What stereotypes though? Most men don't fit what I've seen trannies describe as the "male stereotype" which seems really poorly defined at the best of times by people who make it their business to talk about those things. I hear a lot about "toxic masculinity" but I don't know what that is. Is it playing sports and lifting and eating raw steak every day?
Since we're on the topic of kids...
A football team consists of 11 players, a high school probably has 15-22 players per team (maybe). The average high school population is 514 in the USA according to:
If you assume an even divide between girls and boys, that's 257 boys; so if being competitive/playing sports is the metric, then only 4.2% of a high school's population "fits gender stereotypes"
Meanwhile STEM fields are stereotypically male, but the feminists have been trying to make STEM subjects 50/50, in other words, trying to "break down" the "stereotype" and yet a lot of trannies I see on the internet are in STEM fields, either engineers, some kind of tech field, programmers, etc... So how does the stereotype work here? Because I don't get it, if STEM is being pushed as gender neutral then I guess it can't be seen as stereotypically male.. and yet I don't see many trannies on the internet going into stereotypically female fields so how does that work?
Is it just clothes? Because if it's just clothes, trannies dress like stereotypically masculine men of the 1600s.
View attachment 22524
So.. STEM doesn't count and only 4.2% of the high school population meet the "stereotypically" male interests and clothes really don't mean anything because fashion changes all the time. Hell, who knows, kilts might come back into fashion, or togas or robes or some shit, maybe we'll start harvesting whale bones to make male corsets again in 2030 lol.
People aren't bullied for going against stereotypes. They're bullied for being weird. If I dressed up like a 16th century nobleman with a corset and frilly socks when I was in high school I'd expect to be bullied for being a weirdo.
Case and point:
View attachment 22526
This kid gets bullied as much or more than trannies do for dressing like a fucking retard with a cane.