• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.


What would you like to see done with the political content and countries subforum?

  • Total voters
Ken's announcements can be found here concerning the onionverse
I didn't know you were actually autistic. I still don't know why you won't grant my simple request to remove my name from the site. I don't want associations with kiwifarms or any offshoot, both because I find the culture morally deplorable and because I have a storied history with stalkers from the alt-right. I would be far less abrasive if you weren't being a weird dickhead about this.
I am consulting with staff on this issue right now.
I didn't know you were actually autistic. I still don't know why you won't grant my simple request to remove my name from the site. I don't want associations with kiwifarms or any offshoot, both because I find the culture morally deplorable and because I have a storied history with stalkers from the alt-right. I would be far less abrasive if you weren't being a weird dickhead about this.
because you brings traffic, without you this site is just KF gossiping, along with occasional KF rapefugees who try to spread their racist/transphobic bullshit here.
because you brings traffic, without you this site is just KF gossiping, along with occasional KF rapefugees who try to spread their racist/transphobic bullshit here.
This asserts I bring traffic and make content on my present account, which has no identifying details. I don't really believe that, but if true and I left this site would be a shadow right? No content.

That's why I think the autistic 65 year old man who runs this place (bless his heart) should honor my simple request if he wants the good stuff to keep coming. I have so much in the pipeline. My mind is wonderful. There are so many retards I can pick fights with and make them question their life decisions. This is easy mode.
This asserts I bring traffic and make content on my present account
No. We post regardless of what nutty shit you post. However, if you stopped posting here, no one would give a fuck, or ever mention it.
That's why I think the autistic 65 year old man who runs this place (bless his heart) should honor my simple request if he wants the good stuff to keep coming
Good stuff? I personally think that you should own up to the lies you've told, and the mistakes you've made. Not for me, I wouldn't get anything out of it, but you would be better off. (Really? Good Stuff? You're a bigot on a level with the Nation of Islam. You are borderline educationally subnormal. Insufferably smug. And fat.

I dare you Ash, in fact I double fucking dare you, to go on a skitzo posting strike. Don't post here for a week. See what happen to the site.
I honestly don't read anything you post because it looks like psychotic word salad and I'm going to assume you were so terrible you got kicked off kiwi farms in spite of wanting to belong there.
I honestly don't read anything you post
Clearly, but then you don't get to comment on it if you don't. Do you, retard?
looks like psychotic word salad
Because you are an illiterate bint. And a compulsive liar.
I'm going to assume you were so terrible you got kicked off kiwi farms in spite of wanting to belong there.
You're a danger to yourself and the people around you. Luckily you are so stupid, you dox'd yourself. So the ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS WHAT A VILE, MORONIC CUNT YOU ARE. Last bit was allcaps, because I know you have problems reading past a 1st grade level.

Oh, and I got banned for pointing out joshy is the biggest (and nonceist of all cows). He doesn't like that. You're a nonce too, aren't you?
No I explicitly asked for any doxxing information to be removed, dumbass.
Then why are you constantly @'ing people? Retard. There is no purpose served, you posting here, other than to draw attention (that your husband doesn't give you) to yourself.
You're the one who started interacting with me not the other way around.
It's a public forum, short bus, if you have a problem with that: STOP USING THE FORUM. People will soon forget about you, no matter how much that hurts your malignant ego.