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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
lidl drip.png
So there was a story in A&H about a 9 yr old Brazilian boy who tortured, dismembered and killed dozens of bunnies and a few guinea pigs. Of course people are saying execute him... but a couple had to be contrarian and be mad about that.
I personally think it would be better to kill a kid who kills animals, whether that be through euthanasia or execution. We all know serial killers start with targets like small animals in childhood.
ssj_nigger chimes in, mad that it's not about babyrapers.

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Surprised KF doesn't give him an honorary membership and mod position.
I find it interesting that Lidl bursts into a thread to be contrarian and then the thread gets locked not long after. I think Lidl is null of course and null is mad that people want young offenders to have punishment because he could have easily been one. Think about how he talked about a cat being burned to death.


I find it interesting that Lidl bursts into a thread to be contrarian and then the thread gets locked not long after. I think Lidl is null of course and null is mad that people want young offenders to have punishment because he could have easily been one. Think about how he talked about a cat being burned to death.

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That level of introspection would earn most other users a ban for infighting.
Pooners are little Angels fallen from heaven and must be protected at all cost.
Ex TIMS like Ruin are the devil and must be ridiculed and ostracized.
KF fell so far into the Terf Ghetto.
He's talking about the Kiwis, I see you, Nullo.
Hideous levels of powerleveling in the Polissa thread. No wonder I ignored it for a year.

I'm a guy and I lived with a Polissa a long time ago. She knew full well that I would never lay a finger on her (and that even if she was wrong about that and I actually did, my life would be ruined and/or she could blackmail me about it), and so she knew she could push my buttons all day every day without any consequence. Why some women do that I don't know, I think it's BPD and a desire for the drama it creates, but in the end it's just emotional and psychological domestic abuse. And yeah, I knew it was time to get the fuck out when I found myself seriously wondering about the logistics of disposing of a body because it seemed the only way to get her permanently out of my life. In the end the breakup was as horrific as you would expect breaking up with an abusive BPD psycho to be, but I learned a lot about emotional resilience from the experience.

Joh is a retard for popping her, but he's a known angry retard and that's not a surprise. I bet Polissa is delighted that Joh hit her, she can hold that against him forever. I can imagine what an existence with a self-centred narcissist like Polissa must be like. People like that (men and women) have ways of psychologically trapping you in hellish relationships with them. The main two methods are firstly to destroy your self-esteem and self-confidence by constant criticism and nagging, and the occasional explosive outburst of rage, and secondly to make you dependent on them. This is most apparent in Poh and Joh's relationship when the two of them describe driving together. Poh is a chronic back-seat driver, a situation made worse by the way Joh reacts to criticism by doubling down on whatever stupid thing he did just to show 'em (a trait he shares with other egotistical retards like Cobes or Pat Tomlinson), giving her even more reason to bitch at him. But at the same time, he's said that he thinks it's Poh's responsibility to teach him to drive. She has manipulated him into thinking she's the only one who can help him. Also remember that she makes phone calls for him because he's too much of a retard to make them - but also it means that he feels he needs her in order to be functional. Her continued picking away at his self-esteem means that he probably believes that he can't do better than Poh, whereas even in his current state he probably can, especially if he calms the fuck down (which getting away from Poh would assist with to no end).

I've repeatedly called Poh a human barnacle - she will glue herself to someone and provide nothing for them, while leeching resources from them and the environment. People like Poh are black holes. No matter how much you give them they never give anything back. They're always asking for handouts to "just get back on my feet" and then just stay attached to their victims indefinitely. The only solution to dealing with them is to just walk away, otherwise they will ruin your life and that of your family, by draining time, money and emotional energy that should be going into people who will reciprocate. What destroyed Joh's relationship with his family? Poh did, by moving him into the Tub Trailer and making him fix it up, which in turn made him demand help from his family over and over which eventually became so aggressive they cut him off entirely. The most skilled abusers don't just isolate you from friends and family - they manipulate you into doing it yourself, and that's what Poh has done to Joh. She knows he's angry and stupid, so she knows that she pushes him into situations where he will tard out at his support network he will lose it and become completely dependent on her for everything, so she can drain him into the kind of husk he is now.

Joh is too stupid to see that Polissa is doing this to him. I don't know what his relationship history was before he met her, but if he was inexperienced (like I was when I was with my own Polissa) he won't know to recognise any red flags. I think Joh will stay for a long time. Him trying to beg forgiveness from Poh rather than taking the opportunity to run for the hills may turn out to be the biggest mistake of his life. This will be the pattern from now on, she will make his life hell, he will snap and do something stupid, and she will make him prostrate himself and tighten the ratchet. He'll never spot the pattern.

I'd feel sorry for him if he wasn't such a cunt.

I cannot take it any more. I worked from the time I was 16 and put money aside for my future but unfortunately I had a son who failed to thrive and as an adult encountered multiple health issues that rendered him unable to keep a job. Chronic pancreatitis as well as a brain aneurysm were only two of the the things that kept him down. Medicaid? No ma'am. Your son is the wrong color. Disability? LOL--not today. Try again next year.

My husband and I lost everything we had paying for hospital bills, surgeries, and a craniotomy that failed to save his life. We ended up going bankrupt, lost our house, and at our advanced ages,(72&67) we are still working to stay afloat. Luckily we worked a long time so that we get decent SSI, but not enough to keep up in this economy. But now I have a dire cancer diagnosis and had to quit work, so we tighten the belt some more. WE WILL BE FINE.

This is life, ladies and gentlemen. We are survivors--just like all of those who survive. We don't hold our hands out or blame the government. Dependence on the government is what is wrong with people. And even though we were forced into bankruptcy once, we got back out great credit rating.

I say this because we all have our stories to tell. And the difference is whether you are going to be a "Poor Little Pissa" or whether you will buck up and thrive and stop blaming everyone else for your misfortunes.

Sorry, but chemo makes me grumpy.