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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Ok redditor
Why is "Reddit spacing" a bad thing? (Besides you read others say something about it before, you spoonfed water head tar baby)
Here is your pizza
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Debate @SSj_Ness on whether he should have sex with a furry now that Trump has won.

Under Project 2025 SSJ Nigger will be euthanized

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Trump supporters attempted to do a raid on the Trump Enslavement Syndrome thread.

They can't even raid threads properly, jesus wept

They have the same userbase of epic bacon childfree millennials tbh

Isn't he gonna get deported?

Trump will euthanize all the brownoids at the pound so families can adopt family friendly migrants.
BPhags: haha look at these munchie losers doc shopping lol lmao
Also BPhags: I WILL doc shop (online) to get shit for PERFECT pale skin! ☺️

(I'm really convinced this one is also a man larping as a russian commie techie grill, of course with a husband but posting in DMZ. Xe writes like a man and responds like one when xem doesn't get the expected asspatting reply)
BPhags: haha look at these munchie losers doc shopping lol lmao
Also BPhags: I WILL doc shop (online) to get shit for PERFECT pale skin! ☺️
View attachment 74415
(I'm really convinced this one is also a man larping as a russian commie techie grill, of course with a husband but posting in DMZ. Xe writes like a man and responds like one when xem doesn't get the expected asspatting reply)
Iirc this user has also talked at length about having botox (maybe even actual plastic surgery too) and laser hair removal which runs contrary to most of the women and "women" on the site:

not saying that doing those things makes this faggot a tranny, but he also posted about being basically autistic to the point of psychopathy in some "ask women for advice" thread (Link to one part) which weirded out the other "female" users and then is really into tech.

An autistic female hyperobsessed with beauty but also a tech nerd?
No that's a troon.
meo 1.png
meo 2.png
meo 3.png
My Earnest Opinions, who claims to have been at AellaGirl's gangbang and says he was on a No-Fap streak for almost 100 days before getting a blowjob from a Jewish woman, is gravedancing on Odd Opossum's profile wall almost five months after OO's ban.
"Schizos can be right because their spiritual antennae are attuned to forms of reality beyond this material plane. They almost always have trouble interpreting the 'data' they receive, which is why what they say is oftentimes off, but even when there's no palpable material basis for what some of them claim, they can get it right because they're just attuned to things that non-schizos are not."
BPhags: haha look at these munchie losers doc shopping lol lmao
Also BPhags: I WILL doc shop (online) to get shit for PERFECT pale skin! ☺️
View attachment 74415
(I'm really convinced this one is also a man larping as a russian commie techie grill, of course with a husband but posting in DMZ. Xe writes like a man and responds like one when xem doesn't get the expected asspatting reply)
TBH, I can see having to do that because hydroquinone has a lot of both pseudoscientific and some legit issues with it. Doctors don't trust it as much as they once did though serious side effects are rare.
You can develop ochrononis as early as 6 months, that's why the recommendation is to use it for 5 months at a time. A bluish-black discolouration of the skin. It's very suspect that the user isn't mentioning this, as people with a health conditions are able to throw out information about it as easily as they breathe. Of course over time, but the supposed girl he's larping as have experience with it.

I don't find it likely that anyone with vitiligo would say tretinoin+hydroquinone=perfect pale skin. Absolutely troon speech, and one that actually suffers with the condition would be more humble about it and be glad they have found a solution. Because having skin condition do impact your mental health, especially younger girls.
(I'm really convinced this one is also a man larping as a russian commie techie grill, of course with a husband but posting in DMZ. Xe writes like a man and responds like one when xem doesn't get the expected asspatting reply)
Iirc this user has also talked at length about having botox (maybe even actual plastic surgery too) and laser hair removal which runs contrary to most of the women and "women" on the site:
not saying that doing those things makes this faggot a tranny, but he also posted about being basically autistic to the point of psychopathy in some "ask women for advice" thread (Link to one part) which weirded out the other "female" users and then is really into tech.

An autistic female hyperobsessed with beauty but also a tech nerd?
No that's a troon.
He used to be Snov and would talk about the distinctions between WW2 tanks and planes. Fairly confident it's just a tranny slavaboo considering their old tech autistic sperging is always about western stuff that was never exported during any relevant time frame. Whitening obsession points to it just being a brown tranny. Hey, he's halfway to SS9.