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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
He later went on to write a Kindle essay about gun control.
But not writing about kids killing each other control.
I myself own a copy of Bachman's anthology.
As a kid (like preteen) I bought the "BBs" along with NIght Shift, Cujo and a couple of others. This was back in the 80s, and they were dirt cheap, even for then (like a dollar in todays money. I do wish I'd kept the BBs, as it's going for quite a bit on ebay. However, he is a rubbish writer (altho' a bit about that later), really for early teens. TBF, the last thing I read by him that was "current" (in fact the last thing I read of his) was Rose Madder, which really is for chicks (if it wasn't all along, people don't really know this... but the 70s Drive In horror thing (which King cashed in on) was aimed at young women. fr. Halloween? That was a chick movie.
Just watch his time will be up pretty soon.
THis all depends on how much Kamala/Dem backlash there is. There is a realization in parts of the media, that the "REEEEEE TRUMP"ing for views thing is over. People are bored of it, and are beginning to throw some Dems under the bus, there might be a cull of the celebs who said dinny woke things (punishment for not hating Trump enough on media), but... what the fuck has he done since...? He started being a bloke who just said really cringe things.

I'll never get over the conspiracy that Stephen King shot John Lennon
There was a conspiracy theory, I heard this 20 years or so ago, that he was a front for some CIA psy op, that he maybe written some of the early stuff, but it was being knocked out by some team, I think to normalize noncery, if memory serves.
Feeling vindicated that I have never read a Stephen King novel
Zoomer. I can say, you didn't miss much. The awe he is seen with, in some circles, is a sign of general arrested development in the West. The two actual great films from his work (Carrie and The Shining) are great, not because of King's writing, but because they are directed by great directors.
THis all depends on how much Kamala/Dem backlash there is. There is a realization in parts of the media, that the "REEEEEE TRUMP"ing for views thing is over. People are bored of it, and are beginning to throw some Dems under the bus, there might be a cull of the celebs who said dinny woke things (punishment for not hating Trump enough on media), but... what the fuck has he done since...? He started being a bloke who just said really cringe things.
Mainstream news outlets have already shifted their tone. They're unlikely to produce overtly anti-Trump media anymore, as they appear to have aligned with him. After four years, public fatigue with constant Trump criticism has set in, especially as he has emerged victorious in multiple arenas—winning his court cases, surviving assassination attempts, and being deemed immune to prosecution by judges after his election victory. If Hollywood actors continue to attack him, they'll likely face backlash as well.
"I am so highly excited! But actually, my excitement is not really that high."
and being deemed immune to prosecution by judges after his election victory.
THere was nothing to convict him of, they literally made shit up about him, and he is one of the most investigated people, even pre being president. If someone wants to spend the time, I can't be bothered, but Trump was involved in a hotel project in some Stan country, this means he would have been looked at by the USA gov, so they know everything about him.

However, that's not the interesting thing, the hotel never opened, it seems the project feel through. The weird thing is... they put the building there, without putting in roads (iirc) and the whole thing seemed to be more like some kind of black op intel outpost.

But one the other hand, Trump only tried to kiss his daughter... not get caught on video numerous times LITERALLY molesting kids, like Biden.
But not writing about kids killing each other control.
I think in Kings case he knows it's only a matter of time before the mob turns on him. So in a desperate bid he's trying to come across as progressive and woke.
However if I did write the definitive school shooter manifesto. I would quietly distance myself from it.
As a kid (like preteen) I bought the "BBs" along with NIght Shift, Cujo and a couple of others. This was back in the 80s, and they were dirt cheap, even for then (like a dollar in todays money. I do wish I'd kept the BBs, as it's going for quite a bit on ebay. However, he is a rubbish writer (altho' a bit about that later), really for early teens. TBF, the last thing I read by him that was "current" (in fact the last thing I read of his) was Rose Madder, which really is for chicks (if it wasn't all along, people don't really know this... but the 70s Drive In horror thing (which King cashed in on) was aimed at young women. fr. Halloween? That was a chick movie.
His books used to be abundant and cheap as they were seen as dime store trash novels. Now there scarce especially the older ones. I only ended up with a copy cuz my ex was quite a fan of his.
There was a conspiracy theory, I heard this 20 years or so ago, that he was a front for some CIA psy op, that he maybe written some of the early stuff, but it was being knocked out by some team, I think to normalize noncery, if memory serves.
The theory about Stephen King has been floating around for as long as I can remember. As for the normalizing of pedophilia that's not a conspiracy theory that's an ongoing attempt from many powerful ngos and other lobbyist groups.
Zoomer. I can say, you didn't miss much. The awe he is seen with, in some circles, is a sign of general arrested development in the West. The two actual great films from his work (Carrie and The Shining) are great, not because of King's writing, but because they are directed by great directors.
Again King cannot make movies when he does he come across Goofy and trashy. Maximum override and creepshow are a good example.
One of these days he will be cancelled and I can't wait for people to burn his books soon.
Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't yet which is why I think he constantly tries to reinvent himself as one of the good ones. I don't think history will look too fondly upon him and his writings.
Personally I've always been a Dean kootz fan. But then again I don't have taste and I like a good trash novel now and then.
I haven't read them since my teens, but they fit the bill of what you're talking about, two brit authors James Herbert
I think I read the fog by him many years ago so I have heard of them
(was "UKs King") and Sean Hutson, who was like "What the Metal Bands read" author.
Hudson is someone I'm not too familiar with.

Dean Koontz novels are best described as watered down Stephen King though I do like his style it's a bit more it's more distinctive and some of his works like brother odd or just a more enjoyable read.
I think in Kings case he knows it's only a matter of time before the mob turns on him. So in a desperate bid he's trying to come across as progressive and woke.
However if I did write the definitive school shooter manifesto. I would quietly distance myself from it
Rage for the School Shooter; Catcher in the Rye for the celeb-politician murderer.
Rage for the School Shooter; Catcher in the Rye for the celeb-politician murderer.
I never understand why catcher in the rye attracted so many nutters. It's Book about the loss of Innocence and feeling depressed about growing into adulthood and accepting the responsibilities of it. It deals with themes of depression and mental illness.
It's a great read. Rage is not a bad short story having read it a couple times you really get a feel for the protagonist King really nailed the school shooter persona. Too bad fagots are going to act like fagots this is why we can't have anything nice.
I never understand why catcher in the rye attracted so many nutters. It's Book about the loss of Innocence and feeling depressed about growing into adulthood and accepting the responsibilities of it. It deals with themes of depression and mental illness.
I read it, never felt anything for Holden Caulfield but annoyance. Everybody in my class either hated him (whether it'd be from his status as a politician's son, his relative freedom from anything, his personality, etc) or thought the book was meandering and didn't speak to them.
I read it, never felt anything for Holden Caulfield but annoyance. Everybody in my class either hated him (whether it'd be from his status as a politician's son, his relative freedom from anything, his personality, etc) or thought the book was meandering and didn't speak to them.
That's the thing I don't think you're supposed to sympathize with him. I've always interpreted the character as being a warning. That if you don't grow up and face your fears then you remain a childish emotionally unstable adult. Peter Pan syndrome if you will, That's why the book for me still resonates nowadays. We have so many adults like this that avoid all responsibility when it comes to growing up.
Re: Catcher in the Rye, it's the selective reading that's annoying about the murderers who read it. The point of Catcher in the Rye is that Holden is ignored and degraded by everyone who is supposed to take care of him, including a drunken come on from a schoolteacher. He longs for authenticity and rants about the phonies because he's surrounded by shallow people including members of his own family. He wants to protect his little sister Phoebe from experiencing the loss of innocence as he had hence the fantasy about being a catcher in the rye; he's depressed and has been used but he hasn't lost that sense of innate goodness. He wants to nurture new life and protect them from the things that want to hurt them. The tragedy is in how far the world goes to crush his spark and that he has unwittingly damaged his little sister, though at least they love one another and look after each other.

It's a very poignant novel that describes late adolescence and how we hurt one another, often deliberately and sometimes by accident and the subsequent depression and anxiety that follows. Boomers ruined it because they thought Holden was a rebel against the system or something. No one wanted to admit that Holden is just a guy and that many young lads go through the exact same shit he did (the gay child molesting teacher, the family that doesn't care, being an older son and knowing your little sister will make something of herself while you dry up into a husk). And that there is no system in place to protect young boys from these horrors hence they are like Holden, wanting to protect the new generation but paralyzed by indecision. At least Holden goes into psychiatric care iirc so there is some hope for him and young boys who will inevitably follow him because they too will be failed by every single authority figure and guardian in their lives.

It's a poignant snapshot into the life of a failson.