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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
@kiwifails Ah yes, the master plan: orchestrate school shootings to ignite a civil war, crown Trump as Supreme Leader, and outlaw feelings. And naturally, once the dust settles, houses will cost 2 cents again because that’s how economics works. Truly, a 4D chess move for the ages.

You forgot the part where the foids will seize the means of reproduction and enslave the moids and send them back to the caves.
Am I to infer that you think the "manifesto" (6 page doc Slatz put out) is fake? Y'see, the "Slatz published (with watermarks) Manifesto" seems to paint Rupnow as a moany teenager, who hated everyone, not men in particular, which doesn't really line up with...
Slatz has a loose connection with the truth in general. Just ask her about her time she spent in Dubai getting tens of thousands of dollars in cosmetic surgeries seemingly for free afterwards.
Wouldn't it be funny, if the MSM pick up on the Femcel thing... and start looking at Commie Farms (a left wing site, regardless of the Fad Trad crowd.
That we are in agreement over. It's people to the left of Obama complaining about trannies being the line in the sand crossed in the progressive crusade.
Slatz has a loose connection with the truth in general.
All I know about her is: Gays thought she was lidl... and joshys gf. But that's because Gays is mentally retarded.
It's people to the left of Obama complaining about trannies being the line in the sand crossed in the progressive crusade.
It's terfs. They are lefties. They are "Muh pay-tree-RRR-KEEEYYYY", they were woke cunts, until their privilege card declined because the Cultural Marxism is favouring Trannies. Well, that's the risk you take when you play Professional Victim Politics.

Now, here's a funny thing (as in not funny ha ha)...
Spwate claims that Rupnow was in a 746 telegram group.
All I know about her is: Gays thought she was lidl... and joshys gf. But that's because Gays is mentally retarded.
LCF has a decent thread (if you're willing to just skip the feminist kvetching throughout) about how she spent time in Dubai doing the usual online whore thing of getting pissed on by rich Arabs to fund her plastic surgery addiction. Slatz is just a far left online grifter who does lip service to the right to get simp money.
It's terfs. They are lefties.
Spwate claims that Rupnow was in a 746 telegram group.
These points seems related. Odd how every other school shooter is painted as responsible for their own actions but the first female one is painted as a poor victim of evil men that made them shoot up that school.
Dubai doing the usual online whore thing of getting pissed on by rich Arabs to further the cause of stronk and bwave wymbymnists
Your wrong thunk has been corrected moid. jk. This is the cog dis of fembintism. When the guys still want to fuck you... it's free love, being liberated, blah blah blah (because you know that the bastard kids will live off of (mainly male funded) guvgibs), then you hit the wall and become (even more) jealous of the Stacys, and call whoring/porn bad, and "Muh Partridge in a PAY_TREE=ARE...KEEEY" (it's Chrimbo).

Funny how the Slatz's manifesto (the one she says comes from the bf of Rupnow. A bit of a sperg incoming, but this is reminding me of the time Soph started e-dating that Brazilian guy (Vaporub boy?) and he became the guy who had radicalized poor Soph, instead her brother who wrote everything (because girls can't be rude, mean or bigoted, or worst of all BEING FUNNY DOING IT. Cuz in her day, Soph was funny, albeit in a brief moment of nerdy looking girl channeling Marshall McLuhan and Sam Kinison*. Then she started just reading bollocks off of wiki.
Odd how every other school shooter is painted as responsible for their own actions but the first female one is painted as a poor victim of evil men that made them shoot up that school.
There is one interesting (part) exception. Dylan Klebold. He gets treated like a chick. The narrative that he was groomed by Eric. While the evidence supports Eric being the "Butch", Dylan was still an enabler, even if he was more "pass ag".

nfn Stephen King withdrew Rage from publication at one point, which has raised my eyebrow. However, a year before that Massacre at Central High was released (Heathers the 80s movie ripped it off, which no one ever talks about, it is literally the same film). And Yanks (seemingly since JFK got his wig split) just love to randomly shoot up shit, for whatever reason (in Sirhan Sirhan case MKULTRA).
someone must have posted the evidence that links JOSHUA CONNOR NULl to the secret cabal of BP Mass Shooter trainers that have a plan to overtake the United States and declare Gay Shota Martial Law

Maybe someone posted screenshots of her posting on KF or talking about reading it. Time will tell but that's all I can think of.

Am I the only one who thinks writing a manifesto is dumb? It's more funny to keep people guessing and if you're about to die the last thing you should want to do is write some tldr report. That's too much work for someone who isn't going to see the results. Shooting them and being done with it sounds better. Especially if someone else can write if for you afterwards, is that cheating?

School shooters are like the poor fucks who kill themselves (and school shootings are indeed an elaborate form of suicide.) They build up a revenge fantasy in their minds where their manifesto/suicide note gets read out loud to a crowd or something and everyone cries and says shit like "if only we had listened." The manifestos are retarded but it's because they are narcissistic wails for attention.

People who kill themselves without leaving notes are slightly more respectable IMO because they focused on actually offing themselves instead of snidely trying to one up their family members and/or bullies from beyond the grave.

Hope it was worth it for this dumb bitch, rest in piss murderer.
nfn Stephen King withdrew Rage from publication at one point, which has raised my eyebrow.
He looks like he escaped whoville. Keep him away from kids too, I heard about the part that didn't make it into It.
Reason: I think that was actually him in that movie and he didn't even need makeup like everyone else.
Your wrong thunk has been corrected moid. jk. This is the cog dis of fembintism. When the guys still want to fuck you... it's free love, being liberated, blah blah blah (because you know that the bastard kids will live off of (mainly male funded) guvgibs), then you hit the wall and become (even more) jealous of the Stacys, and call whoring/porn bad, and "Muh Partridge in a PAY_TREE=ARE...KEEEY" (it's Chrimbo).

Funny how the Slatz's manifesto (the one she says comes from the bf of Rupnow. A bit of a sperg incoming, but this is reminding me of the time Soph started e-dating that Brazilian guy (Vaporub boy?) and he became the guy who had radicalized poor Soph, instead her brother who wrote everything (because girls can't be rude, mean or bigoted, or worst of all BEING FUNNY DOING IT. Cuz in her day, Soph was funny, albeit in a brief moment of nerdy looking girl channeling Marshall McLuhan and Sam Kinison*. Then she started just reading bollocks off of wiki.

There is one interesting (part) exception. Dylan Klebold. He gets treated like a chick. The narrative that he was groomed by Eric. While the evidence supports Eric being the "Butch", Dylan was still an enabler, even if he was more "pass ag".

nfn Stephen King withdrew Rage from publication at one point, which has raised my eyebrow. However, a year before that Massacre at Central High was released (Heathers the 80s movie ripped it off, which no one ever talks about, it is literally the same film). And Yanks (seemingly since JFK got his wig split) just love to randomly shoot up shit, for whatever reason (in Sirhan Sirhan case MKULTRA).
Here's what he says: My book did not break [school shooters] or turn them into killers; they found something in my book that spoke to them because they were already broken. Yet I did see Rage as a possible accelerant, which is why I pulled it from sale.

King decided to stop the publication of his Bachman books because Rage was found in not only one school shooters possession but four of them. He later went on to write a Kindle essay about gun control.

I myself own a copy of Bachman's anthology. And I'm my opinion he shouldn't be self censoring. As this just makes the novel more mythicalized and gives it undeserved prestige.
Reason: Spelling
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Here's what he says: My book did not break [school shooters] or turn them into killers; they found something in my book that spoke to them because they were already broken. Yet I did see Rage as a possible accelerant, which is why I pulled it from sale.

King decided to stop the publication of his Bachman books because Rage was found in not only one school shooters possession but four of them. He later went on to write a Kindle essay about gun control.

I myself own a copy of Bachman's anthology. And I'm my opinion he shouldn't be self censoring. As this just makes the that more mythicalized and gives it undeserved prestige.
Yup. King is losing his mind. Pretty soon he will be canceled for raping some bitches and kids. Just watch his time will be up pretty soon.
Yup. King is losing his mind. Pretty soon he will be canceled for raping some bitches and kids. Just watch his time will be up pretty soon.
Given some of the more questionable things he's written like the child sex orgy scene in IT. I'm surprised he hasn't ended up on the list of unmentionables
Especially the shot gun anal tape in the Stand
Anal sex using a shotgun in The Stand (1978)

Yes, you read that right. In the full-length version of The Stand, a pyromaniac named the Trashcan Man encounters a psychopath called the Kid sometime during his cross-country wanderings. Trash and the Kid travel together for a while. At one point, Trash wakes up and finds the Kid in bed with him, demanding he jerk him off. Caught off-guard, Trash reluctantly agrees, but with the vigor and enthusiasm the Kid desires.

Then, since he's a psychopath, the Kid shoves the butt of a rifle into Trash's cans ass