hopes on getting with Clara, why was there another woman?)

2) A group of women on KF became jealous of Tesco for being Null's supposed girlfriend, so they got together to harass and attack her (... imagine being jealous of a woman having to date someone like Null, LMAO. Either these women are young, or mentally ill, or both.)

3) Nenetl was one of these women harassing and attacking Tesco. The other women were Sandwich (a German woman), Jacki and SevenEightNine. The four of them were harassing Tesco for 7 years since 2015, so well into the present day of 2023.

4) Elaine then includes an excerpt of a presumably longer chat/DM session cropped from a pastebin file, where someone called "Moldy Tampon" is responding to @Tescosfinest saying: "when there's enough of us and we're fully integrated we'll start demanding RIGHTS and SPECIAL PRIVILEGES and overthrow this place and create a kiwi caliphate". It's unclear what "this place" is (the chatroom? KiwiFarms? The internet in general?). The comment was clearly in jest, appropriating typical SJW activist language. If this chat/DM session is real, then Elaine ought to give out the link to the pastebin file itself, so we can read it in context and understand why "Moldy Tampon" was saying these things to Tesco.

5) Elaine suggests that Null and Dynastia were aware of the fact that a group of KF women were harassing Tesco but suggests they both condoned this harassment. This is really strange because why would Null condone a group of KF women harassing his girlfriend? Why not just ban them all? (Because he sadistically enjoys watching these women have a catfight over him?)

So if Nenetl is an actual woman on KF and not a figment of Elaine's imagination, and the ChatGPT-generated secret diary of Null is attributed to Nenetl... this story still begs a number of questions:

1) If the secret diary of Null is a real document that Nenetl has, why did Nenetl copyright-attribute it to herself? If the diary is written by Null, then he retains the copyrights. Even if he somehow gave the diary to someone else (and why would he do that?), the contents are still his. Nenetl is kinda giving herself away here.

2) The copyright-attribution suggests that it was likely Nenetl who created this diary, who then copyrighted it to herself, perhaps to prevent someone else from using it. Who else had access to this diary?

3) How did Elaine obtain this document? Is she in touch with one of the women who were harassing Tesco or with Tesco herself? Perhaps Elaine is in touch with Nenetl herself? What if it was one of these women who gave Elaine a fake ChatGPT-generated diary to fuck with her? Who else could've given Elaine the diary?

Elaine is going to have to release a lot of receipts to make this story semi-believable.

I already know that Elaine doesn't bother to fact-check any of the information she find online, because she read my post here on OF where I mentioned the RUMOUR that Null travelled to Ukraine to meet Weev, and she went and repeated this RUMOUR on Twitter as if it was already an established fact, while trying to contact Weev himself through her blackhat friends. Neither Null or Weev have ever confirmed this rumour that they've met.

This is why, unless I am presented with hard evidence that the secret diary of Null is real and genuine, I will just assume it's a ChatGPT generated hoax that someone, perhaps Nenetl herself, passed on to Elaine just to fuck with her.

Still, Elaine can read some entries from the diary on her Livestream just for the lulz.

The ChatGPT I'm training is already getting better at writing these diary entries, check this out:

View attachment 33524

View attachment 33527View attachment 33526
Tl:dr: Insane in the Elaine.